Blind SQL injection with conditional errors(From PortSwigger) Lab #12
2023-12-11 11:50:38 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

Aim: Exploit the blind sql and find the password of the administrator

Lab Analysis

  • Result of SQL query is not returned
  • Application does not respond any differently based on whether the query return any rows
  • If the SQL query causes an error, then the application returns a custom error message

Confirming the vulnerability

' || (select '' from dual) || '

This payload gives 200 response since there exist table named dual.

' || (select '' from randomtable) || '

Since table randomtable doesnot exist it returns error message indicating table doesnot exist and concatinating (||) this error message with tracking id gives the overall 500 response.

Checking if users table exist or not

' || (select '' from users where rownum = 1) || '

Above payload gives 200 response which indicates users table exist.


‘ || (select ‘’ from users) || ‘
this is also a valid payload but in this case ,it breaks the system since it returns ‘’ for every row present in users table

Checking if administrator user exist or not in users table

FROM users WHERE username='administrator')||'

Here FROM users WHERE username=’administrator’ is first executed and if username=’administrator’ exist then SELECT CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN TO_CHAR(1/0) ELSE ‘’ is executed. Since administrator username exist select case is executed where case (1=1) is runed which is true so, TO_CHAR(1/0) gets executed and hence the response is 500.

Lets look at another example.

Since unknownuser username does not exist select case is not executed hence 200 response occur.

Checking the length of password

FROM users WHERE username='administrator'and length(password)>0)||'

Here FROM users WHERE username=’administrator’and length(password)>0 is executed first, since username administrator exist and length of password is >0 SELECT CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN TO_CHAR(1/0) ELSE ‘’ END is executed.
In select query TO_CHAR(1/0) is executed since the case 1=1 is true. Hence 500 response.

Lets look at another example

FROM users WHERE username='administrator'and length(password)>50)||'

Here FROM users WHERE username=’administrator’and length(password)>50 is executed first, since username administrator exist but length of password is not >50 SELECT CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN TO_CHAR(1/0) ELSE ‘’ END doesnot get chance for execution. Hence 200 response.

Now we have payload to find the length of the password. Insted of manually entering the password length and examining the change is response. We can use Intruder to make our task easier.

In Intruder.
1. Click on Clear
2. Select the 50 field
3. Click on Add
4. Make sure the attack type is Sniper

  1. In Payload option
  2. Select payload type Numbers
  3. Select From 0
  4. Select To 50
  5. Select Steps 1
  6. Start Attack

Here First sort by length by clicking on length [1] . We can see change in length [2]and status code[3] . Since we are getting 200 status code for length of password >20. So we can confirm the password length to be 20.

If you are having trouble understanding how the password length is 20. review the theory from finding the length of password section above.

Brute forcing the password

FROM users WHERE username='administrator' and substr(password,1,1) ='a') ||'

In this payload substr(password,1,1) = ‘a’ works as SUBSTRING(string, start, length) . We are comparing the 1st character of password . In this case we are comparing it with ‘a’. If the 1st character is ‘a’ then SELECT CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN TO_CHAR(1/0) ELSE ‘’ END gets executed, inside case query since1=1 To_char(1/0) gets executed which return error. Hence the status would be 500.

Since the status code is 200 we can confirm the 1st character is not ‘a’.

Lets use intruder again to manually change the start field of substr function and change the 1st character we are comparing ‘a’ in this case.

  1. Select the start field of substr function
  2. Click on Add
  3. Select the ‘a’ field
  4. Click on Add
  5. Set Attack type as Cluster bomb

Go to payload section

  1. Payload set 1
  2. Payload type Numbers
  3. From 1
  4. To 20
  5. Step 1
  6. Start Attack
  1. Payload set 2
  2. Payload type Brute Forcer
  3. Min length 1
  4. Max length1
  5. Start Attack

Here Click on Status 1 to sort on basis of status code.
We can see the 500 code which is what we are looking for
Now arrange all the Payload2 character which is of 500 status code .
In this case Password = 8b5j5yhyqq6ikzl0i7sl

Now lets login to complete the level.
