(gdb) mon reset halt
Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1000 kHz
Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1000 kHz
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x080001f8 msp: 0x20021ce0
(gdb) b stm32_dmasetup
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8008de4: file chip/stm32_dma.c, line 593.
Note: automatically using hardware breakpoints for read-only addresses.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 1, stm32_dmasetup (handle=0x200201f0 <g_dma+196>, paddr=1073756172, maddr=536871016, ntransfers=2128, scr=scr@entry=11328) at chip/stm32_dma.c:593
593 dmainfo("paddr: %08" PRIx32 " maddr: %08" PRIx32
(gdb) bt
#0 stm32_dmasetup (handle=0x200201f0 <g_dma+196>, paddr=1073756172,
maddr=536871016, ntransfers=2128, scr=scr@entry=11328)
at chip/stm32_dma.c:593
#1 0x08008166 in i2s_txdma_setup (priv=0x2007da20) at chip/stm32_i2s.c:1436
#2 i2s_txdma_setup (priv=priv@entry=0x2007da20) at chip/stm32_i2s.c:1382
#3 0x08008392 in stm32_i2s_send (dev=0x2007da20, apb=<optimized out>,
callback=0x80041a1 <cs4344_senddone>, arg=0x2007dcc0, timeout=55)
at chip/stm32_i2s.c:2140
#4 0x080044d6 in cs4344_sendbuffer (priv=priv@entry=0x2007dcc0)
at audio/cs4344.c:856
#5 0x0800459a in cs4344_workerthread (pvarg=0x2007dcc0,
pvarg@entry=<error reading variable: value has been optimized out>)
at audio/cs4344.c:1300
#6 0x080063a4 in pthread_startup (entry=<optimized out>, arg=<optimized out>)
at pthread/pthread_create.c:59
#7 0x08017b28 in pthread_start () at pthread/pthread_create.c:140
#8 0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) s
halted: PC: 0x08008de8
halted: PC: 0x08008dea
halted: PC: 0x08008dec
halted: PC: 0x08008dee
halted: PC: 0x08008df0
halted: PC: 0x08008df2
halted: PC: 0x08008df4
halted: PC: 0x08008df6
halted: PC: 0x08008df8
halted: PC: 0x08008dfa
halted: PC: 0x08008dfe
halted: PC: 0x08008e00
halted: PC: 0x08008e02
halted: PC: 0x080073a8
syslog (priority=priority@entry=6, fmt=0x8020d21 "%s: apb=%p nbytes=%d arg=%p timeout=%ld\n") at syslog/lib_syslog.c:99
99 va_start(ap, fmt);
(gdb) n
halted: PC: 0x080073aa
halted: PC: 0x080073ac
halted: PC: 0x080073ae
halted: PC: 0x080073b2
halted: PC: 0x080073b4
100 vsyslog(priority, fmt, ap);
halted: PC: 0x08007388
101 va_end(ap);
halted: PC: 0x080073ba
halted: PC: 0x080073be
halted: PC: 0x080073c0
halted: PC: 0x08008e06
stm32_dmasetup (handle=0x200201f0 <g_dma+196>, paddr=1073756172, maddr=536871016, ntransfers=2128, scr=scr@entry=11328) at chip/stm32_dma.c:622
622 if ((dmast_getreg(dmast, STM32_DMA_SCR_OFFSET) & DMA_SCR_EN) != 0)
(gdb) n
halted: PC: 0x08008e08
halted: PC: 0x08008e0a
halted: PC: 0x08008e0c
halted: PC: 0x08008e0e
650 if (dmast->stream < 4)
halted: PC: 0x08008e10
halted: PC: 0x08008e12
halted: PC: 0x08008e14
halted: PC: 0x08008e18
halted: PC: 0x08008e1c
659 dmabase_putreg(dmast, regoffset, (DMA_STREAM_MASK << dmast->shift));
halted: PC: 0x08008e1e
halted: PC: 0x08008e20
halted: PC: 0x08008e22
