2024-4-8 21:9:4 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:0 收藏

I used up the last bit of cream glue and made a sticker. I went into my mother's room and put it on her desk. She must be so happy when she's home! "I thought" I often do this to make her happy. I suppose that this is called love in my home.

Once, it was my father's birthday. I wanted to give him a surprize. I asked my mother what my father likes to eat. I found he liked to eat egg tarts. I asked her to buy an egg tart for my father and hid it in the fridge. My father didn't know, he went to the living room and ate dinner. I quietly took out the egg tart and suddenly showed it to my father. He wasn't surprized, he told me, because he had found the egg tart earlier and guessed what I was planning to do, but he said he was very happy and had already felt the love I showed him. This is how I show my love to my parents: give them little presents or surprizes. I think small actions go a long way to express love.

My parents love me very much, too. Last year, I wanted to go to Suzhou with my friend, but my mother couldn't take me to there. My dad was my only hope, but he didn't like travelling, espectially by plane which was unlikely the vehicle we're going to take in order to  go to Suzhou. However, my dad knew that I really wanted to go, so even when he's very unwanting to go, he took me to Suzhou. He said he only took me there because he saw that I wanted to go so much. This is an example of how my parents showed their love to me: sacrificing themselves.

My mother loves eating ribs. Before I was born, she was always the one who chose to eat the delicious ribs. Once I was born, this situation changed. I was always the one who takes and eats some of the delicious ribs. "You're the only person which can take away food under you mother's 'jaws'!" My father says. Yes, that's true, because my mother cares about me very much.

I love my parents and they love me, too. We have different ways to show love to each other, but I know they love me. After all, I have never seen a parent who doesn't love his or her child!
