GoAhead Web Server 2.5 HTML Injection
2024-2-2 23:40:52 Author: packetstormsecurity.com(查看原文) 阅读量:10 收藏

# Exploit Title: GoAhead Web Server 2.5 - 'goform/formTest' Multiple HTML Injection Vulnerabilities
# Date: 25/9/2023
# Exploit Author: Syed Affan Ahmed (ZEROXINN)
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.embedthis.com/goahead/
# Affected Version: 2.5 may be others.
# Tested On Version: 2.5 in ZTE AC3630


GoAhead Web Server Version 2.5 is prone to Multiple HTML-injection vulnerabilities due to inadequate input validation.

HTML Injection can cause the ability to execute within the context of that site.<h1>Hello</h1>&address=<h1>World</h1>

文章来源: https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/176965/goaheadws25-htmlinject.txt