halted: PC: 0x08008e24
halted: PC: 0x08008e28
halted: PC: 0x08008e2c
halted: PC: 0x08008e2e
245 putreg32(value, dmast->base + offset);
halted: PC: 0x08008e30
666 dmast_putreg(dmast, STM32_DMA_SPAR_OFFSET, paddr);
halted: PC: 0x08008e32
halted: PC: 0x08008e36
675 dmast_putreg(dmast, STM32_DMA_SM0AR_OFFSET, maddr);
halted: PC: 0x08008e38
halted: PC: 0x08008e3a
676 if (scr & DMA_SCR_DBM)
halted: PC: 0x08008e42
691 dmast_putreg(dmast, STM32_DMA_SNDTR_OFFSET, ntransfers);
halted: PC: 0x08008e44
halted: PC: 0x08008e46
237 return getreg32(dmast->base + offset);
halted: PC: 0x08008e4a
700 regval = dmast_getreg(dmast, STM32_DMA_SCR_OFFSET);
halted: PC: 0x08008e4c
halted: PC: 0x08008e4e
halted: PC: 0x08008e50
701 regval &= ~(DMA_SCR_PL_MASK | DMA_SCR_CHSEL_MASK);
halted: PC: 0x08008e54
halted: PC: 0x08008e58
halted: PC: 0x08008e5c
703 regval |= (uint32_t)dmast->channel << DMA_SCR_CHSEL_SHIFT;
halted: PC: 0x08008e5e
704 dmast_putreg(dmast, STM32_DMA_SCR_OFFSET, regval);
halted: PC: 0x08008e60
237 return getreg32(dmast->base + offset);
halted: PC: 0x08008e64
728 regval = dmast_getreg(dmast, STM32_DMA_SFCR_OFFSET);
halted: PC: 0x08008e66
halted: PC: 0x08008e6a
halted: PC: 0x08008e6c
halted: PC: 0x08008e70
halted: PC: 0x08008e72
halted: PC: 0x08008e76
736 dmast_putreg(dmast, STM32_DMA_SFCR_OFFSET, regval);
halted: PC: 0x08008e78
745 regval = dmast_getreg(dmast, STM32_DMA_SCR_OFFSET);
halted: PC: 0x08008e7a
halted: PC: 0x08008e7c
halted: PC: 0x08008e7e
halted: PC: 0x08008e80
754 regval |= scr;
halted: PC: 0x08008e82
halted: PC: 0x08008e84
halted: PC: 0x08008e86
755 dmast_putreg(dmast, STM32_DMA_SCR_OFFSET, regval);
halted: PC: 0x08008e88
halted: PC: 0x08008e8a
halted: PC: 0x08008166
i2s_txdma_setup (priv=0x2007da20) at chip/stm32_i2s.c:1441
1441 if (bfcontainer->timeout > 0)
halted: PC: 0x08008168
halted: PC: 0x0800816a
halted: PC: 0x0800816c
1452 sq_addlast((sq_entry_t *)bfcontainer, &priv->tx.act);
halted: PC: 0x0800816e
halted: PC: 0x08008170
halted: PC: 0x08008174
halted: PC: 0x08008176
halted: PC: 0x08008178
1462 i2s_txdma_sample(priv, DMA_AFTER_SETUP);
halted: PC: 0x08008ef4
1466 stm32_dmastart(priv->tx.dma, i2s_txdma_callback, priv, true);
halted: PC: 0x0800817e
halted: PC: 0x08008180
halted: PC: 0x08008182
halted: PC: 0x08008184
halted: PC: 0x08008ec0
1468 i2s_txdma_sample(priv, DMA_AFTER_START);
halted: PC: 0x0800818c
halted: PC: 0x0800818e
halted: PC: 0x08008ef4
1473 i2s_getreg(priv, STM32_SPI_CR2_OFFSET) | SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN);
halted: PC: 0x08008194
halted: PC: 0x08008196
halted: PC: 0x08008198
587 return regval;
halted: PC: 0x0800819c
1472 i2s_putreg(priv, STM32_SPI_CR2_OFFSET,
halted: PC: 0x0800819e
1477 if (!notimeout)
halted: PC: 0x080081a0
1479 ret = wd_start(&priv->tx.dog, timeout,
halted: PC: 0x080081a2
halted: PC: 0x080081a4
halted: PC: 0x080081a6
halted: PC: 0x080081aa
halted: PC: 0x08003b88
1488 if (ret < 0)
halted: PC: 0x080081b0
