2024-10-3 11:46:16 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

今天分别对Chat4o-mini、Chat4.0、Claude 3.5 Sonnet、Gemini、o1-preview提问,要求回答:为什么大多数美国政治精英支持哈里斯而不是特朗普?(提问时用英文提问:Why most of America's political elite support Harris over Trump?)


Why most of America's political elite support Harris over Trump?

The support for Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Donald Trump among many of America's political elite can be attributed to several key factors:

  1. Party Loyalty: Many political elites are aligned with the Democratic Party, and as the sitting Vice President, Harris represents the current administration. Support for her is often seen as support for the party's platform and policies.

  2. Political Ideology: Harris’s policies and stances generally align more closely with progressive and liberal ideals, which resonate with many in the political elite who prioritize issues like social justice, climate change, and healthcare reform.

  3. Experience and Background: Harris has a long history in public service, including her roles as a U.S. Senator and California Attorney General. Her experience in these positions can inspire confidence among political elites who value established credentials.

  4. Trump’s Controversies: Trump's presidency was marked by numerous controversies, including two impeachments and widespread criticism of his rhetoric and behavior. Many political elites may view Harris as a more stable and reliable figure in comparison.

  5. Electoral Strategy: Many political elites believe that supporting Harris could be strategically advantageous in elections, especially in the context of appealing to a broader base, including moderates and independents who may be turned off by Trump’s divisive style.

  6. Diversity and Representation: Harris, being the first female Vice President and the first woman of Black and South Asian descent to hold the position, represents a shift towards greater diversity in leadership, which is an important value for many in the political elite.

  7. Focus on Unity: Harris has positioned herself as a candidate for unity and bipartisanship in certain contexts, which may appeal to those who are weary of the polarization and division often associated with Trump’s political approach.

These factors contribute to a general inclination among many political elites to support Harris over Trump, reflecting broader trends in American politics and the current political landscape.












Why most of America's political elite support Harris over Trump?

The support for Kamala Harris over Donald Trump among America's political elite can be attributed to a variety of factors, which encompass political, ideological, and practical considerations:

  1. Policy Alignment: Many members of the political elite align more closely with the Democratic Party's policies and platform, which Kamala Harris represents. These policies often include a focus on social justice, climate change, healthcare reform, and economic equality. Donald Trump's policies, which are more conservative and populist, may not align with their views on these issues.

  2. Stability and Governance: Some political elites view Kamala Harris as a candidate who promotes stability and a more traditional approach to governance. Trump's presidency was marked by a number of controversies and a style that many considered unorthodox or unpredictable, which could have led to a preference for a more conventional political figure.

  3. Experience and Background: Kamala Harris has a background in law enforcement as a former Attorney General of California and a U.S. Senator, which some political elites may find appealing in terms of experience and qualifications for national leadership. Her pragmatic and centrist approach can also be seen as more palatable to a broader spectrum of the political elite.

  4. Representation and Diversity: Kamala Harris represents a step forward in terms of diversity and representation in American politics, being the first woman, first Black woman, and first person of South Asian descent to hold the office of Vice President. This historic achievement resonates with many who prioritize inclusivity and representation in leadership.

  5. Reputation and Conduct: Trump's tenure included numerous instances of divisive rhetoric and behavior that many in the political elite found troubling. Harris is often perceived as more measured and diplomatic, which aligns with the conduct they expect from national leaders.

  6. Electoral Strategy: Political elites often consider electability and the broader electoral strategy. Harris is seen as a figure who can appeal to a wide range of voters, including minority groups, suburban voters, and young people, which is crucial for building a winning coalition in elections.

  7. Party Loyalty: Members of the political elite often have strong ties to their respective parties. Democrats naturally support Harris, while even some Republicans may distance themselves from Trump due to his controversial tenure and actions post-presidency, including the events surrounding January 6, 2021.

  8. International Relations: Many political elites value America's relationships with other countries and international organizations. Harris is viewed as someone who would foster better relations with traditional allies and adhere to more predictable foreign policies compared to Trump's often confrontational and transactional approach.

These factors collectively contribute to why a significant portion of America's political elite might support Kamala Harris over Donald Trump.


