This is the Paper Reading Seminar of Network and Information Security Lab (NISL) at Tsinghua University. Tune in for more details!
时间:2024年1月4日 14:00 - 16:00
* 本次分享对外公开直播,线上参会者要求实名备注“姓名-单位”
1.【论文分享】Who’s Got Your Mail? Characterizing Mail Service Provider Usage
Presenter: 仓永康弘
Conference: IMC '21
Authors: Liu, Enze and Akiwate, Gautam and Jonker, Mattijs and Mirian, Ariana and Savage, Stefan and Voelker, Geoffrey M.
Abstract: The study conducted extensive measurements on email service providers. A project was developed to map domain names to email service providers. This method was employed to document the prominent and growing roles played by a few email service providers and hosting companies over the past four years. It also explored the extent to which nationality (and related legal jurisdiction) influences decision-making in such email service provider choices.
Link to paper:
2.【论文分享】The Blockchain Imitation Game
Presenter: 陈龙飞
Conference: USENIX Security '22
Authors: Qin, Kaihua and Chaliasos, Stefanos and Zhou, Liyi and Livshits, Benjamin and Song, Dawn and Gervais, Arthur
Abstract: This paper introduces the Blockchain Imitation Game and proposes a generalized imitation attack methodology called APE.
Link to paper:
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