Daniel Gorlovetsky: TLVTech is a tech partner for startups.
It's easier than ever to start a business in 2024. Starting a business (tech or non-tech) introduces many challenges to the founding team, we want to take a big chunk of challenges off them.
Our team is based in the startup nation, we live innovation and take a business-first approach. Instead of you investing in deep R&D, we look for solutions. Instead of you building R&D processes, we focus on unlocking the company potential.
Running a gym.
Our clients' success is our success. Our clients are thriving through these difficult years with our help, building products that reach millions of users and enterprises globally, showing great revenues and traction.
We provide a full ownership of Product and R&D teams to companies that look to innovate, whether they are Seed round, or post-IPO.
We've organically grown from 0 to 50 employees, without spending a single dollar on marketing.
We're doubling-down on AI, on multiple fronts. We expect to double our revenue in 2025.
Our first paying customer was a blockchain startup that needed our company to take ownership of the entire technology of their company.
Our business is built on a great company culture and an amazing team. As long as we keep that - we'll continue to win.