halted: PC: 0x080081c8
halted: PC: 0x080081ca
halted: PC: 0x08008392
stm32_i2s_send (dev=0x2007da20, apb=<optimized out>, callback=0x80041a1 <cs4344_senddone>, arg=0x2007dcc0, timeout=55) at chip/stm32_i2s.c:2142
2142 leave_critical_section(flags);
halted: PC: 0x08008396
halted: PC: 0x08008398
halted: PC: 0x0800839a
2143 nxmutex_unlock(&priv->lock);
halted: PC: 0x0800839c
halted: PC: 0x0800839e
halted: PC: 0x080062d2
2144 return OK;
halted: PC: 0x080083a4
halted: PC: 0x080083a6
halted: PC: 0x080044d6
cs4344_sendbuffer (priv=priv@entry=0x2007dcc0) at audio/cs4344.c:857
857 if (ret < 0)
(gdb) bt
#0 cs4344_sendbuffer (priv=priv@entry=0x2007dcc0) at audio/cs4344.c:857
#1 0x0800459a in cs4344_workerthread (pvarg=0x2007dcc0,
pvarg@entry=<error reading variable: value has been optimized out>)
at audio/cs4344.c:1300
#2 0x080063a4 in pthread_startup (entry=<optimized out>, arg=<optimized out>)
at pthread/pthread_create.c:59
#3 0x08017b28 in pthread_start () at pthread/pthread_create.c:140
#4 0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) n
halted: PC: 0x080044d8
halted: PC: 0x0800443e
812 dq_peek(&priv->pendq) != NULL && !priv->paused)
halted: PC: 0x08004442
halted: PC: 0x08004444
halted: PC: 0x08004446
halted: PC: 0x08004448
halted: PC: 0x0800444a
halted: PC: 0x080044e4
864 nxmutex_unlock(&priv->pendlock);
halted: PC: 0x080044e6
halted: PC: 0x080044e8
halted: PC: 0x080044ec
halted: PC: 0x080062d2
nxmutex_unlock (mutex=mutex@entry=0x2007dd08) at misc/lib_mutex.c:57
57 return mutex->holder == NXMUTEX_RESET;
halted: PC: 0x080062d4
halted: PC: 0x080062d6
halted: PC: 0x080062d8
halted: PC: 0x080062da
halted: PC: 0x080062dc
240 int nxmutex_unlock(FAR mutex_t *mutex);
halted: PC: 0x080062e0
halted: PC: 0x080062e2
halted: PC: 0x08002fec
halted: PC: 0x080062e8
halted: PC: 0x080062f0
halted: PC: 0x080062f2
halted: PC: 0x0800459a
cs4344_workerthread (pvarg=0x2007dcc0, pvarg@entry=<error reading variable: value has been optimized out>) at audio/cs4344.c:1305
1305 msglen = file_mq_receive(&priv->mq, (FAR char *)&msg,
(gdb) s
halted: PC: 0x0800459c
halted: PC: 0x0800459e
halted: PC: 0x080045a2
halted: PC: 0x080045a6
halted: PC: 0x0801789c
file_mq_receive (mq=mq@entry=0x2007dce0, msg=msg@entry=0x2007fdd8 "", msglen=msglen@entry=8, prio=prio@entry=0x2007fdd4) at mqueue/mq_receive.c:75
75 {
halted: PC: 0x080178a0
halted: PC: 0x080178a2
halted: PC: 0x080178a4
87 ret = nxmq_verify_receive(mq, msg, msglen);
halted: PC: 0x080178a6
halted: PC: 0x0801791a
nxmq_verify_receive (mq=mq@entry=0x2007dce0, msg=msg@entry=0x2007fdd8 "", msglen=msglen@entry=8) at mqueue/mq_rcvinternal.c:75
75 FAR struct inode *inode = mq->f_inode;
halted: PC: 0x0801791c
78 if (inode == NULL)
halted: PC: 0x0801791e
83 msgq = inode->i_private;
halted: PC: 0x08017920
87 if (!msg || !msgq)
halted: PC: 0x08017922
halted: PC: 0x08017924
92 if ((mq->f_oflags & O_RDOK) == 0)
halted: PC: 0x08017926
halted: PC: 0x08017928
halted: PC: 0x0801792a
