What can I write in 7 days? A gin-like web framework? A distributed cache like groupcache? Or a simple Python interpreter? Hope this repo can give you the answer.
Web Framework - Gee
- Day 1 - http.Handler Interface Basic Code
- Day 2 - Design a Flexiable Context Code
- Day 3 - Router with Tire-Tree Algorithm Code
- Day 4 - Group Control Code
- Day 5 - Middleware Mechanism Code
- Day 6 - Embeded Template Support Code
- Day 7 - Panic Recover & Make it Robust Code
Distributed Cache - Geecache
GeeCache is a groupcache-like distributed cache
- Day 1 - LRU (Least Recently Used) Caching Strategy Code
- Day 2 - Single Machine Concurrent Cache Code
- Day 3 - Launch a HTTP Server Code
- Day 4 - Consistent Hash Algorithm Code
- Day 5 - Communication between Distributed Nodes Code
- Day 6 - Cache Breakdown & Single Flight | Code
- Day 7 - Use Protobuf as RPC Data Exchange Type | Code