Threat Intelligence with MISP Part 7 — Exporting IOCs
2023-11-15 02:5:48 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:10 收藏

Adam Goss

InfoSec Write-ups

Welcome back to this series on using MISP for threat intelligence!

MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform and Threat Sharing) is an open-source threat intelligence platform that allows you to share, collate, analyze, and distribute threat intelligence. It is used across industries and governments worldwide to share and analyze information about the latest threats. This series aims to give you the knowledge you need to get up and running with MISP as quickly as possible.

If you have followed this series, you will now have events and attributes (IOCs) in your MISP instance and know how to interact with these using MISP’s API. Today, you learn to use the API to export attributes in your MISP instance as IOCs that you can upload to security solutions for detection and blocking.

Let’s get started making MISP data actionable by exporting IOCs!

MISP is designed to hold all types of cyber threat intelligence, from strategic to operational intelligence. One of the fundamental benefits of cyber threat intelligence is the consumption and distribution of Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) that can be used to proactively defend your environment from the latest cyber threats (operational intelligence).

  • You can create detections to alert you when one of your hosts connects to a malicious domain.
  • You can hunt for a hacking tool in your environment using the tool’s file hash
  • You can automatically block known malicious IP addresses from connecting to your network.

All of these measures, whether they fall under threat hunting or detection engineering, are the most basic way to defend against cyber threats, and you need to be utilizing them.

You need an easy way to consume, analyze, and distribute IOCs to do this. You have already seen in this series how to store and consume IOCs using MISP events and feeds. The final piece of the puzzle is learning how to distribute these IOCs effectively to your security operations team so they can take action and perform threat hunting or detection engineering to defend your environment from threats.
