
the 257th release
8 changes
56 days (total: 9,560)

220 bug-fixes (total: 10,271)
348 commits (total: 32,280)
1 new public libcurl function (total: 94)
1 new curl_easy_setopt() option (total: 305)

1 new curl command line option (total: 259)
84 contributors, 41 new (total: 3,173)
49 authors, 20 new (total: 1,272)
0 security fixes (total: 155)

Download the new curl release from as always.

Release presentation


It feels good to be able to say that this time around we do not have a single security vulnerability to announce and we in fact do not have any in the queue either.



Some of the bugfixes from this cycle that might be worth noticing:

dist and build

  • reproducible tarballs. I will do a separate post with details later, but now it is easy for anyone who wants to, to generate an identical copy to verify what we ship.
  • docs/ into the tarball. This documents the tools and versions used to generate the files included in the tarball that are not present in git.
  • drop MSVC project files for recent versions. If you need to generate them for more recent versions, cmake can do it for you.
  • configure fix HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO test for gcc 14. It runs more picky by default so it would always fail the check.
  • add -q as first option when invoking curl for tests. To reduce the risk of people having a ~/.curlrc file that ruins things.
  • fix make install with configure –disable-docs


  • make –help adapt to the terminal width. Makes it easier on the eye when the terminal is wider.
  • limit rate unpause for -T . uploads. Avoids busy-looping
  • curl output warning for leading unicode quote character. Because it seems like a fairly common mistake when people copy and paste command lines from random sources
  • don’t truncate the etag save file by default. A regression less.


  • bearssl: use common code for cipher suite lookup
  • mbedtls: call mbedtls_ssl_setup() after RNG callback is set. Otherwise, more recent versions of mbedTLS will just return error.
  • mbedtls: support TLS 1.3. If you use a new enough version.
  • openssl: do not set SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS. Uses slightly more memory, but uses fewer memory allocation calls.
  • wolfssl: plug memory leak in wolfssl_connect_step2()


  • openldap: create ldap URLs correctly for IPv6 addresses, doing LDAP with IPv6 numerical IP addresses in the URL just did not work previously.
  • quiche: expire all active transfers on connection close
  • quiche: trust its timeout handling


  • fix curl_global_cleanup crash in Windows. A regression coming from the introduction of the async name resolver function.
  • brotli and others, pass through 0-length writes
  • ignore duplicate chunked encoding. Apparently some sites do this and browsers let them so we need to let it slide…
  • ftp: add tracing support. Gives us better tooling to track down FTP problems.
  • http2: emit RST when client write fails. Previously it would just silently leave the stream there…
  • http: reject HTTP major version switch mid connection. This should of course never happen, but if it does, curl will error out correctly.
  • multi: introduce SETUP state for better timeouts. This adds a proper separation for when the existing transfer is retried or when the state machine is restarted because it make as a new transfer.
  • multi: timeout handles even without connection. They would previously often be exempted from checks and would linger for too long until stopped.
  • fix handling of paused upload on completed download
  • do not URL decode proxy credentials
  • allow setting port number zero. Remember this old post?
  • fix relative redirects to fragment-only
  • fix memory leak in websocket error path