How to Remove WordPress Version Number?
2023-11-16 15:7:30 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:13 收藏

Sandeep Vishwakarma

InfoSec Write-ups

Are you interested in learning how to eliminate the WordPress version number from your website?

WordPress typically showcases its version in the header, RSS, and various areas throughout the site. If you’re using WordPress, you’ve likely come across security recommendations advising the concealment of the version number.

Despite its popularity, this measure isn’t foolproof.

In this article, I’ll explore whether removing the WordPress version from your site has any impact on security and guide you through the process of doing so safely.

Removing the WordPress version number from your website is often considered a security best practice. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Security through Obscurity: While not a foolproof security measure, removing the version number can be a form of “security through obscurity.” This means that by hiding certain information (in this case, the WordPress version), you make it slightly more difficult for potential attackers to identify vulnerabilities specific to that version.

2. Avoiding Targeted Attacks: If attackers know the specific version of WordPress you are using and are aware of vulnerabilities associated with that version, they may be able to exploit those vulnerabilities to compromise your site. Removing the version number can make your site less of a target for automated attacks looking for specific versions with known vulnerabilities.

3. Delayed Updates: Some website owners may delay updating their WordPress installation for various reasons, and if the version number is visible, it can make it easier for attackers to target sites running outdated software.

While removing the version number contributes to security, it’s important to note that it is just one aspect of a comprehensive security strategy. Keeping your WordPress installation, themes, and plugins up-to-date, using strong passwords, implementing secure coding practices, and employing additional security measures are equally crucial for maintaining a secure website.

Does hiding WordPress version help in security?

Hiding the WordPress version number can be considered a minor security measure, but it is not a comprehensive solution on its own. Here are some points to consider:

1. Obscurity vs. Security: Hiding the WordPress version falls under the concept of “security through obscurity.” This means that by concealing certain information (in this case, the version number), you make it less straightforward for potential attackers to identify vulnerabilities specific to that version. However, relying solely on obscurity is not enough, and it should be combined with other security practices.

2. Limited Impact: While removing the version number may deter some automated attacks that specifically target known vulnerabilities in certain versions of WordPress, it won’t prevent determined attackers who use more sophisticated methods to identify the WordPress version or exploit other vulnerabilities.

3. Regular Updates are Key: The most effective way to enhance WordPress security is to keep the software, themes, and plugins up-to-date. Developers release updates to patch security vulnerabilities, and prompt updates help to mitigate the risk of exploitation. Hiding the version number should not be a substitute for regular updates.

4. Comprehensive Security Measures: A robust security strategy involves a combination of measures, including strong authentication, regular backups, secure coding practices, monitoring for suspicious activities, and possibly using additional security plugins or services.

In summary, while hiding the WordPress version number can be part of an overall security strategy, it should not be relied upon as the primary or sole security measure. Regularly updating your WordPress installation and employing a range of security best practices are essential for maintaining a secure website.

Where to find the WordPress version number?

The WordPress version number can be found in various locations within your WordPress installation. Here are some common places where you can locate the WordPress version:

1. Dashboard: When you log in to your WordPress admin dashboard, you can find the WordPress version number at the bottom of the screen. It is usually displayed in the footer.

2. Admin Toolbar: If you are logged in, you can see the WordPress version in the admin toolbar at the top of the screen. It is displayed next to the WordPress logo.

3. WordPress ReadMe File: The WordPress version is mentioned in the `readme.html` file, which is included with every WordPress installation. You can access this file by navigating to ``.

4. Source Code: You can view the source code of your website by right-clicking on the page and selecting “View Page Source” in your web browser. Search for “generator” in the HTML, and you should find a meta tag indicating the WordPress version.

5. RSS Feed: The WordPress version may be included in your site’s RSS feed. View the source code of your RSS feed, and you might find a version number.

It’s worth noting that while removing the version number can be a security measure, keeping your WordPress installation up-to-date is a more effective way to address security vulnerabilities. Regularly updating WordPress, themes, and plugins is crucial for maintaining a secure website.

To remove the WordPress version number from your website, you can follow one or more of the methods below. Keep in mind that while this can be a security measure, it’s crucial to prioritize regular updates for your WordPress installation, themes, and plugins to ensure overall security.

Here are a few methods to remove the WordPress version number:

1. Use a Function in the Theme’s functions.php File:

Add the following code to your theme’s `functions.php` file:


remove_action(‘wp_head’, ‘wp_generator’);

This code removes the generator tag from the HTML head section, which contains the WordPress version information.

2. Use a Plugin:

There are several plugins available that can help you remove the WordPress version number. One popular option is the “Remove WP Version” plugin. Here’s how you can use it:

- Install and activate the “Remove WP Version” plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.

- Once activated, the plugin will automatically remove the WordPress version number from your site.

3. Modify the .htaccess File:

Add the following lines to your site’s .htaccess file:


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteRule ^index\.php$ — [L]

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*ver=.*$ [NC]

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /$1? [R=301,L]


This code includes a rewrite rule that removes the query string parameter “ver,” which is often associated with the WordPress version number.

4. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN):

Some Content Delivery Networks have options to strip or modify certain HTML elements, including meta generator tags. If you’re using a CDN, check its settings to see if there’s an option to remove the WordPress version number.

5. Manually Remove from Theme Files:

Search through your theme files (especially header.php) for any instances of `wp_generator` and remove or comment out those lines.

Remember to back up your site before making any changes to theme files or the .htaccess file, and be cautious when editing these files, especially if you’re not familiar with coding. Always test changes on a staging site first if possible.

Certainly! To wrap up, removing the WordPress version number is a security measure that can be part of an overall strategy to enhance the security of your website. While it’s not a foolproof method, it adds an extra layer of obscurity, making it slightly more challenging for potential attackers to target known vulnerabilities associated with specific WordPress versions.

However, it’s important to note that hiding the version number should not be the sole focus of your security efforts. Regularly updating your WordPress installation, themes, and plugins is crucial for addressing security vulnerabilities effectively. Additionally, adopting a comprehensive security approach that includes strong authentication, regular backups, monitoring for suspicious activities, and other best practices is essential for maintaining a secure website.

Choose a method to remove the WordPress version number that suits your preferences and technical expertise. Whether through editing theme files, using plugins, or modifying the .htaccess file, ensure that you make these changes carefully and consider testing on a staging site before implementing them on your live website.

Remember, security is an ongoing process, and staying informed about the latest security practices and vulnerabilities is key to safeguarding your WordPress website.

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