Fairwinds Insights Release Notes 15.0-15.2: Aggregated Action Items
2024-2-21 00:37:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:8 收藏

This month, we’re pleased to share new updates in Fairwinds Insights, including aggregated Action Items and admission request resolutions. Let’s explore these new capabilities.

Aggregated Action Items

We added a new Summary tab in the Action Items page, which shows you a breakdown of your Action Items by cluster, namespace, report type, or other dimensions. This is a great way to see where you have the most open Action Items, where you’ve manually resolved issues, and where have fixed most of the issues. You can filter by cluster, namespace, workload, kind, and many more to focus in on the areas of greatest interest to you.

Fairwinds Action Items Summary

Admission Request Resolutions

You can now mark Admission Request Action Items as resolved in the user interface. If you mark an issue as “will not fix” or “working as intended,” that Action Item will no longer block that workload going forward. You can also use “snooze” to stop blocking for a period of time from one day to one week to one month.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

As always, we continuously make improvements to Fairwinds Insights and resolve bugs as we identify them. Here are our latest updates:

  • Added description and remediation for Polaris check
  • Better logic to check if reports are enabled
  • Fix UI crash on Repositories page
  • Minor backend fixes
  • Fix links from Costs to Action Items page
  • Fix for freeze and repeated tooltip items on the Costs page
  • Admission settings now show correct default for passive mode
  • Fix for copying links in the Costs page
  • Removed guided tour for first-time users
  • Fix for mismatch between daily and hourly data in Costs page
  • Speed improvements for costs backend
  • Fix for saved views when a cluster is selected
  • Fix for incorrect “last scanned” date in vulnerabilities
  • Fix an issue with cluster deletion
  • Links to Action Items page now appear in Costs page
  • Fix for cluster switcher when on admission controller page
  • Fix for label aggregators in saved views
  • Fix for unsaved pod labels

Have Fairwinds Insights Questions?

Please reach out with any questions you have about Insights or our latest updates. We’re happy to walk through your questions about the latest integrations and functionality in Fairwinds Insights to help you take advantage of all its capabilities in managing Kubernetes environments at scale. Plus, consider joining the Fairwinds Community, where people come together to ask questions and build and contribute to open source projects. Join the community: chat with us on Slack orjoin the user group.

To get more details on how to use the newest features and stay up to date with Fairwinds Insights updates, read our release notes.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Fairwinds | Blog authored by Robert Brennan. Read the original post at:
