CVE-2023–36025: An In-Depth Analysis of Circumventing Windows SmartScreen Security
2023-11-21 12:4:8 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:23 收藏

Security Lit Limited

InfoSec Write-ups

In the world of cybersecurity, the discovery of a vulnerability like CVE-2023-36025 in Windows SmartScreen is a significant event. This post aims to provide a detailed understanding of this vulnerability, how it can be exploited, and its implications.

CVE-2023-36025 is classified as a security feature bypass vulnerability in the Windows SmartScreen function. SmartScreen serves as a guard against untrusted sources, warning users about potentially malicious websites and files. This vulnerability allows attackers to craft special files or hyperlinks that can bypass SmartScreen's security warnings.

The core of this exploitation involves creating a crafted Internet Shortcut file (.URL) or a hyperlink that points to such a file, which SmartScreen fails to properly flag as dangerous.

Let's consider a hypothetical example of an Internet Shortcut file that could be used to exploit CVE-2023-36025.


This .URL file points to a malicious website but could be presented as something legitimate. The IconFile path could be a network location under the attacker's control, potentially harboring malicious payloads.

An attacker could deliver this crafted .URL file via phishing emails or through compromised websites. Once a user clicks on this file, due to the CVE-2023-36025 vulnerability, SmartScreen would fail to provide the usual security warning, leading the user directly to the malicious site or executing harmful code.

Here's a basic Python script to simulate creating a crafted .URL file.

def create_malicious_url_file(filename, target_url, icon_path):
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
