Fuzzer开发 2:沙盒化系统调用
2024-10-3 15:50:9 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏


这个模糊测试器最初由Brandon Falk构思并实现。









fn syscall()
if lucid:


Musl是一个旨在“轻量化”的 C 库。与 Glibc 这种庞然大物相比,使用 Musl 使我们在处理时更为简单。重要的是,Musl 在静态链接方面的声誉非常好,而这正是我们在构建静态 PIE Bochs 时所需要的。因此,这里的想法是我们可以手动更改 Musl 代码,以改变调用系统调用的包装函数的工作方式,从而劫持执行,将上下文切换到 Lucid 而非内核。
在这篇文章中,我们将使用 Musl 1.2.4,这是截至今天的最新版本。


我们不会直接跳到 Bochs 上,而是先使用一个测试程序来开发我们的第一个上下文切换例程。这么做更为简单。测试程序如下:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <lucid.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
printf("Argument count: %d\n", argc);
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
printf(" -%s\n", argv[i]);

size_t iters = 0;
while (1) {
printf("Test alive!\n");

if (iters == 5) { break; }

printf("g_lucid_ctx: %p\n", g_lucid_ctx);

该程序将告诉我们它的参数数量、每个参数的内容,运行约 5 秒钟,然后打印一个 Lucid 执行上下文数据结构的内存地址。如果程序在 Lucid 下运行,这个数据结构将由 Lucid 分配和初始化,否则将为 NULL。那么我们如何实现这一点呢?


我们的问题是,需要一种全局可访问的方式来让我们加载的程序(最终是 Bochs)判断它是运行在 Lucid 下还是正常运行。我们还需要提供许多数据结构和函数地址给 Bochs,因此我们需要一个工具来实现这一点。
我所做的是创建了一个自己的头文件,并将其放在 Musl 中,名为lucid.h。该文件定义了我们在编译时需要 Bochs 访问的所有 Lucid 特定的数据结构。因此,在头文件中,我们目前定义了一个lucid_ctx数据结构,并创建了一个全局实例,名为g_lucid_ctx
// An execution context definition that we use to switch contexts between the
// fuzzer and Bochs. This should contain all of the information we need to track
// all of the mutable state between snapshots that we need such as file data.
// This has to be consistent with LucidContext in context.rs
typedef struct lucid_ctx {
// This must always be the first member of this struct
size_t exit_handler;
int save_inst;
size_t save_size;
size_t lucid_save_area;
size_t bochs_save_area;
struct register_bank register_bank;
size_t magic;
} lucid_ctx_t;

// Pointer to the global execution context, if running inside Lucid, this will
// point to the a struct lucid_ctx_t inside the Fuzzer
lucid_ctx_t *g_lucid_ctx;

在 Lucid 下启动程序

因此,目前在 Lucid 的主函数中,我们执行以下操作:
1.加载 Bochs
3.跳转到 Bochs 的入口点并开始执行
当我们从 Lucid 跳转到 Bochs 的入口点时,最早调用的函数之一是在源文件dlstart.c中的 Musl 函数_dlstart_c。目前,我们在堆上创建该全局执行上下文,然后将该地址传递给任意选择的r15。这个函数最终会发生变化,因为我们将在未来想要从 Lucid 切换到 Bochs 来执行这一操作,但目前我们所做的只是:
pub fn start_bochs(bochs: Bochs, context: Box<LucidContext>) {
// rdx: we have to clear this register as the ABI specifies that exit
// hooks are set when rdx is non-null at program start
// rax: arbitrarily used as a jump target to the program entry
// rsp: Rust does not allow you to use 'rsp' explicitly with in(), so we
// have to manually set it with a `mov`
// r15: holds a pointer to the execution context, if this value is non-
// null, then Bochs learns at start time that it is running under Lucid
// We don't really care about execution order as long as we specify clobbers
// with out/lateout, that way the compiler doesn't allocate a register we
// then immediately clobber
unsafe {
"xor rdx, rdx",
"mov rsp, {0}",
"mov r15, {1}",
"jmp rax",
in(reg) bochs.rsp,
in(reg) Box::into_raw(context),
in("rax") bochs.entry,
lateout("rax") _, // Clobber (inout so no conflict with in)
out("rdx") _, // Clobber
out("r15") _, // Clobber
因此,当我们从 Lucid 跳转到 Bochs 入口点时,r15应该持有执行上下文的地址。在_dlstart_c中,我们可以检查r15并据此采取行动。这是我对 Musl 启动例程所做的那些添加:
hidden void _dlstart_c(size_t *sp, size_t *dynv)
// The start routine is handled in inline assembly in arch/x86_64/crt_arch.h
// so we can just do this here. That function logic clobbers only a few
// registers, so we can have the Lucid loader pass the address of the
// Lucid context in r15, this is obviously not the cleanest solution but
// it works for our purposes
size_t r15;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"mov %%r15, %0" : "=r"(r15)

