13 Years Later - 13 Reasons Why Remote Work Wasn't Worth It
2024-11-25 03:0:15 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

My story is honest, but not perfect. What you like, take. What you don't, neglect.

No. 1 - Spend more time working from home than office. All the things I could've done, ppl seen, places been.

No. 2 - Remote hype, down the wrong pipe. Ignored rumors about lack of glamours.

No. 3 - Drew a line. Did the math. Volatility vs. stability. More money. Even more time without work. Net negative.

No. 4 - Pandemic times two. Used to say welcome to my world. More inside than outside even after it was safe.

No. 5 - Had a blast, but it didn't last. Returning to the office you must. (Yoda)

No. 6 - In tech we trusted. Busted. AI makes me wanna cry.

No. 7 - So tragic all major freelance platforms went public. Shareholders more important than clients and projects.

No. 8 - So frustrated that the market became oversaturated.

No. 9 - Future of work is a pitchfork. Skillful hands in demands. So many streamers, very few plumbers.

No. 10 - To be everywhere is to be nowhere. Digital nomads with fastfood or Zoom friends.

No. 11 - Mental health is wealth. Reality is the only thing that is real (Ready Player One).

No. 12 - Kiss me like you miss me (Deadpool). How could I miss you when you're always around, dear.

No. 13 - Home sweet home. Under the dome.

"If I could turn back time

If I could find a way

Then maybe, maybe, maybe..." (Cher)

文章来源: https://hackernoon.com/13-years-later-13-reasons-why-remote-work-wasnt-worth-it?source=rss