97 if (msglen < (size_t)msgq->maxmsgsize)
halted: PC: 0x0801792e
halted: PC: 0x08017930
halted: PC: 0x08017932
halted: PC: 0x08017934
halted: PC: 0x08017938
halted: PC: 0x080178aa
file_mq_receive (mq=mq@entry=0x2007dce0, msg=msg@entry=0x2007fdd8 "", msglen=msglen@entry=8, prio=prio@entry=0x2007fdd4) at mqueue/mq_receive.c:88
88 if (ret < 0)
halted: PC: 0x080178ac
halted: PC: 0x080178ae
615 ssize_t file_mq_receive(FAR struct file *mq, FAR char *msg, size_t msglen,
file_mq_receive (msglen=8, prio=0x2007fdd4, msg=0x2007fdd8 "", mq=0x2007dce0)
at mqueue/mq_receive.c:93
93 msgq = mq->f_inode->i_private;
halted: PC: 0x080178b0
halted: PC: 0x080178b2
99 flags = enter_critical_section();
up_irq_save () at /home/alan/nuttxspace/nuttx/include/arch/armv7-m/irq.h:416
416 __asm__ __volatile__
(gdb) n
halted: PC: 0x080178b6
halted: PC: 0x080178b8
file_mq_receive (msglen=8, prio=0x2007fdd4, msg=0x2007fdd8 "", mq=0x2007dce0) at mqueue/mq_receive.c:103
103 ret = nxmq_wait_receive(msgq, mq->f_oflags, &mqmsg);
halted: PC: 0x080178ba
halted: PC: 0x080178bc
halted: PC: 0x080178be
halted: PC: 0x08017948
112 if (ret == OK)
(gdb) p /x ret
$1 = 0x0
(gdb) n
halted: PC: 0x080178c4
114 ret = nxmq_do_receive(msgq, mqmsg, msg, prio);
halted: PC: 0x080178c6
halted: PC: 0x080178c8
halted: PC: 0x080178ca
halted: PC: 0x080178cc
halted: PC: 0x080179e8
117 leave_critical_section(flags);
halted: PC: 0x080178d4
halted: PC: 0x080178d6
halted: PC: 0x080178d8
file_mq_receive (mq=mq@entry=0x2007dce0, msg=msg@entry=0x2007fdd8 "\b", msglen=msglen@entry=8, prio=prio@entry=0x2007fdd4) at mqueue/mq_receive.c:119
119 return ret;
halted: PC: 0x080178da
halted: PC: 0x080045aa
halted: PC: 0x080045ac
halted: PC: 0x080045ae
cs4344_workerthread (pvarg=0x2007dcc0, pvarg@entry=<error reading variable: value has been optimized out>) at audio/cs4344.c:1310
1310 if (msglen < sizeof(struct audio_msg_s))
halted: PC: 0x080045bc
1318 switch (msg.msg_id)
halted: PC: 0x080045c0
halted: PC: 0x080045c2
halted: PC: 0x080045c4
halted: PC: 0x080045c6
halted: PC: 0x08004604
1351 audinfo("AUDIO_MSG_COMPLETE\n");
halted: PC: 0x08004606
halted: PC: 0x08004608
halted: PC: 0x0800460a
halted: PC: 0x080073a8
1352 cs4344_returnbuffers(priv);
halted: PC: 0x08004610
halted: PC: 0x08004340
1353 break;
halted: PC: 0x080045ec
1283 while (priv->running || priv->inflight > 0)
halted: PC: 0x080045f0
halted: PC: 0x080045f2
halted: PC: 0x0800452e
1290 if (priv->terminating && priv->inflight <= 0)
halted: PC: 0x08004532
halted: PC: 0x08004534
halted: PC: 0x08004538
halted: PC: 0x0800453a
1363 cs4344_reset(priv);
(gdb) bt
#0 cs4344_workerthread (pvarg=0x2007dcc0,
pvarg@entry=<error reading variable: value has been optimized out>)
at audio/cs4344.c:1363
#1 0x080063a4 in pthread_startup (entry=<optimized out>, arg=<optimized out>)
at pthread/pthread_create.c:59
#2 0x08017b28 in pthread_start () at pthread/pthread_create.c:140
#3 0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) n