// If r15 was not 0, set the global context address for the g_lucid_ctx that
// is in the Rust fuzzer
if (r15 != 0) {
g_lucid_ctx = (lucid_ctx_t *)r15;

// We have to make sure this is true, we rely on this
if ((void *)g_lucid_ctx != (void *)&g_lucid_ctx->exit_handler) {
__asm__ __volatile__("int3");

// We didn't get a g_lucid_ctx, so we can just run normally
else {
g_lucid_ctx = (lucid_ctx_t *)0;

当这个函数被调用时,最早的 Musl 逻辑并不会触及r15。因此,我们使用内联汇编将值提取到一个名为r15的变量中,并检查它是否有数据。如果有数据,我们将全局上下文变量设置为r15中的地址;否则,我们将其显式设置为 NULL 并按正常方式运行。现在设置了全局变量,我们可以在运行时检查我们的环境,并选择性地调用真实的内核或 Lucid。

改造 Musl 的系统调用

现在设置了全局变量,是时候编辑那些负责发出系统调用的函数了。Musl 组织得非常好,因此找到系统调用逻辑并不困难。对于我们的目标架构 x86_64,这些系统调用函数位于arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h中。它们按照系统调用所需参数的数量进行组织:
static __inline long __syscall0(long n)
unsigned long ret;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
return ret;

static __inline long __syscall1(long n, long a1)
unsigned long ret;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
return ret;

static __inline long __syscall2(long n, long a1, long a2)
unsigned long ret;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2)
: "rcx", "r11", "memory");
return ret;

static __inline long __syscall3(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3)
unsigned long ret;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2),
"d"(a3) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
return ret;

static __inline long __syscall4(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4)
unsigned long ret;
register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2),
"d"(a3), "r"(r10): "rcx", "r11", "memory");
return ret;

static __inline long __syscall5(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5)
unsigned long ret;
register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;
register long r8 __asm__("r8") = a5;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2),
"d"(a3), "r"(r10), "r"(r8) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
return ret;

static __inline long __syscall6(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
unsigned long ret;
register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;
register long r8 __asm__("r8") = a5;
register long r9 __asm__("r9") = a6;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2),
"d"(a3), "r"(r10), "r"(r8), "r"(r9) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
return ret;

这很直观,但语法有点令人费解,比如在那些__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall")行上,很难看出它在做什么。让我们以最复杂的函数__syscall6为例,详细解析一下所有的语法。我们可以将汇编语法看作是一个格式字符串,就像打印时使用格式字符串一样,但这是为了生成代码:
1.unsigned long ret是我们将存储系统调用结果的地方,以指示系统调用是否成功。在原始汇编中,我们可以看到有一个:然后是"=a(ret)",这个冒号后的第一个参数集用于指示输出参数。我们是在说请将结果存储在eax(在语法中用a表示)中并放入变量ret
3.参数 4-6 被放在上面的寄存器中,例如语法register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;是一个强烈的编译器提示,要求将a4存储到r10中。然后我们看到"r"(r10)表示将变量r10输入到一个通用寄存器中(这已经满足了)。
通过解释语法,我们可以看到发生了什么。这些函数的任务是将函数调用转换为系统调用。函数的调用约定,称为 System V ABI,与系统调用的约定不同,寄存器的使用也不同。因此,当我们调用__syscall6并传递其参数时,每个参数存储在以下寄存器中:
因此,编译器将从 System V ABI 中获取这些函数参数,并通过我们上面解释的汇编代码将它们转换为系统调用。所以现在这些就是我们需要编辑的函数,以便我们不发出那个系统调用指令,而是调用 Lucid。

