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Congratulations, you made it to Day 17! The story, however, is just getting started. There are more things to discover, examine, and analyze!
Until now, you have worked with multiple events, including prompt injection, log analysis, brute force, data recovery, exploitation, data exfiltration, suspicious drives, malware, injection, account takeover, phishing, and machine learning concepts. Yes, there are tons of anomalies, indicators of attack (IoA), and indicators of compromise (IoC). Santa’s Security Operations Centre (SSOC) needs to see the big picture to identify, scope, prioritise, and evaluate these anomalies in order to manage the ongoing situation effectively.
So, how can we zoom out a bit and create a timeline to set the investigation’s initial boundaries and scope? McSkidy decides to focus on network statistics. When there are many network artefacts, it’s a good choice to consider network in & out as well as load statistics to create a hypothesis.
Now it’s time to help the SSOC team by quickly checking network traffic statistics to gain insight into the ongoing madness! Let’s go!
The network data is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now in this very task.
Network communication and traffic are the natural behaviours of today’s interconnected computing world. These behaviours represent a constant data flow of daily activities, including personal interactions and business transactions. The data flow offers invaluable network management, troubleshooting, incident response, and threat-hunting insights
It looks like this data format will help the team accomplish the task McSkidy assigned to them!
The SiLK suite has two parts: the packing system and the analysis suite. The packing system supports the collection of multiple network flow types (IPFIX, NetFlow v9, and NetFlow v5) and stores them in binary files. The analysis suite contains the tools needed to carry out various operations (list, sort, count, and statistics) on network flow records. The analysis tools also support Linux CLI pipes, allowing you to create sophisticated queries.
cd Desktop
Use the below command to find the version
rwfileinfo suspicious-flows.silk
Ans: 3.19.1
Use the below command to find the record count
rwfileinfo suspicious-flows.silk
Ans: 11774
Use the below command to find the start time of 6th record
rwcut suspicious-flows.silk — num --recs=6
Ans: 2023/12/05T09:33:07.755
Use the below command to find the port of 6th record
rwfilter suspicious-flows.silk --proto=17 --pass=stdout | rwcut --fields=protocol,sIP,sPort,dIP,dPort --num-recs=5
Ans: 49950
Use the below command to find the % value of dport 53
rwstats suspicious-flows.silk --fields=dPort --values=records --count=5
Ans: 35.332088
Use the below command to find the number of bytes transmitted on top talker
rwstats suspicious-flows.silk --fields=sIP --values=bytes --count=5 — top
Ans: 735229
Use the below command to find the sTime Value of 1st DNS
rwfilter suspicious-flows.silk --saddress= --dport=53 --pass=stdout | rwcut --fields=sIP,dIP,stime | head -10
Ans: 2023/12/08T04:28:44.825
Ans: Use your Skills and try to find this flag,
If you are unable to do,
use the below video to find the answer
Use the below command to find the suspected IP
rwfilter suspicious-flows.silk --saddress= --pass=stdout | rwstats --fields=sIP,flag,dIP --count=10
Ans: 175[.]215[.]236[.]223
Use the below command to find the SYN Packet’s number
rwstats suspicious-flows.silk — fields=sIp,dIP,dPort — values=records — count=10
Ans: 1658