2024-3-10 06:48:19 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:14 收藏


【工具】个人电脑上可以安装使用的AI工具:Chat With RTX

小编也专门买了一台电脑来安装这个AI工具,但是数据库一直不能成功连接,昨天麻烦赛丰公司刘博士帮助调试,找到是杀毒软件的原因,成功将数据库对接上了。晚上即刻将310份与OSINT相关的文章导入数据库中,大约半个小时,该AI工具就将310份资料处理完了,我就可以用问答的方式用Chat With RTX来了解这批资料中的知识了。






下面就是我和Chat With RTX的对话:

1、what is osint(什么是OSINT)

OSINT stands for Open Source Intelligence. It is an intelligence process that focuses on the exploitation of publicly available information (PAI) that fits within a specific intelligence requirement. OSINT involves the finding, gathering, exploitation, validation, analysis, and sharing of publicly available print and electronic data from unclassified, non-secret (often "gray literature") sources. It is the most frequently used form of Business and Competitive Intelligence (B/CI) intelligence gathering, and it is usually engaged as a next step in the project plan after the data collector has scoured the existing base of information within the firm and exhausted the organization's reservoir of internal knowledge.
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2、what is GEOINT?(什么是GEOINT)

GEOINT stands for Geospatial Intelligence. It is a term that refers to the exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information to describe, assess, and visually depict physical features and geographically reference activities of the earth. GEOINT includes imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information. It is used in various fields such as military, intelligence, and geospatial analysis. GEOINT provides static, or time-frequency image analysis to track and monitor human activity on a selected geographical area, as well as resources and sub-terrain conditions.
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3、What are the advantages and limitations of open source intelligence, and what are the future trends?(开源情报的优势和局限性是什么,未来的趋势是什么?)

The advantages of open source intelligence include its low cost, wide dissemination and distribution, and its ability to provide a comprehensive monitoring of open sources. It can also be maintained at a low level of classification required for these sources and methods, which is particularly important in coalition operations. The limitations of open source intelligence include its potential for manipulation, disinformation, fragmented truth, contradiction, and mistrust.

The future trends of open source intelligence include a greater reliance on off-the-shelf commercial technology, a significant quantity of intelligence requirements that can be filled by a properly designed comprehensive monitoring of open sources, and the optimization of traditional intelligence structures and methods for designated core or central missions.
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4、What are the main technologies involved in open source intelligence?(开源情报中涉及的主要技术有哪些?)

The main technologies involved in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) include web crawlers, spiders, scrapers, artificial intelligence, robot process automation, and natural language processing and machine learning algorithms. These technologies are used for data extraction, setting source system limits, calibrating the collection base, and processing and analyzing information from open sources.
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5、How can we collect and analyze open source intelligence?(我们该如何收集和分析开源情报?)

To collect and analyze open source intelligence, you can follow these steps:

  1. Gather sources: Identify and collect information from various open source outlets such as newspapers, strategy and defense information websites, and other relevant sources.

  2. Pick a region or topic: Focus on one region or issue at a time to stay on top of the latest information and develop a background understanding of intelligence items.

  3. Connect the dots: Analyze the information collected from various sources to connect the dots and deduce the most likely intelligence information.

  4. Test your theories: Publish your theories on strategy discussion forums or send them to influential military bloggers or newspapers. Check the responses from other members of the open source intelligence community to see what the criticisms might be.

It is important to note that open source intelligence can be analyzed by individuals or groups of individuals in private information brokerages, public sector agencies, and other organizations. The methodology used for collecting and analyzing open source intelligence should be comprehensive, simple, and technology-neutral. It should also control the process through the various phases and be a guideline for both the management and the officer conducting the collection, processing, and analysis.
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6、What opportunities and challenges exist for OSINT in the future of counter-terrorism work?(OSINT在未来的反恐工作中的机遇和挑战有哪些?)

The essay discusses the challenges and opportunities of open source intelligence (OSINT) in the field of counter-terrorism. The author notes that while OSINT is a relatively new tool in this context, it has the potential to be a valuable resource for identifying key players in terrorist operations and promoting propaganda. However, the author also notes that OSINT is not a silver bullet for countering terrorism and should be seen as part of a wider toolkit. The essay concludes with a number of practical case studies demonstrating the diverse role which OSINT plays in countering terrorism.
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7、Can you give me a practical example to demonstrate the role of OSINT in combating terrorism?(你能给我举一个实际的例子来说明OSINT在打击恐怖主义方面的作用吗?)