有条件地调用 Lucid

因此,我们需要在这些函数体中找到一种方法来调用 Lucid,而不是发出系统调用指令。为此,我们需要定义自己的调用约定,目前我使用的是以下内容:

r15:包含全局 Lucid 执行上下文的地址。


r13:是 Lucid 执行上下文的寄存器库结构的基地址,我们需要这个内存区域来存储寄存器值,以便在上下文切换时保存我们的状态。


随着我们添加更多功能/功能,这些无疑会发生一些变化。我还应该指出,根据 ABI 的规定,函数有责任保留这些值,因此函数调用者期望这些值在函数调用期间不会改变,而我们正在改变它们。这没关系,因为在我们使用这些寄存器的函数中,我们将它们标记为“破坏寄存器”(clobbers),还记得吗?所以编译器知道它们会改变,编译器现在要做的是,在执行任何代码之前,它会将这些寄存器推送到堆栈中以保存它们,然后在退出之前,将它们从堆栈中弹出回寄存器中,以便调用者获得预期的值。所以我们可以自由使用它们。
为了更改这些函数,我首先更改了函数逻辑,以检查我们是否有全局 Lucid 执行上下文,如果没有,则执行正常的 Musl 函数,你可以在这里看到,我已经将正常的函数逻辑移到了一个名为__syscall6_original的单独函数中:
static __inline long __syscall6_original(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
unsigned long ret;
register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;
register long r8 __asm__("r8") = a5;
register long r9 __asm__("r9") = a6;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2), "d"(a3), "r"(r10),
"r"(r8), "r"(r9) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");

return ret;

static __inline long __syscall6(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
if (!g_lucid_ctx) { return __syscall6_original(n, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); }

然而,如果我们在 Lucid 下运行,我会通过显式设置寄存器r12r15来按照我们在上下文切换到 Lucid 时的预期设置调用约定。
static __inline long __syscall6(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
if (!g_lucid_ctx) { return __syscall6_original(n, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); }

register long ret;
register long r12 __asm__("r12") = (size_t)(g_lucid_ctx->exit_handler);
register long r13 __asm__("r13") = (size_t)(&g_lucid_ctx->register_bank);
register long r14 __asm__("r14") = SYSCALL;
register long r15 __asm__("r15") = (size_t)(g_lucid_ctx);

现在设置好调用约定后,我们可以像之前一样使用内联汇编。注意,我们已经将syscall指令替换为call r12,即像普通函数一样调用我们的退出处理程序:
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"mov %1, %%rax\n\t"
"mov %2, %%rdi\n\t"
"mov %3, %%rsi\n\t"
"mov %4, %%rdx\n\t"
"mov %5, %%r10\n\t"
"mov %6, %%r8\n\t"
"mov %7, %%r9\n\t"
"call *%%r12\n\t"
"mov %%rax, %0\n\t"
: "=r" (ret)
: "r" (n), "r" (a1), "r" (a2), "r" (a3), "r" (a4), "r" (a5), "r" (a6),
"r" (r12), "r" (r13), "r" (r14), "r" (r15)
: "rax", "rcx", "r11", "memory"

return ret;

现在我们调用的是退出处理程序,而不是进入内核的系统调用,并且所有寄存器都设置得好像我们在进行系统调用一样。我们还设置了调用约定的寄存器。让我们看看当我们进入退出处理程序时会发生什么,该函数是在 Lucid 中用 Rust 实现的。我们直接从 Bochs 代码跳转到 Lucid 代码!


