Mass Hunting Blind XSS — Practical Techniques
2024-1-17 22:49:37 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:24 收藏


InfoSec Write-ups

In this article, I will reveal the techniques for detecting Blind Cross-Site Scripting at scale. We will dive into the Blind XSS payloads used to bypass WAF, open-source tools from GitHub, and methodology. Most parts of this could be automated, but keep in mind that manual testing usually could give more convenient results!

This is a continuation of Mass Hunting for BXSS — initial setup article. If you haven’t yet set up your BXSS server, be sure to do that first. Don’t miss out on the valuable tips shared in the previous guide!

To effectively hunt for Blind Cross-Site Scripting, it’s crucial to understand where these vulnerabilities typically occur. Identifying points where user input is processed is the key to success. As we know, the usual sinks of Blind XSS are administration panels of the employees. When considering where you want to spray BXSS payloads, try to think of data that that employee would like to inspect at some point. I will give you some examples, to get the ball rolling:

  • Customer feedback — look for areas where customers can leave comments or feedback, as these inputs are often reviewed by staff for quality or service improvements.
  • Header data like User-Agent — injecting payloads into HTTP headers, can be effective since this data is frequently logged and monitored for analytics or troubleshooting. This could surely pop the JS function on monitoring employees.
  • Invoice/receipt generation — fields used in invoices or receipts that customers can customize, like notes or addresses, are often overlooked but regularly examined by accounting staff.
  • Support Chat — messages sent through support or helpdesk systems are prime spots, as they’re closely read by support personnel.
  • Account Registration Information — fields in user registration forms, like usernames or bio sections, can be a strategic place for payloads. Administrators can manually review this information for account verification or user management purposes.

Having this in mind, let’s target specific endpoints and try to build the list. I will cover 2 techniques that I usually use, but of course, there could be even more ways to do it!
