Headquarters: Spring Lake, Michigan
Website: www.watchdogcyber.com
Founded: 2022
Industry: Managed Service Provider
Watchdog Cyber delivers proactive cybersecurity solutions and compliance services tailored for businesses in the SMB space. With a focus on healthcare, logistics, education, and manufacturing industries, Watchdog Cyber ensures robust protection for its clients in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.
Aaron Gurgul, Co-founder at Watchdog Cyber, discovered EasyDMARC over six years ago while working as an IT director at a school district. They experienced a malicious malware attack that seized control of their Outlook client, leading to unauthorized mail spamming. At that time, they only had an SPF record in place, lacking both DKIM and DMARC.
In response to this incident, Aaron promptly implemented EasyDMARC to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
“The most compelling aspect of your product, in my opinion, is its ease of use. The development of a user interface akin to a one-pane glass makes navigation, setup, and ongoing monitoring remarkably straightforward,” stated Aaron Gurgul.
Watchdog Cyber positions DMARC primarily as an email security measure and additionally as a safeguard for the business’s reputation.
“Explaining DMARC is quite straightforward. However, the challenge lies in getting individuals on board to care, and this is a common struggle in cybersecurity. Many perceive cybersecurity merely as an issue rather than a business concern. In reality, it’s a combination of both—a business risk with technological solutions,” added Aaron Gurgul.
According to Watchdog Cyber, the program provides access to a wealth of professionally crafted content, a valuable resource for a new business heavily invested in marketing. The fact that the materials are professionally done and can be white-labeled adds substantial value to Watchdog Cyber’s marketing endeavors.
Watchdog Cyber adopts both approaches with DMARC. While both methods are in play, the current focus is leveraging DMARC as a conversation starter. This is because, in many cases, people don’t configure DMARC at all or misconfigure it. The domain scanner is pivotal here, offering a valuable chance to assess the email environment before engaging with the customer and initiating a meaningful conversation.
Presently, engagement primarily happens through phone calls or various in-person events. Within networking groups, Watchdog Cyber’s management actively uses the domain scanner, bookmarked on phones, for live in-person scans. During conversations, they educate individuals on their current setup and emphasize the importance of taking email authentication seriously.
At the same time, Watchdog Cyber sees DMARC as a vital initiative to revisit with existing customers, encouraging them to enhance their security.
“We’re excited about building a successful relationship with EasyDMARC. It’s a cost-effective and user-friendly product for us as an MSSP. It’s like a tech 101 solution, addressing an often-overlooked best practice. This gives us great opportunities for those important icebreaker conversations”.
The post MSP DMARC Journey For Effective Lead Generation: Watchdog Cyber’s Sucess Story appeared first on EasyDMARC.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from EasyDMARC authored by Anush Yolyan. Read the original post at: https://easydmarc.com/blog/msp-dmarc-journey-for-effective-lead-generation-watchdog-cybers-sucess-story/