Certainly! One practical example of the role of OSINT in combating terrorism is the use of social media monitoring to gather intelligence on terrorist groups and their activities. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are often used by terrorist groups to communicate with each other, share information, and promote their ideology. By monitoring these platforms, security forces can gather valuable intelligence on the group's activities, plans, and potential targets. This information can then be used to inform counter-terrorism strategies and operations. Additionally, social media monitoring can also help identify potential radicalization and recruitment efforts, allowing for early intervention and prevention of terrorist attacks.
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8、What is the use of telegraph robots in OSINT?(电报机器人在OSINT中的用途是什么?)

The provided context information does not mention the use of telegraph robots in OSINT.
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9、What are the common OSINT tools?(常用OSINT工具有哪些?)

The common OSINT tools are Recon-ng, Shodan, Maltego, theHarvester, Recorded Future, Metagoofil, Searchcode, and others.
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常用的OSINT工具有Recon-ng、Shodan、Maltego、theHarvester、Recorded Future、Metagoofil、Searchcode等。


10、How should Police University students learn OSINT technology?(警察大学的学生应该如何学习OSINT技术?)

Based on the context information provided, it appears that Norwegian police university students have used OSINT methodology in their practical training, with the collection phase being the most frequent. However, the expertise and facilitation for using OSINT techniques in the police districts where the students had their practical training were low, according to the research data available in the thesis. The survey showed that police students gave themselves middle grades on average, and as many as 33% gave themselves the "Not recommendable" grade. The research also showed that police students used OSINT techniques in operational activities and assignments, as well as in the context of preventive policing. However, the survey showed that only 51% of the respondents gave themselves the grade "Good" in Digital Policing in the summer of 2020, which may have affected the hypothesis in this chapter.

To learn OSINT technology, police university students should be provided with a comprehensive education that covers all phases of the methodology, including data processing, analysis, and distribution. The education should also include hands-on training and practical exercises to help students apply the techniques in real-world scenarios. Additionally, the education should provide students with access to dedicated computers and software for search and analysis, as well as recognition and support for the methodology. Finally, the education should provide students with enough time to carry out their OSINT techniques and to seek help and guidance from their supervisors when needed.
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11、Is OSINT a weapon of mass destruction?(OSINT是大规模杀伤性武器吗?)

No, OSINT is not a weapon of mass destruction. OSINT, or Open Source Intelligence, is a method of gathering and analyzing information from publicly available sources, such as the internet, media, and government records. It is used by intelligence agencies and organizations to gain insights into various topics, including terrorism, weapons proliferation, and political events. While OSINT can be a valuable tool in understanding and responding to these issues, it is not a weapon itself.
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Yes, OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) can be considered an essential subject in the 21st century for intelligence studies. The increasing amount of data and the use of artificial intelligence in OSINT work make it a crucial tool for intelligence analysts. The use of OSINT can help analysts make more informed decisions and drive the progress of their investigations.
Reference files:
什么是开源情报?2023 年定义开源情报.pdf




I apologize, but I cannot provide a summary of the open source intelligence (OSINT) in the Russian-Ukrainian war without prior knowledge of the specific context and details of the situation. Can you please provide more information or a specific question related to the topic?
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14、Can you summarize the role of open source intelligence in Russia's invasion of Ukraine?(你能总结一下开源情报在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰中的作用吗?)

Open-source intelligence (OSINT) has played a crucial role in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It has helped organizations gain a proactive, intelligence-driven understanding of the conflict and make decisions based on this data. OSINT has been used to learn about the conflict, build risk assessments, prevent disruption, implement counterterrorism and crisis response efforts, and ultimately protect what is valued most. The report highlights real-life use cases of how organizations are leveraging the intelligence cycle to gain a deeper understanding of the conflict.
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15、Which articles in the database are related to the war between Russia and Ukraine?(数据库中哪些文章与俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的战争有关?)

Based on the provided context information, the following articles in the database are related to the war between Russia and Ukraine:

  • page_label: 3, filename: C:\Users\68814\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatWithRTX\RAG\trt-llm-rag-windows-main\dataset\OSINT在��斯入�中的作用2023.pdf

  • page_label: 3, filename: C:\Users\68814\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatWithRTX\RAG\trt-llm-rag-windows-main\dataset\�乌战争OSINT的作用.pdf

  • page_label: 3, filename: C:\Users\68814\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatWithRTX\RAG\trt-llm-rag-windows-main\dataset\OSINT在俄罗斯入��克兰中的作用2023.pdf

Note: The filenames are case-sensitive and the path may need to be adjusted based on the specific location of the files on your system.
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16、How does the U.S. Army use open source Intelligence?(美军是如何利用开源情报的?)