我们首先需要做的是为退出处理程序创建一个函数体。在 Rust 中,我们可以通过将函数声明为extern C函数并在内联汇编中给它一个标签,使其对 Bochs 可见(通过我们修改过的 Musl):
extern "C" { fn exit_handler(); }
".global exit_handler",
当 Bochs 在 Lucid 下尝试进行系统调用时,这个函数将被跳转到。我们首先需要考虑的是,我们需要像内核在进入上下文切换例程时那样跟踪 Bochs 的状态。我们首先要保存的是通用寄存器。通过这样做,我们可以保留寄存器的状态,同时也解锁它们供我们自己使用。因为我们首先保存了它们,所以我们可以自由使用它们。记住,我们的调用约定使用r13来存储执行上下文寄存器库的基地址:
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub struct RegisterBank {
pub rax: usize,
rbx: usize,
rcx: usize,
pub rdx: usize,
pub rsi: usize,
pub rdi: usize,
rbp: usize,
rsp: usize,
pub r8: usize,
pub r9: usize,
pub r10: usize,
r11: usize,
r12: usize,
r13: usize,
r14: usize,
r15: usize,
// Save the GPRS to memory
"mov [r13 + 0x0], rax",
"mov [r13 + 0x8], rbx",
"mov [r13 + 0x10], rcx",
"mov [r13 + 0x18], rdx",
"mov [r13 + 0x20], rsi",
"mov [r13 + 0x28], rdi",
"mov [r13 + 0x30], rbp",
"mov [r13 + 0x38], rsp",
"mov [r13 + 0x40], r8",
"mov [r13 + 0x48], r9",
"mov [r13 + 0x50], r10",
"mov [r13 + 0x58], r11",
"mov [r13 + 0x60], r12",
"mov [r13 + 0x68], r13",
"mov [r13 + 0x70], r14",
"mov [r13 + 0x78], r15",
这将把寄存器值保存到内存中的寄存器库中以进行保留。接下来,我们需要保留 CPU 的标志(flags),幸运的是,有一条指令专门用于此目的,即将标志值推送到堆栈中的pushfq
我们现在使用的是一个纯汇编的存根代码,但我们希望能够在某个时候开始使用 Rust,而这个时候就是现在。我们已经保存了目前能保存的所有状态,现在是调用一个真正的 Rust 函数的时候了,这将使编程和实现变得更容易。不过,要调用一个函数,我们需要设置寄存器值以符合函数调用的 ABI 约定。我们希望访问的两个数据是执行上下文和退出的原因。记住,它们分别在r15r14中。因此,我们可以简单地将它们放入用于传递函数参数的寄存器中,并立即调用一个名为lucid_handler的 Rust 函数。
// Save the CPU flags

// Set up the function arguments for lucid_handler according to ABI
"mov rdi, r15", // Put the pointer to the context into RDI
"mov rsi, r14", // Put the exit reason into RSI

// At this point, we've been called into by Bochs, this should mean that
// at the beginning of our exit_handler, rsp was only 8-byte aligned and
// thus, by ABI, we cannot legally call into a Rust function since to do so
// requires rsp to be 16-byte aligned. Luckily, `pushfq` just 16-byte
// aligned the stack for us and so we are free to `call`
"call lucid_handler",

现在,我们可以自由地执行真正的 Rust 代码了!以下是目前的lucid_handler函数:
// This is where the actual logic is for handling the Bochs exit, we have to
// use no_mangle here so that we can call it from the assembly blob. We need
// to see why we've exited and dispatch to the appropriate function
fn lucid_handler(context: *mut LucidContext, exit_reason: i32) {
// We have to make sure this bad boy isn't NULL
if context.is_null() {
println!("LucidContext pointer was NULL");

// Ensure that we have our magic value intact, if this is wrong, then we
// are in some kind of really bad state and just need to die
let magic = LucidContext::ptr_to_magic(context);
if magic != CTX_MAGIC {
println!("Invalid LucidContext Magic value: 0x{:X}", magic);

// Before we do anything else, save the extended state
let save_inst = LucidContext::ptr_to_save_inst(context);
if save_inst.is_err() {
println!("Invalid Save Instruction");
let save_inst = save_inst.unwrap();

// Get the save area
let save_area =
LucidContext::ptr_to_save_area(context, SaveDirection::FromBochs);

if save_area == 0 || save_area % 64 != 0 {
println!("Invalid Save Area");

// Determine save logic
match save_inst {
SaveInst::XSave64 => {
// Retrieve XCR0 value, this will serve as our save mask
let xcr0 = unsafe { _xgetbv(0) } as u64;

