Google Ad powered Crypto Scam
2024-1-28 20:29:57 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:18 收藏

Harish SG

InfoSec Write-ups

I am Harish SG, a security researcher who studies Masters in Cybersecurity at UT Dallas and AI security intern at Cisco,previously hunted on the Microsoft Bug Bounty Program and Google VRP

I am sharing this article for security awareness and educational purposes only and I am sharing only personal opinions and none of these are related to my work at Cisco. I am not responsible if someone abuses information in this post

In this article I am gonna deep dive into Crypto Scam which abuses deep fake and legitimate services such as google ads to trick people to fall for it

Lets deep dive into!

Once I got above advertisment in youtube , I pressed to 3 dots to check whether it is verified or not

So by looking at above image I got confirmed advertiser is not verfied yet so I was skeptical about that video so I clicked the video and I also I am almost sure this is a scam. So I decided to investigate and figure out modus operandi of attacker

from above image we can see video is unlisted. Also more than 90k people have watched this video and channel has 2.19k subscribers.

What is mean by MeV bot?

MeV bots, which stand for Maximal Extractable Value bots, are a type of software tool used primarily in the cryptocurrency and decentralized finance (DeFi) sectors, particularly on the Ethereum blockchain. These bots are designed to monitor transaction pools (or mempools) for pending transactions and identify profitable opportunities, which they then act upon.

The concept of MEV arises from the ability of miners or validators on a blockchain network to extract additional profits by strategically ordering or managing transactions within a block. This is possible because transactions first appear in a public mempool before being selected and ordered by miners or validators for block inclusion. Transactions with higher gas fees are usually prioritized, and this gives miners and validators a unique opportunity to extract additional profits through strategic transaction ordering.

Solidity Code Analysis

So lets deep dive solidity code provided by attacker. Also I think code is an output of the exploit kit. Since I found more three different instances where attacker used same kind of code.

I asked chatgpt about its opinion on this smart contract code. It also says code lacks trading logic also it uses external call to transfer to funds to address determined by mempool on withdraw actually it should transfer funds to owner wallet address on withdrawal if its legitimate. Also Attacker used some of string ofuscation using string catenation as well as replace string on condition mechanism to hide his hard coded address

Analysis on core function which generate attacker ethereum address based on hardcoded numbers

callMempool Function: This function constructs a string by concatenating various values through multiple calls to the mempool function.

  • It takes several hardcoded numerical values, converts them to strings with some kind of liquidity check (checkLiquidity function), and then concatenates these strings in a specific order.
  • The final string is a combination of all these concatenated values, prefixed with “0”.

mempool Function:

  • This is a helper function used to concatenate two string values.
  • It takes two strings, converts them into bytes, and then merges them into a single string

checkLiquidity Function:

Although not provided in your snippet, this function seems to convert a uint into a string. It’s likely used to process the hardcoded uint values (_memPoolSol, _memPoolLength, etc.) into strings that can be concatenated.

parseMemoryPool Function:

This function appears to convert a hexadecimal string into an Ethereum address.It processes each character pair of the string, converting it from hexadecimal to a uint, and then combines these to form a 160-bit Ethereum address.

Code Samples.

Code Samples 1 : ( I found this exploit initially on Jan 7)

Code Sample 2 : ( I found this exploit initially on Jan 26)

Code diff analysis

So we can confirm that both script belongs to same attacker!

Transcation analysis

Lets analyse the crypto transcations on this address using a tool called

attacker address: 0xD0652E3e871CFb261cC0eA4A4F4bfC3CeBD39a95

From the above image! we can see that attacker withdrew the proceed using well known exchange called coinbase and they used exchange called simpleswap where they converted ETH into some other altcoin.

Recent Transcations on the address and analysis using arkam intelligence

After this analysis! I tried to figure whether photo of person in video is real or not then I used a website called Then I figured out attackers are impersonating an journalist called Thodoris Chondrogiannos

reference :

Attackers are now a days using Youtube Videos for scamming people who wanted to make money desperately using crypto currency

Purpose of the research :

Purpose of this Analysis is bring awareness on kind of crypto scam

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