Testing vulnerabilities beyond traditional cases — around login/signup features
2023-12-11 11:51:53 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:11 收藏


InfoSec Write-ups

Hey there, fellow hackers and bounty hunters! Today, we’re diving into some nifty techniques to poke around login, signup, and password-related features. Buckle up and grab your trusty Burp!

Note: This short article is primarily geared toward budding penetration testers and bug hunters seeking innovative ways to test applications, particularly focusing on login-related functions.

I am trying my best to venture beyond the traditional boundaries of vulnerability testing. When you’re playing around, in particular, around the login or signup screens, it’s crucial to go beyond the typical SQL injections, Cross-Site Scripting or other intruding-injection tactics. While the usual suspects, SQLi and XSS, are still crucial areas to test, there’s a treasure trove of vulnerabilities waiting to be discovered. In addition to exploring path traversal, directory listing, and parameter manipulation, sneaking around and tampering with URLs, request parameters, or even playing with the structure of your API requests, it is crucial to perform some good manual user-end specific testing.

On that note, some lesser-known techniques might be the hidden gateways to unearthing vulnerabilities that could go unnoticed during routine checks.

ALWAYS — Remember, having a proxy tool, like Burp, by your side is like having a trusty sidekick on your hacking adventures. They’re your eyes and ears in the digital realm!

Image source: sketchappresources.com

Your personalized checklist for the mentioned techniques is right below :)

1. Login Screen:

  • Testing with Invalid Email Addresses: Observe the error messages or responses generated against this.
  • Attempt Login with a Non-existent Valid Email: Check how the system reacts to this scenario.
  • Check for Username Prompt: Observe if the login process requires a username first, then password.
  • Username Enumeration: Use a list of usernames/emails to check for any enumeration possibilities.
  • Analyze Error Responses for Wrong Passwords: Understand the patterns in the responses especially for passwords.
  • Default/Admin Credentials: Trying…

文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/testing-vulnerabilities-beyond-traditional-cases-around-login-signup-features-9d496bd283d4?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d--bug_bounty