The U.S. Army uses open source intelligence (OSINT) as a valuable tool for gathering and analyzing information. OSINT is the collection, processing, analysis, production, classification, and dissemination of information derived from sources and by means openly available to and legally accessible and employable by the public in response to official national security requirements. The Army's Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) is responsible for training analysts to provide a strategic and tactical advantage to friendly forces using reliable and open source research through the AOO (INSCOM, 2018). The AOO provides policy guidance to Army OSINT analysts, OSINT tools, and develops OSINT capabilities. The Army relies on OSINT for its timely, cost effective information.
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美国陆军使用开源情报(OSINT)作为收集和分析信息的宝贵工具。OSINT是指根据官方国家安全要求,通过公开获取、合法获取和雇佣的方式,收集、处理、分析、生产、分类和传播来自各种来源的信息。陆军情报与安全司令部(INSCOM)负责培训分析师,通过AOO使用可靠的开源研究为友军提供战略和战术优势(INSCOM, 2018)。AOO为陆军OSINT分析师、OSINT工具提供政策指导,并开发OSINT能力。陆军依靠OSINT来获得及时、具有成本效益的信息。




OSINT tools can address current intelligence challenges by providing a more accurate and efficient search of open source intelligence (OSINT). The book "开源情报技术-用于搜索和分析的在线信息资源第六版" provides a reference guide to assist in conducting more accurate and efficient searches of OSINT. The book covers various aspects of OSINT, including information gathering types, sources, types, and operating system (OS) security. It also discusses privacy settings, digital traces, data destruction, and data-erasing algorithms. The book provides examples of passive reconnaissance activities, such as DNSdumpster, Google Search Operator, and VirusTotal.com. Additionally, the book covers people search engines, such as 411, Address Search, and Advanced Background Check. The book concludes with a practical example of OSINT in action.
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18、How do OSINT tools address current intelligence challenges?(OSINT工具如何应对当前的情报挑战?)

OSINT tools address current intelligence challenges by providing solutions for data search and analysis processes. They also offer automation of processes, artificial intelligence, and advanced filtering techniques. However, access to these solutions is restricted due to their high cost and customization for specific organizations. The tools are also limited in their ability to perform inquiries on a larger scale. The tools are accessible by any Internet user, but their effectiveness depends on their ability to provide a comprehensive solution for data search and analysis processes.
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19、What Open source Intelligence (OSINT) technologies can be applied to fraud prevention?(哪些开源情报(OSINT)技术可以应用于欺诈预防?)

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a technique that involves gathering publicly available data from various sources such as the internet, social media, and traditional sources like TV and news to assess a case or situation. It can be used to improve information collection and processing capabilities in the field of fraud prevention. OSINT can be used to acquire intelligence about people or organizations' behavior, reputation, and online activities and then analyze them based on certain risk indicators related to financial crime. It can help identify wealth mismatch as a behavioral risk, which is one of the key tools that open-source intelligence checks can play in identifying fraudsters. OSINT can also be used to detect insider fraud, which includes expenditure fraud, corruption, sabotage, and data leaking.
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20、Please summarize Israeli Unit 8200(请总结一下以色列8200部队)

Israeli Unit 8200, also known as Yehida Shmone -Matayim or the Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU), is the main signal intelligence and decryption unit of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). It is one of the largest units in the IDF, comprising several thousand soldiers and operating numerous bases and mobile signal intelligence modules. The Unit is made up of three main units: Unit 9900 (IMINT), Unit 504 (HUMINT), and Unit 8200 (SIGINT). Unit 8200 is responsible for the development and use of various information gathering tools and their subsequent analysis, processing, and sharing with concerned stakeholders. The Unit is said to represent approximately 80% of the manpower of the AMAN (Israel's military intelligence agency).
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以色列8200部队,也被称为Yehida Shmone -Matayim或以色列SIGINT国家单位(ISNU),是以色列国防军(IDF)的主要信号情报和解密单位。它是以色列国防军中最大的部队之一,由数千名士兵组成,经营着许多基地和移动信号情报模块。该单元由三个主要单元组成:9900单元(IMINT), 504单元(HUMINT)和8200单元(SIGINT)。Unit 8200负责开发和使用各种信息收集工具,以及随后的分析、处理和与相关利益相关者分享。据说该股约占阿曼(以色列军事情报机构)人力的80%。



OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) is a powerful tool that can be used to conduct social media analysis. It involves using various open-source intelligence tools and techniques to gather and analyze data from social media platforms. This can include monitoring social media conversations, analyzing user behavior, and identifying patterns and trends.

