I got a cheap Geiger counter from Aliexpress:
This picture was taken on an airplane: you have more radiation (cosmic rays) at high altitude.
I figured out how to interface with this counter in Python to log real time data:
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function __description__ = "Program for geiger meter" __author__ = 'Didier Stevens' __version__ = '0.0.1' __date__ = '2024/05/11' """ Source code put in the public domain by Didier Stevens, no Copyright https://DidierStevens.com Use at your own risk History: 2024/05/11: start Todo: """ import optparse import serial import time def FormatTime(epoch=None): if epoch == None: epoch = time.time() return '%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d' % time.localtime(epoch)[0:6] def FindCOMPorts(): ports = [] for number in range(1, 10): try: comport = 'COM%d' % number with serial.Serial(comport) as oSerial: ports.append(comport) except serial.serialutil.SerialException as e: if 'PermissionError' in e.args[0]: ports.append(comport) return ports def LogToCSV(comport): ser = serial.Serial(comport, 115200, timeout=0, write_timeout=0) ser.write(b'\xAA\x05\x0E\x01\xBE\x55\x00') alldata = b'' fOut = open('geiger.csv', 'a') while True: data = ser.read(1000) if data != b'': alldata += data lines = alldata.split(b'\xaaU\x0e') alldata = lines[-1] lines = lines[:-1] for line in lines: if line != b'': out = FormatTime() + ';' + line.decode('latin') print(out) fOut.write(out + '\n') if alldata.endswith(b'U') and not alldata.endswith(b'\xaaU'): out = FormatTime() + ';' + alldata.decode('latin') print(out) fOut.write(out + '\n') alldata = b'' time.sleep(0.40) def Main(): oParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options]\n' + __description__ , version='%prog ' + __version__) oParser.add_option('-l', '--listports', action='store_true', default=False, help='List ports') (options, args) = oParser.parse_args() comports = FindCOMPorts() if options.listports: print('Available ports:') for comport in comports: print(' %s' % comport) return if len(args) == 1: LogToCSV(args[0]) elif len(comports) == 1: print('Using %s' % comports[0]) LogToCSV(comports[0]) else: print('Provide the COM port as argument') print('Available ports:') for comport in comports: print(' %s' % comport) if __name__ == '__main__': Main()
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