The curl project welcomes its newest sibling into the family: wcurl.

I already wrote about wcurl. I will try to not repeat myself too much here, but starting now wcurl has its new home under the curl organization umbrella. It is now an official curl project.


The initial developers and people behind wcurl are still around. This is just replanting the little thing in a different pot to hopefully allow it to grow better. The idea being that wcurl is a tool with a wider scope than “just” Debian and by hosting and working on it within the curl family, we signal this quite clearly. Ideally, we also make it easier for contributors and maintainers of curl to try out wcurl and help us take it further to whatever is coming next.

I do not intend to control wcurl or dictate how it should be run or developed. I hope and strive to become a contributor of it and I want to help making it the best tool it can be.

Samuel Henrique and Sergio Durigan Junior are the wcurl maintainers.

wcurl becomes the third command line tool produced in the curl project. trurl was the second after curl itself.


If you find problems, have improvements or just have ideas for how to take wcurl further. Head over to the GitHub repository and make your voice heard!

The previous repository was transferred on GitHub, which should mean that it will redirect correctly to the new URL in case you by accident would go to the old place.

Join us!

wcurl is released under the regular curl Open Source license.

wcurl has the same low bar and no-friction policies as the rest of curl to make it easy for everyone who wants to, to help out and contribute.

You are welcome and appreciated!