// Call xsave to save the extended state to Bochs save area
unsafe { _xsave64(save_area as *mut u8, xcr0); }
SaveInst::FxSave64 => {
// Call fxsave to save the extended state to Bochs save area
unsafe { _fxsave64(save_area as *mut u8); }
_ => (), // NoSave

// Try to convert the exit reason into BochsExit
let exit_reason = BochsExit::try_from(exit_reason);
if exit_reason.is_err() {
println!("Invalid Bochs Exit Reason");
let exit_reason = exit_reason.unwrap();

// Determine what to do based on the exit reason
match exit_reason {
BochsExit::Syscall => {

// Restore extended state, determine restore logic
match save_inst {
SaveInst::XSave64 => {
// Retrieve XCR0 value, this will serve as our save mask
let xcr0 = unsafe { _xgetbv(0) } as u64;

// Call xrstor to restore the extended state from Bochs save area
unsafe { _xrstor64(save_area as *const u8, xcr0); }
SaveInst::FxSave64 => {
// Call fxrstor to restore the extended state from Bochs save area
unsafe { _fxrstor64(save_area as *const u8); }
_ => (), // NoSave



让我们从保存区域(save area)的概念开始。那是什么呢?我们已经保存了通用寄存器和 CPU 标志,但处理器还有一个被称为“扩展状态”的部分,我们还没有保存。这可能包括浮点寄存器、向量寄存器以及处理器用于支持高级执行功能(如 SIMD 指令、加密等)的其他状态信息。这重要吗?很难说,我们不知道 Bochs 会做什么,它可能依赖于这些状态在函数调用之间得到保留,所以我认为我们可以先保存它们。
要保存这个状态,你只需执行适用于你的 CPU 的相应保存指令。为了在运行时动态地执行此操作,我会查询处理器是否至少支持两条保存指令,如果不支持,那么现在我们不支持其他任何东西。因此,当我们最初创建执行上下文时,我们会确定需要使用哪条保存指令,并将该答案存储在执行上下文中。然后在上下文切换时,我们可以动态地使用适当的扩展状态保存函数。这之所以有效,是因为我们还没有在lucid_handler中使用任何扩展状态,所以它仍然被保留。你可以在这里看到我在上下文初始化期间是如何检查的:
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, LucidErr> {
// Check for what kind of features are supported we check from most
// advanced to least
let save_inst = if std::is_x86_feature_detected!("xsave") {
} else if std::is_x86_feature_detected!("fxsr") {
} else {

// Get save area size
let save_size: usize = match save_inst {
SaveInst::NoSave => 0,
_ => calc_save_size(),

// Standalone function to calculate the size of the save area for saving the
// extended processor state based on the current processor's features. `cpuid`
// will return the save area size based on the value of the XCR0 when ECX==0
// and EAX==0xD. The value returned to EBX is based on the current features
// enabled in XCR0, while the value returned in ECX is the largest size it
// could be based on CPU capabilities. So out of an abundance of caution we use
// the ECX value. We have to preserve EBX or rustc gets angry at us. We are
// assuming that the fuzzer and Bochs do not modify the XCR0 at any time.
fn calc_save_size() -> usize {
let save: usize;
unsafe {
"push rbx",
"mov rax, 0xD",
"xor rcx, rcx",
"pop rbx",
out("rax") _, // Clobber
out("rcx") save, // Save the max size
out("rdx") _, // Clobbered by CPUID output (w eax)

// Round up to the nearest page size
(save + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & !(PAGE_SIZE - 1)

// Determine save logic
match save_inst {
SaveInst::XSave64 => {
// Retrieve XCR0 value, this will serve as our save mask
let xcr0 = unsafe { _xgetbv(0) } as u64;

// Call xsave to save the extended state to Bochs save area
unsafe { _xsave64(save_area as *mut u8, xcr0); }
SaveInst::FxSave64 => {
// Call fxsave to save the extended state to Bochs save area
unsafe { _fxsave64(save_area as *mut u8); }
_ => (), // NoSave

// Determine what to do based on the exit reason
match exit_reason {
BochsExit::Syscall => {

