Top Free Resources for Ethical Hacking and Bug Bounty Beginners & Experts
2023-11-30 22:46:55 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:10 收藏

Jarred Longoria

InfoSec Write-ups

If you’re just beginning your journey in the tech field or seeking to enhance your knowledge further, I have some top recommendations that are entirely free. While there are advantages to opting for the premium versions, remember that spending a lot of money isn’t necessary to learn and broaden your knowledge in this field. These resources can definitely assist in landing your dream job and enhancing your growth on your Journey, if you invest the time and effort daily into your studying.

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Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking Learning Platforms

Tryhackme — This platform is known for its excellent hands-on modules. I particularly appreciate their extensive learning paths, which allow you to focus on specific areas. Additionally, they offer plenty of amazing rooms that are constantly updated or added, helping you to refine specific skills. After months of enjoying the platform, I personally bought their premium membership.

Hackthebox — This platform also offers numerous hands-on modules for learning. It not only features modules within its own academy but also provides a variety of excellent labs where you can put your skills to the test with numerous machines and lab environments. Additionally, you can engage in battlegrounds to challenge and compare your skills with other users.

Honing Your Skills with Capture the Flag Challenges

Picoctf — It’s an excellent free computer security website for learning. Within its built-in PicoGym, you’ll find numerous CTFs (Capture the Flag challenges) that offer practice on a variety of top security vulnerabilities commonly exploited by hackers.

Hackthebox — Again, with its multitude of machines and battleground competitions, it’s an outstanding CTF platform for testing and honing your skills.

PentestersLab — PentesterLab is a platform I find myself returning to time and time again to test my skills with their free exercises. While the pro version offers many benefits, you can definitely make the most out of it by focusing on and filtering through the free exercises

CyberDefenders — One of my favorite blue team defense platforms is Cyber Defenders. It’s excellent for learning how to be on the defensive side and helps expand your knowledge through their free challenges and labs.

Bug Bounty/Web Security

Hacker101 — Hacker101 offers its own CTFs and is powered by one of the top bug bounty programs, HackerOne. This specific site features comprehensive learning materials that explain everything about the bug bounty world. If you prefer learning through videos, their lessons typically include hands-on experience videos, which help in visualizing and understanding the content more effectively.

PortSwigger Web Security Academy — If you’re familiar with Burp Suite, you should know about their excellent learning academy for web security. I often return to their site to read their material, which has been immensely helpful in deepening my understanding of SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, and many more web security concepts.

Infosec Writeups — It’s a write-up website, but I came across an outstanding article that provided an in-depth explanation of various helpful bug bounty tips, tools, blogs, and more. It was exceptionally informative and greatly assisted me in understanding this field.


I highly recommend learning coding to anyone entering these fields. Python is an excellent starting language, particularly for developing your own tools. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are also crucial, especially for web hacking, as they provide a deeper understanding of web page creation and functionality.

FreeCodeCamp- FreeCodeCamp is one of the top free coding learning platforms. It offers a wide range of modules that provide hands-on experience, helping you understand the mechanics of coding. Moreover, it enables you to build small projects, allowing you to apply and test what you’ve learned.

Codecademy — One of my go-to coding sites, it offers a vast array of topics including programming languages, web development, career paths, and more. There are plenty of free resources available, along with hands-on learning materials that consistently test and reinforce the skills you acquire.

Harvard CS50 Introduction to Computer Science- Highly recommended by many who have pursued computer science, this course is taught by one of the top computer science professors, David J. Malan. There’s no need to spend any money to learn from this perfect entry-level and fundamental course.


YouTube has it all, offering a wealth of learning opportunities. There are many incredible creators to watch and learn from. While I could provide a comprehensive list, here are several to get you started, and you can expand your exploration from there.

  1. David Bombal


3. NahamSec

4. NetworkChuck

5. Professor Messer

6. John Hammond

Thank you for reading this article and I wish you the best of luck on your journey. :)

Remember, in your journey through cybersecurity and technology, the key is to never give up and continuously learn. Every challenge is a stepping stone to mastery.

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