XSS Unleashed: A Deep Dive into Exploiting XSS Vulnerabilities with BeEF
2023-12-7 01:43:54 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:12 收藏

Leo G.

InfoSec Write-ups

Welcome to this comprehensive guide where we will unpack the risks associated with XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerabilities and demonstrate how they can be exploited using the Browser Exploitation Framework, commonly known as BeEF.

This isn’t just another theoretical rundown; we’re going hands-on to provide real value and insights.

Before we proceed, it’s crucial to note that the information provided in this tutorial is for educational purposes only.

All activities presented here are confined to a local environment, where we will set up communication with a Kali Linux virtual machine. Never attempt these actions on a production site without explicit prior authorization.

⚠️ Unauthorized exploitation of real XSS vulnerabilities is illegal and unethical. ⚠️

Always seek permission and authorization before conducting any penetration testing on systems you do not own.

No prior knowledge in cybersecurity is needed; this tutorial is designed to be beginner-friendly.

To get the most out of this tutorial, you should have:

  • A solid understanding of web development, particularly HTML, JavaScript, and server-side languages.
  • A machine running Kali Linux on a virtual environment, as we’ll use it to install BeEF. And some knowledge in Linux is a plus.
  1. Creating a Simple Website with an XSS Flaw
  2. Deploying the Website on a Local Machine
  3. Installing BeEF on Kali…

文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/xss-unleashed-a-deep-dive-into-exploiting-xss-vulnerabilities-with-beef-76ca1504d65e?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d---4