// Restore extended state, determine restore logic
match save_inst {
SaveInst::XSave64 => {
// Retrieve XCR0 value, this will serve as our save mask
let xcr0 = unsafe { _xgetbv(0) } as u64;

// Call xrstor to restore the extended state from Bochs save area
unsafe { _xrstor64(save_area as *const u8, xcr0); }
SaveInst::FxSave64 => {
// Call fxrstor to restore the extended state from Bochs save area
unsafe { _fxrstor64(save_area as *const u8); }
_ => (), // NoSave



当我们正常运行测试程序时(不在 Lucid 下),我们会得到以下输出:
Argument count: 1
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
g_lucid_ctx: 0
execve("./test", ["./test"], 0x7ffca76fee90 /* 49 vars */) = 0
arch_prctl(ARCH_SET_FS, 0x7fd53887f5b8) = 0
set_tid_address(0x7fd53887f7a8) = 850649
ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, {ws_row=40, ws_col=110, ws_xpixel=0, ws_ypixel=0}) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="Argument count: 1", iov_len=17}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Argument count: 1
) = 18
writev(1, [{iov_base="Args:", iov_len=5}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Args:
) = 6
writev(1, [{iov_base=" -./test", iov_len=10}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2 -./test
) = 11
writev(1, [{iov_base="Test alive!", iov_len=11}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Test alive!
) = 12
nanosleep({tv_sec=1, tv_nsec=0}, 0x7ffc2fb55470) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="Test alive!", iov_len=11}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Test alive!
) = 12
nanosleep({tv_sec=1, tv_nsec=0}, 0x7ffc2fb55470) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="Test alive!", iov_len=11}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Test alive!
) = 12
nanosleep({tv_sec=1, tv_nsec=0}, 0x7ffc2fb55470) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="Test alive!", iov_len=11}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Test alive!
) = 12
nanosleep({tv_sec=1, tv_nsec=0}, 0x7ffc2fb55470) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="Test alive!", iov_len=11}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Test alive!
) = 12
nanosleep({tv_sec=1, tv_nsec=0}, 0x7ffc2fb55470) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="g_lucid_ctx: 0", iov_len=14}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2g_lucid_ctx: 0
) = 15
exit_group(0) = ?
+++ exited with 0 +++
我们看到前两个系统调用与进程创建有关,我们不需要担心这些,因为我们的进程已经创建并加载到内存中。其他的系统调用是我们需要处理的,比如set_tid_addressioctlwritev。我们暂时不担心exit_group,因为如果我们正在进行快照模糊测试,Bochs 不应该退出,这将是一个致命的退出条件。
// This is where we process Bochs making a syscall. All we need is a pointer to
// the execution context, and we can then access the register bank and all the
// peripheral structures we need
pub fn syscall_handler(context: *mut LucidContext) {
// Get a handle to the register bank
let bank = LucidContext::get_register_bank(context);

// Check what the syscall number is
let syscall_no = (*bank).rax;

// Get the syscall arguments
let arg1 = (*bank).rdi;
let arg2 = (*bank).rsi;
let arg3 = (*bank).rdx;
let arg4 = (*bank).r10;
let arg5 = (*bank).r8;
let arg6 = (*bank).r9;

match syscall_no {
// ioctl
0x10 => {
//println!("Handling ioctl()...");
// Make sure the fd is 1, that's all we handle right now?
if arg1 != 1 {
println!("Invalid `ioctl` fd: {}", arg1);

// Check the `cmd` argument
match arg2 as u64 {
// Requesting window size
libc::TIOCGWINSZ => {
// Arg 3 is a pointer to a struct winsize
let winsize_p = arg3 as *mut libc::winsize;

// If it's NULL, return an error, we don't set errno yet
// that's a weird problem
// TODO: figure out that whole TLS issue yikes
if winsize_p.is_null() {
(*bank).rax = usize::MAX;

// Deref the raw pointer
let winsize = unsafe { &mut *winsize_p };

// Set to some constants
winsize.ws_row = WS_ROW;
winsize.ws_col = WS_COL;
winsize.ws_xpixel = WS_XPIXEL;
winsize.ws_ypixel = WS_YPIXEL;

