CISA to tap cyber policy veteran Jeff Greene for top role
2024-5-23 01:1:22 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

Digital security veteran and former White House official Jeff Greene will take over a top role at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), according to four sources familiar with the decision. 

Greene was previously the chief of cyber response and policy in the National Security Council’s Cyber Directorate and a director at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

He is being tapped to replace Eric Goldstein, who has served as the executive assistant director for cybersecurity at CISA since 2021 and has been a prominent public-facing leader of the agency.

Goldstein announced last week that he will leave CISAfor an undisclosed role in the private sector. CNN was first to report that Greene would be replacing Goldstein. 

CISA told Recorded Future News that Greene will join the agency but would not confirm that he will replace Goldstein. The agency said he will start in early June and will serve as a senior advisor.

Greene has a lengthy history in the cybersecurity industry, serving in both the private sector and the government for decades. He is currently senior director for cybersecurity programs at Aspen Digital and previously was a vice president at cybersecurity firm Symantec. He also worked on both the House and Senate Homeland Security committees and was counsel to the Senate’s special investigation into Hurricane Katrina.

Vivian Schiller, executive director of the Aspen Digital program at the Aspen Institute, said Greene was “a visionary leader of Aspen Digital’s cybersecurity programs the last two years.” 

“We’re sorry to see him go but proud that he will be serving his country in such a critical time,” Schiller told Recorded Future News. 

CISA’s role has expanded significantly over the last four years as cybersecurity issues have gained prominence in every sector of American life. The agency is now ramping up for the introduction of a new incident reporting law that will mandate critical infrastructure organizations file reports on cyberattacks and breaches. 

Mike Duffy, the associate director for capacity building in the cyber division at CISA, recently took over as acting federal chief information security officer, succeeding Chris DeRusha, the Office of Management and Budget confirmed.  

Additional reporting by Suzanne Smalley and Martin Matishak

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