One of the main challenges of social media analysis is dealing with the sheer volume of data available. Social media platforms generate a constant stream of information, which can make it difficult to filter out irrelevant data and focus on the most important information. Professional OSINT software can help to filter out noise and focus on the most relevant information, making it easier to conduct effective social media analysis.

Another challenge of social media analysis is identifying fake accounts and bots. With the increasing prevalence of fake accounts and bots on social media, it can be difficult to determine which accounts are real and which are not. This can make it difficult to conduct accurate social media analysis.

To conduct social media analysis using OSINT, it is important to have a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the analysis. This can include identifying specific topics or keywords to monitor, analyzing user behavior and sentiment, and identifying patterns and trends. It is also important to have a strong understanding of the social media platform being analyzed, as well as the tools and techniques being used.

Overall, OSINT can be a powerful tool for conducting social media analysis. By using open-source intelligence tools and techniques, it is possible to gather and analyze data from social media platforms in a more efficient and effective way.
Reference files:
尽职调查中的 OSINT _ 博客 _ 社交链接(中文).pdf

尽职调查中的OSINT _博客_社交链接(中文).pdf

22、How to use OSINT technology for social media analysis?(如何使用OSINT技术进行社交媒体分析?)

OSINT technology can be used for social media analysis by following these steps:

  1. Identify the target: Determine the target of the investigation, such as a person, organization, or event.

  2. Gather data: Collect data from social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. This can include profiles, comments, connections, and other relevant information.

  3. Analyze data: Use the data collected to identify patterns, trends, and relationships that may be relevant to the investigation.

  4. Interpret results: Interpret the results of the analysis to draw conclusions and make recommendations.

  5. Report findings: Create a report that summarizes the findings of the analysis and presents them in a clear and concise manner.

It is important to note that while OSINT technology can be a valuable tool for social media analysis, it should be used in conjunction with other methods and should be subject to ethical considerations.
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23、What are the uses of social media analytics in the military?(社交媒体分析在军事领域的用途是什么?)

Social media analytics can be used in the military for various purposes, including threat intelligence gathering, cybersecurity, and competitive intelligence. Threat intelligence involves collecting and analyzing information to understand and respond to cyber threats. Cybersecurity uses social media analytics to detect and prevent cyber attacks. Competitive intelligence involves analyzing social media data to gain insights into competitors' strategies and tactics. Social media analytics can also be used for public relations, collaboration, and communication between troops and their families. The military must balance the benefits of social media with the risks of security breaches and take necessary steps to manage these risks.
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Reference files:
社交媒体调查中的 OSINT _ 博客 _ 社交链接(中文).pdf


The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) is a Canadian government agency responsible for investigating activities that pose a threat to Canadian security. CSIS follows a five-step process: government guidance, planning, collection, analysis, and dissemination. CSIS collects information and passes it on to appropriate government decision-makers.

Open-source intelligence (OSINT) refers to the process of gathering and analyzing information from publicly available sources, such as social media, news articles, and government reports. CSIS can use OSINT to gather information on potential threats to Canadian security and to monitor the activities of individuals or groups that may pose a threat.

CSIS can also use OSINT to identify patterns and trends in the activities of potential threats, which can help inform its investigations and decision-making. Additionally, CSIS can use OSINT to identify potential vulnerabilities in Canadian security systems and to develop strategies to mitigate those risks.

Overall, CSIS can use OSINT as a valuable tool to gather and analyze information that can inform its investigations and decision-making, and to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities in Canadian security systems.
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文章来源: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI2MTE0NTE3Mw==&mid=2651142615&idx=1&sn=5b512a84ad381186ad9d17e39e93d288&chksm=f1af4eedc6d8c7fb32ccbf0b828af22594719ebdcf2f077f4df507ada819a0403831274fa54a&scene=58&subscene=0#rd