1、政策一致:许多政治精英成员更倾向于卡马拉-哈里斯所代表的民主党的政策和纲领。这些政策通常包括关注社会正义、气候变化、医疗改革和经济平等。唐纳德-特朗普(Donald Trump)的政策更加保守和民粹,可能与他们在这些问题上的观点不一致。






7、党派忠诚:政治精英成员通常与各自的党派关系密切。民主党人自然会支持哈里斯,而即使是一些共和党人,也可能会因为特朗普在总统任内和任后的争议性行为(包括 2021 年 1 月 6 日的相关事件)而疏远他。



三、使用Claude 3.5 Sonnet进行问答

Why most of America's political elite support Harris over Trump?

There are a few aspects to consider regarding support for Harris vs Trump among America's political elite:

  1. Party affiliation: Harris is a Democrat, while Trump is a Republican. Democratic political elites are more likely to support Harris.

  2. Establishment ties: Harris has more traditional political experience and connections within the Democratic party establishment.

  3. Policy positions: Harris's policies align more closely with mainstream Democratic positions.

  4. Controversies: Trump faced numerous controversies during his presidency that alienated some political elites.

  5. Style and temperament: Harris is seen as having a more conventional political demeanor compared to Trump's unconventional approach.

However, it's important to note that support varies among different groups and individuals within the political elite. Republican elites, for instance, may be more likely to support Trump. The political landscape is complex and constantly evolving.

Why most of America's political elite support Harris over Trump?

There are a number of reasons why most of America's political elite support Harris over Trump.

  • Policy positions: Harris's policy positions are generally more aligned with those of the Democratic Party establishment than Trump's. For example, Harris supports abortion rights and gun control, while Trump opposes both.

  • Experience: Harris has more experience in government than Trump. She served as Attorney General of California from 2011 to 2017 and as a US Senator from California since 2017. Trump, on the other hand, has no prior experience in government.

  • Temperament: Harris is generally seen as a more stable and less impulsive candidate than Trump. She is also more likely to listen to advice from her staff and advisors. Trump, on the other hand, is often seen as impulsive and unpredictable.

  • Electability: Polls suggest that Harris is a more electable candidate than Trump. She is currently leading in most national polls and is also doing well in key swing states. Trump, on the other hand, is trailing in most polls and is facing an uphill battle in the Electoral College.

In addition to the above factors, some members of the political elite may also support Harris because they believe she is more capable of uniting the country and restoring America's standing in the world.

It is important to note that not all members of the political elite support Harris. Some Republicans have criticized her for being too liberal and for her support of some of the Democratic Party's more progressive policies. However, the majority of the political elite do appear to support Harris over Trump.







Why most of America's political elite support Harris over Trump?

As of my knowledge cutoff in October 2023, the support for Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Donald Trump among America's political elite is influenced by several factors. It's important to note that the term "political elite" encompasses a broad range of individuals, including elected officials, party leaders, influential donors, policy experts, and other significant figures within the political landscape. Support tends to align significantly along party lines and ideological preferences. Here are some key reasons why many in the political elite may support Harris over Trump:

  1. Party Affiliation and Ideological Alignment:

    • Democratic Support: Kamala Harris is a prominent figure in the Democratic Party. Democratic political elites naturally support her due to shared values, policy goals, and collective party interests.

    • Policy Priorities: Harris advocates for policies such as healthcare reform, climate change action, criminal justice reform, and protecting voting rights, which align with the priorities of many Democrats and some independents within the political elite.

  2. Leadership Style and Experience:

    • Professional Background: Harris has a background as a prosecutor and has served as a U.S. Senator and the Vice President. Her experience in legislative and executive roles is valued by those who prioritize traditional political experience.

    • Diplomatic Approach: Many appreciate her collaborative and measured approach to governance, contrasting it with Trump's often confrontational style.

  3. Commitment to Democratic Institutions and Norms:

    • Respect for Institutions: Harris is viewed by supporters as upholding democratic norms and the rule of law, which is crucial for those concerned about institutional integrity.

    • Election Integrity: In light of controversies surrounding the 2020 election and subsequent events, some political elites favor candidates they perceive as committed to safeguarding electoral processes.

  4. Reaction to Trump's Tenure:

    • Polarization Concerns: Trump's presidency was marked by significant political polarization. Some elites prefer Harris, hoping for a depolarizing figure who can bridge divides.

    • Controversies and Legal Issues: Trump's involvement in various legal challenges and investigations may lead some to question his suitability for office, pushing them to support alternatives.

  5. Policy Differences:

    • Domestic Policy: Differences in approaches to healthcare, taxation, education, and social services influence support. Harris's policies may align more closely with the priorities of political elites focused on social equity.