halted: PC: 0x0800453e
halted: PC: 0x08004540
halted: PC: 0x08004544
halted: PC: 0x08004048
1367 nxmutex_lock(&priv->pendlock);
halted: PC: 0x0800454a
halted: PC: 0x080062ae
1368 while ((apb = (FAR struct ap_buffer_s *)dq_remfirst(&priv->pendq)) != NULL)
halted: PC: 0x08004550
halted: PC: 0x0800644a
halted: PC: 0x08004556
halted: PC: 0x08004558
halted: PC: 0x0800455a
1383 nxmutex_unlock(&priv->pendlock);
halted: PC: 0x0800455c
halted: PC: 0x080062d2
1387 cs4344_returnbuffers(priv);
halted: PC: 0x08004562
halted: PC: 0x08004340
1391 file_mq_close(&priv->mq);
halted: PC: 0x0800456a
halted: PC: 0x08010778
1392 file_mq_unlink(priv->mqname);
halted: PC: 0x08004572
halted: PC: 0x08010780
1399 priv->dev.upper(priv->dev.priv, AUDIO_CALLBACK_COMPLETE, NULL, OK);
halted: PC: 0x08004578
halted: PC: 0x0800457a
halted: PC: 0x0800457c
halted: PC: 0x0800457e
halted: PC: 0x08004580
halted: PC: 0x08016b0e
1402 audinfo("Exit\n");
(gdb) b i2s_txdma_sampledone
Breakpoint 2 at 0x80081fe: file chip/stm32_i2s.c, line 879.
(gdb) mon reset halt
Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1000 kHz
Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1000 kHz
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x080001f8 msp: 0x20021ce0
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 1, stm32_dmasetup (handle=0x200201f0 <g_dma+196>, paddr=1073756172, maddr=536871016, ntransfers=2128, scr=scr@entry=11328) at chip/stm32_dma.c:593
593 dmainfo("paddr: %08" PRIx32 " maddr: %08" PRIx32
(gdb) c
halted: PC: 0x08008de8
Breakpoint 2, i2s_txdma_sampledone (result=-110, priv=0x2007da20) at chip/stm32_i2s.c:879
879 i2sinfo("result: %d\n", result);
(gdb) bt
#0 i2s_txdma_sampledone (result=-110, priv=0x2007da20) at chip/stm32_i2s.c:879
#1 i2s_tx_worker (arg=0x2007da20) at chip/stm32_i2s.c:1550
#2 0x080025dc in work_thread (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>)
at wqueue/kwork_thread.c:186
#3 0x080022a4 in nxtask_start () at task/task_start.c:107
#4 0x00000000 in ?? ()
From minicom nsh side:
board_cs4344_initialize: minor 1
stm32_i2sbus_initialize: port: 2
i2s_dump_regs: I2S2: After initialization
i2s_dump_regs: CR1:0000 CR2:0700 SR:0002 DR:0000
i2s_dump_regs: I2SCFGR:0000 I2SPR:0002
i2s_dump_regs: PLLI2SCFGR:44013000
cs4344_reset: WARNING: MCLK could not be set on lower half
i2s_mckdivider: Entry
i2s_dump_regs: I2S2: After i2s_mckdivider
i2s_dump_regs: CR1:0000 CR2:0700 SR:0002 DR:0000
i2s_dump_regs: I2SCFGR:0e00 I2SPR:020d
i2s_dump_regs: PLLI2SCFGR:20003540
cs4344_setbitrate: sample rate=16000 nchannels=1 bpsamp=16
audio_register: Registering /dev/audio/pcm1
NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-12.5.1
nsh> upload
Registering romdisk at /dev/ram0
Mounting ROMFS filesystem at target=/data with source=/dev/ram0
nsh> nxplayer
NxPlayer version 1.05
h for commands, q to exit
nxplayer> play /data/yes.wav
nxplayer_playinternal: ==============================
