HackerNoon Profile Pages, Reimagined: A Walkthrough of the Latest Updates!
2024-7-19 22:30:19 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

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Hey Hackers, exciting news! We've spruced up our profile pages, and they're looking better than ever! Ready to take a stroll through the latest design tweaks?

featured image - HackerNoon Profile Pages, Reimagined: A Walkthrough of the Latest Updates!

HackerNoon Product Updates HackerNoon profile picture

Hey Hackers, exciting news! We've spruced up our profile pages, and they're looking better than ever! Ready to take a stroll through the latest design tweaks?

What’s new?

  1. Fresh Layout: We’ve moved the CTA placing for easier navigation. Now, you can easily spot the "Learn more about this author" button right under the bio. And check out the "Subscribe To This Writer" button – it's chilling below the general stats, easy to find and click. Plus, our CTAs are shining brighter than ever!

You can now create your own Pixelated Avatar with Hackernoon. Learn more here.

  1. Story Sortin' Fun: Want to see the latest and most popular stories? Now you can! Sort them out easily. Plus, we've jazzed up the story cards, so you can peek at the main stats like tags, reads, reactions, and comments.

Story pages and stats pages also got redesigned recently. Take a look here and here.

  1. Comments Made Neat: We've spruced up the comments section too! It's sleeker and cleaner but still has all the juicy info you need. No clutter, just the good stuff. Learn more about comments here.

Take a look:

  1. Don’t forget the work section! Your profile page can now harbor more details about you, including your current and past job titles, company, and location. Learn how to add your work experience to your profile here.

Dive in and explore the new and improved profile pages! 🎉

文章来源: https://hackernoon.com/hackernoon-profile-pages-reimagined-a-walkthrough-of-the-latest-updates?source=rss