Hacking Wishlists in an E-commerce Web App (IDOR Diaries)
2023-12-7 01:45:5 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:17 收藏

Supun Halangoda (Suppa)

InfoSec Write-ups

Hi all, this write-up is about a vulnerability founded by collaborating with my friend Hasanka AKA WrathfulDiety.

If you haven’t checked other writes on the IDOR Diaries series you check below write-ups

We was testing a Shopping website where we came across a wired wishlist. We were able to view private and public wishlists fo any user in the website. So the wishlist URL looked like below sample URL


First we tried removing the /supun-default-wish-list which gave us a 404 error . The URl looked like below


Then we added “/” to the url which looked like


It provided the results of the private wishlist of another user.

Now that we can bypass the Wishlist by adding “/” to the end of the URL. We thought to dig deeper to find an IDOR to enumerate all Wishlists.

As we saw that it has a unique ID like /1122A36R456/ we tried to find a flaw in this ID and after investigation we founded that it has a pattern. but its a weird pattern.

Here’s the ID pattern breakdown.

The ID is 1122A36R456

文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/hacking-wishlists-in-an-e-commerce-web-app-idor-diaries-f6ed9246ae82?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d---4