nxplayer_playinternal: Playing file /data/yes.wav
nxplayer_playinternal: ==============================
audio_open: crefs: 0
audio_ioctl: cmd: 4097 arg: 537390872
audio_ioctl: AUDIOIOC_GETCAPS: Device=0
cs4344_getcaps: type=0 ac_type=0
audio_ioctl: cmd: 4098 arg: 0
pcm_reserve: Defer to lower reserve
audio_ioctl: cmd: 4097 arg: 537390872
audio_ioctl: AUDIOIOC_GETCAPS: Device=2
cs4344_getcaps: type=2 ac_type=2
audio_ioctl: cmd: 4106 arg: 537390840
audio_ioctl: Forwarding unrecognized cmd: 4106 arg: 537390840
pcm_ioctl: Defer to lower ioctl, cmd=4106 arg=537390840
cs4344_ioctl: Ignored
audio_ioctl: cmd: 4110 arg: 4
nxplayer_playthread: Entry
audio_ioctl: cmd: 4106 arg: 537393600
audio_ioctl: Forwarding unrecognized cmd: 4106 arg: 537393600
pcm_ioctl: Defer to lower ioctl, cmd=4106 arg=537393600
cs4344_ioctl: Ignored
audio_ioctl: cmd: 4107 arg: 537393616
audio_ioctl: cmd: 4107 arg: 537393616
nxplayer_fill_common: Closing audio file, nbytes=4300 errcode=25
audio_ioctl: cmd: 4109 arg: 537393568
pcm_enqueuebuffer: Received buffer 0x20000010, streaming=0
pcm_enqueuebuffer: curbyte=0 nbytes=4300 nmaxbytes=8192 bytesleft=4300
pcm_dump: Wave file header
pcm_dump: Header Chunk:
pcm_dump: Chunk ID: 0x46464952
pcm_dump: Chunk Size: 4292
pcm_dump: Format: 0x45564157
pcm_dump: Format Chunk:
pcm_dump: Chunk ID: 0x20746d66
pcm_dump: Chunk Size: 16
pcm_dump: Audio Format: 0x0001
pcm_dump: Num. Channels: 1
pcm_dump: Sample Rate: 8000
pcm_dump: Byte Rate: 16000
pcm_dump: Block Align: 2
pcm_dump: Bits Per Sample: 16
pcm_dump: Data Chunk:
pcm_dump: Chunk ID: 0x61746164
pcm_dump: Chunk Size: 4256
cs4344_configure: ac_type: 2
cs4344_configure: AUDIO_TYPE_OUTPUT:
cs4344_configure: Number of channels: 1
cs4344_configure: Sample rate: 8000
cs4344_configure: Sample width: 16
cs4344_configure: ERROR: Unsupported combination of sample rate anddata width
stm32_i2s_txdatawidth: Data width bits of tx = 16
i2s_mckdivider: Entry
i2s_dump_regs: I2S2: After i2s_mckdivider
i2s_dump_regs: CR1:0000 CR2:0700 SR:0002 DR:0000
i2s_dump_regs: I2SCFGR:0e00 I2SPR:021a
i2s_dump_regs: PLLI2SCFGR:20003540
cs4344_setbitrate: sample rate=8000 nchannels=1 bpsamp=16
pcm_enqueuebuffer: Begin streaming: apb=0x20000010 curbyte=44 nbytes=4300
pcm_enqueuebuffer: Pass to lower enqueuebuffer: apb=0x20000010 curbyte=44 nbyte0
cs4344_enqueuebuffer: Enqueueing: apb=0x20000010 curbyte=44 nbytes=4300 flags=08
nxplayer_playthread: 2 buffers queued, running=1 streaming=0
audio_ioctl: cmd: 4102 arg: 0
audio_ioctl: AUDIOIOC_START
pcm_start: Defer to lower start
cs4344_start: Entry
cs4344_start: Starting worker thread
cs4344_workerthread: Entry
cs4344_sendbuffer: Sending apb=0x20000010, size=4300 inflight=0
stm32_i2s_send: apb=0x20000010 nbytes=4256 arg=0x2007dcc0 timeout=55
stm32_dmasetup: paddr: 4000380c maddr: 20000068 ntransfers: 2128 scr: 00002c40
cs4344_start: Created worker thread
nxplayer_playthread: Playing...
nxplayer> i2s_tx_worker: tx.act.head=0 tx.done.head=0x2007dca4