// Return success
(*bank).rax = 0;
_ => {
println!("Unhandled `ioctl` argument: 0x{:X}", arg1);
// writev
0x14 => {
//println!("Handling writev()...");
// Get the fd
let fd = arg1 as libc::c_int;

// Make sure it's an fd we handle
if fd != STDOUT {
println!("Unhandled writev fd: {}", fd);

// An accumulator that we return
let mut bytes_written = 0;

// Get the iovec count
let iovcnt = arg3 as libc::c_int;

// Get the pointer to the iovec
let mut iovec_p = arg2 as *const libc::iovec;

// If the pointer was NULL, just return error
if iovec_p.is_null() {
(*bank).rax = usize::MAX;

// Iterate through the iovecs and write the contents
for i in 0..iovcnt {
bytes_written += write_iovec(iovec_p);

// Update iovec_p
iovec_p = unsafe { iovec_p.offset(1 + i as isize) };

// Update return value
(*bank).rax = bytes_written;
// nanosleep
0x23 => {
//println!("Handling nanosleep()...");
(*bank).rax = 0;
// set_tid_address
0xDA => {
//println!("Handling set_tid_address()...");
// Just return Boch's pid, no need to do anything
(*bank).rax = BOCHS_PID as usize;
_ => {
println!("Unhandled Syscall Number: 0x{:X}", syscall_no);

就这样!扮演内核的感觉有点有趣。现在我们的测试程序做的事情不多,但我敢打赌,当我们使用 Bochs 时,我们将不得不弄清楚如何处理文件之类的事情,但那是以后的事。现在我们要做的就是通过rax设置返回码,然后优雅地返回到exit_handler存根并返回到 Bochs。


// Restore the flags

// Restore the GPRS
"mov rax, [r13 + 0x0]",
"mov rbx, [r13 + 0x8]",
"mov rcx, [r13 + 0x10]",
"mov rdx, [r13 + 0x18]",
"mov rsi, [r13 + 0x20]",
"mov rdi, [r13 + 0x28]",
"mov rbp, [r13 + 0x30]",
"mov rsp, [r13 + 0x38]",
"mov r8, [r13 + 0x40]",
"mov r9, [r13 + 0x48]",
"mov r10, [r13 + 0x50]",
"mov r11, [r13 + 0x58]",
"mov r12, [r13 + 0x60]",
"mov r13, [r13 + 0x68]",
"mov r14, [r13 + 0x70]",
"mov r15, [r13 + 0x78]",

// Return execution back to Bochs!

我们恢复 CPU 标志,恢复通用寄存器,然后我们简单地执行ret,就好像我们完成了函数调用一样。不要忘记我们在从lucid_context返回之前已经恢复了扩展状态。


就这样,我们拥有了一种能够处理从 Bochs 到模糊测试器的上下文切换的基础设施。它无疑会发生变化并需要重构,但理念将保持相似。我们可以看到下面的输出展示了测试程序在 Lucid 下运行,我们自己处理系统调用:
[08:15:56] lucid> Loading Bochs...
[08:15:56] lucid> Bochs mapping: 0x10000 - 0x18000
[08:15:56] lucid> Bochs mapping size: 0x8000
[08:15:56] lucid> Bochs stack: 0x7F8A50FCF000
[08:15:56] lucid> Bochs entry: 0x11058
[08:15:56] lucid> Creating Bochs execution context...
[08:15:56] lucid> Starting Bochs...
Argument count: 4
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
g_lucid_ctx: 0x55f27f693cd0
Unhandled Syscall Number: 0xE7


接下来,我们将针对 Musl 编译 Bochs,并着手让它运行。我们需要实现它的所有系统调用,并让它运行一个测试目标,我们将对其进行快照并反复运行。因此,下一篇博文应该是一个被系统调用沙盒化的 Bochs,同时对一个“Hello World”类型的目标进行快照并反复运行。敬请期待!



*本文为看雪论坛翻译文章,由 pureGavin 翻译,转载请注明来自看雪社区

# 往期推荐

1、Alt-Tab Terminator注册算法逆向



4、Chrome V8 issue 1486342浅析






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