Conti Ransomware Gang’s Russia-Based Music Album Labels and Plastika Recording Studio – An OSINT Analysis
2024-2-24 16:39:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:12 收藏

I recently came across to another image courtesy of Conti ransomware gang’s internal and publicly accessible leaked communication which I data mined with the idea to come up with a proper analysis and connect the dots which in this case appear that a member of the Conti ransomware gang who’s responsible for their advertising and marketing creative is also busy doing advertising and marketing creative for other clients companies and organizations in this specific case Russia-based rap and hip artists and their album covers.

Is this the case? Let’s find out.

Original Russia-based Artist album cover screenshot found by data mining Conti ransomware gang’s publicly accessible leaked internal communication

Original Russian Music Artist SAYTEE SAI – Nikita Zharinov – Born on10 January 2002 – hxxp:// Album Cover Part of the PLASTIKA Russia-Based Recording Studio

Sample personal photos of Nikita Zharinov:

courtesy of:
W8D8DIGITAL – hxxp://

-> hxxp://
-> Alexey Plyushkin – Born – 11 April 1994

Related images:

Sample personal photos of the owner and the advertising and marketing creative developer for the album cover – W8D8DIGITAL:

Sample photo of Flowers a Capella recording studio also based on
the same address:

Sample personal photo of Oleg

Sample personal photo of Oleg

Flowers a Capella
-> Oleg Dyachenko – Born 10 February ->
hxxp://; hxxp://

Олег Хрущев
– Born 14 February -> hxxp://; hxxp://
(Oleg Khruschev)

+7 (912) 629-76-36

улица Кирова,
9, Екатеринбург

-> hxxp://


-> hxxp://

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Dancho Danchev's Blog authored by Dancho Danchev. Read the original post at:
