Authentication Vulnerabilities- Lab #6 Broken brute-force protection, IP block
2023-12-11 11:49:59 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

How can we create correct attempt after certain incorrect incorrect attempt

The answer is : we can create a macro in burpsuite.
macro will create a correct attempt after certain brute force attempt.

Lets get started

Click on proxy setting

Then click on sessions and click add

Then click on add and Run a macro

Then select request with status code 302 : because this is the request where the login attempt is correct.

Then click OK

Then click OK

Then go to scope option

Select Include all URLs and click ok

Then send the request from repeater to Intruder ctrl + I

In intruder, set username carlos and set payload position on password field
make sure attack type is sniper

In payload option.
- set payload option 1
- payload type Simple list
- and paste the password list ; password list is provided in lab

Then go to Resource pool
- select create a new resource pool
- set maximum concurrent requests : 1

Then start attack

And we can see, after multiple tries , the is no brute force blockage

Looking at the status code, we can see we got 302 status code. Which is the required password.

Lets try to login and check if it is correct:

ANd solved.
