[remote] TELSAT marKoni FM Transmitter 1.9.5 - Backdoor Account Information Disclosure
2024-3-18 08:0:0 Author: www.exploit-db.com(查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

TELSAT marKoni FM Transmitter 1.9.5 Backdoor Account

Vendor: TELSAT Srl
Product web page: https://www.markoni.it
Affected version: Markoni-D (Compact) FM Transmitters
                  Markoni-DH (Exciter+Amplifiers) FM Transmitters
                  Markoni-A (Analogue Modulator) FM Transmitters
                  Firmware: 1.9.5

Summary: Professional FM transmitters.

Desc: The transmitter has a hidden super administrative account 'factory'
that has the hardcoded password 'inokram25' that allows full access to
the web management interface configuration. The factory account is not
visible in the users page of the application and the password cannot be
changed through any normal operation of the device. The backdoor lies in
the /js_files/LogIn_local.js script file. Attackers could exploit this
vulnerability by logging in using the backdoor credentials for the web
panel gaining also additional functionalities including: unit configuration,
parameter modification, EEPROM overwrite, clearing DB, and factory log

Tested on: GNU/Linux 3.10.53 (armv7l)

Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
Macedonian Information Security Research and Development Laboratory
Zero Science Lab - https://www.zeroscience.mk - @zeroscience

Advisory ID: ZSL-2024-5809
Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2024-5809.php
CWE ID: 912
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/912.html



The credentials can be seen in the auto_login() JS function in the
unprotected /js_files/LogIn_local.js file:

$ curl -s |grep -A2 "auto_login()"

function auto_login() {     // @mod1
    var username = "factory";
    var password = "inokram25";

文章来源: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/51907