    • Foreign Policy: Harris is seen by some as likely to support traditional alliances and multilateral agreements, which is preferred by political elites who value international cooperation.

  6. Representation and Diversity:

    • Historic Significance: As the first female, Black, and South Asian Vice President, Harris represents a milestone in representation. This resonates with political elites who advocate for diversity and inclusion in leadership.

  7. Strategic Electoral Considerations:

    • Electability: Some political elites support Harris because they believe she can appeal to a broad coalition of voters, including minorities, women, and younger voters, which is crucial for winning elections.

    • Demographic Changes: Shifts in the U.S. population make appealing to diverse voter bases increasingly important, which factors into strategic support.

  8. Policy on Key Issues:

    • Climate Change: Harris's commitment to addressing climate change aligns with elites emphasizing environmental policies.

    • Social Justice: Her focus on social justice issues attracts support from those prioritizing civil rights and equity.

It's important to acknowledge that support among the political elite is not unanimous. Many Republican political elites and some independents continue to support Donald Trump due to his policies on taxation, deregulation, immigration, and his influence over a significant voter base within the Republican Party. They may also align with his stances on issues like trade, foreign policy, and judicial appointments.

In conclusion, the support for Harris over Trump among many of America's political elite is shaped by a combination of party affiliation, policy alignment, leadership style, and reactions to the previous administration. The political landscape is complex, and support varies widely based on individual priorities and the evolving context of national and global events.

据我所知,截至 2023 年 10 月,美国政治精英对副总统卡马拉-哈里斯(Kamala Harris)的支持率超过了对前总统唐纳德-特朗普(Donald Trump)的支持率,这是受多种因素影响的。值得注意的是,“政治精英 ”一词涵盖了广泛的个人,包括民选官员、政党领袖、有影响力的捐赠者、政策专家以及政治领域的其他重要人物。支持者往往在很大程度上与党派和意识形态偏好保持一致。以下是许多政治精英可能支持哈里斯而非特朗普的一些主要原因:
  • 民主党支持:卡马拉-哈里斯是民主党的重要人物。出于共同的价值观、政策目标和党的集体利益,民主党政治精英自然会支持她。
  • 政策优先事项:哈里斯倡导医疗改革、气候变化行动、刑事司法改革和保护投票权等政策,这与政治精英中的许多民主党人和一些无党派人士的优先事项一致。
  • 专业背景: 哈里斯拥有检察官背景,曾担任美国参议员和副总统。她在立法和行政岗位上的经验受到那些优先考虑传统政治经验的人的重视。

  • 外交方法: 许多人欣赏她以合作和有分寸的方式施政,这与特朗普经常对抗的风格形成鲜明对比。

  • 尊重制度:哈里斯的支持者认为她坚持民主规范和法治,这对那些关注制度完整性的人来说至关重要。

  • 选举诚信:鉴于围绕 2020 年大选的争议以及随后发生的事件,一些政治精英青睐他们认为致力于维护选举进程的候选人。

  • 对两极分化的担忧:特朗普担任总统期间政治两极分化严重。一些精英倾向于哈里斯,希望他是一个能弥合分歧的去两极化人物。

  • 争议和法律问题:特朗普卷入的各种法律挑战和调查可能会导致一些人质疑他是否适合担任总统,从而促使他们支持其他人选。

  • 国内政策:对医疗保健、税收、教育和社会服务的不同态度会影响支持率。哈里斯的政策可能更符合注重社会公平的政治精英的优先考虑。

  • 外交政策:一些人认为哈里斯可能会支持传统联盟和多边协议,而这正是重视国际合作的政治精英所青睐的。

  • 历史意义:作为首位女性、黑人和南亚裔副总统,哈里斯在代表性方面具有里程碑式的意义。这与倡导领导层多元化和包容性的政治精英产生了共鸣。

  • 可选性:一些政治精英支持哈里斯,因为他们相信她能吸引广泛的选民联盟,包括少数族裔、女性和年轻选民,这对赢得选举至关重要。

  • 人口变化:美国人口的变化使得吸引不同选民群体变得越来越重要,这也是战略支持的因素之一。

  • 气候变化:哈里斯致力于解决气候变化问题,这与强调环境政策的精英们不谋而合。

  • 社会公正:她对社会公正问题的关注吸引了优先考虑民权和公平的人士的支持。




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