Mastering Cloud Security: Uncovering Hidden Vulnerabilities with NodeZero™
2024-8-22 04:15:46 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

Cloud environments are inherently complex, with each provider offering unique security-focused configurations and approaches. With that comes an array of new types of vulnerabilities. Managing these environments requires specialized knowledge and tools that go beyond the capabilities of traditional security solutions.

Despite investing substantial resources in a wide variety of security technologies, most organizations still struggle to identify their most critical cloud-based vulnerabilities and remain uncertain about their ability to defend against a real attack. As a result, organizations need a quick, simple, and cost-effective way to determine if their cloud is secure.

To empower organizations in securing their cloud ecosystem, NodeZero™ Cloud Pentesting offers the most advanced cloud-centric attack content available. By prioritizing identity as a key component of cloud security, NodeZero delivers unparalleled insights into exploitable risks within AWS and Azure environments. Today, any organization can schedule and execute both on-premises and cloud-focused penetration tests at their convenience.

NodeZero Cloud Pentesting takes a layered approach using multiple test types. This allows users to deploy NodeZero in the cloud and effectively test that infrastructure. It also differentiates NodeZero from other solutions by enabling users to test the entire on-premises, cloud, and hybrid digital infrastructure.

In this blog, we’ll provide an example of how quick and easy it is to set up NodeZero to pentest your AWS cloud environment.

It’s Never Been Easier to Pentest Your Cloud

When setting up a cloud-focused pentest with NodeZero, the first step is to choose the type of test you want to conduct. For example, selecting the “Identity Attack Surface” test category allows you to identify and exploit real-world attack paths and vulnerabilities in identities, authentication, and access controls within hybrid cloud environments. This approach helps to validate and strengthen your overall security posture. Let’s look at how quick and easy it is to setup an AWS Pentest using NodeZero.

First, select RUN PENTEST on the left side of the NodeZero UI.

Next, select Identity Attack Surface from the options shown below.

Next, select AWS Pentest.

Next, you will see this screen which provides a little more detail on what the AWS Pentest is all about.

Note: To comprehensively test an AWS environment, NodeZero assumes a role in your AWS account. This allows NodeZero to better understand your cloud environment. You first create a cloud connection, verify that connection, and run the AWS pentest.

Here’s how to set up a connection: You enter the Connection name, and then enter your AWS account ID.

Once the connection is configured, you verify that the role was created properly by clicking on Verify Connection. Here is an example of what you’ll see if your connection(s) are verified properly:

Next, select Recommended Defaults – AWS Pentest in the Name section. Then, give your pentest a unique name. Finally, select the cloud connections you want to include in the scope of your test. All resources under the selected accounts will be treated as “in scope” for the pentest.

AWS Pentest Demo Video

Once that is complete, select the Attack Configuration you would like to use. You can select all or be more selective in your choices. These options allow you to control the types of services and vulnerabilities NodeZero will attempt to enumerate and attack.

The only thing left is to agree to the checkbox stating you have legal authority to conduct’s AWS Penetration Testing. Then click Run Pentest. When the pentest is finished you can analyze the pentest results.

This silent video will give you a snapshot of what NodeZero analytics looks like.


NodeZero Cloud Pentesting is a must-have for any organization looking to secure its cloud. With a few simple configuration steps, you can launch a pentest using NodeZero within minutes. It offers unmatched security validation, helping organizations stay ahead of the ever-evolving threat landscape especially from a cloud perspective. Whether you are a smaller business or a large enterprise, NodeZero provides the tools and insights needed to protect your cloud footprint and reduce your cyber risk.
