Few-shot In-Context Preference Learning Using Large Language Models: Full Prompts and ICPL Details
2024-12-4 05:10:53 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

A. Appendix

We would suggest visiting https://sites.google.com/view/few-shot-icpl/home for more information and videos.

The full pseudocode of ICPL is listed in Algo. 2.


(1) Chao Yu, Tsinghua University;

(2) Hong Lu, Tsinghua University;

(3) Jiaxuan Gao, Tsinghua University;

(4) Qixin Tan, Tsinghua University;

(5) Xinting Yang, Tsinghua University;

(6) Yu Wang, with equal advising from Tsinghua University;

(7) Yi Wu, with equal advising from Tsinghua University and the Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute;

(8) Eugene Vinitsky, with equal advising from New York University ([email protected]).

文章来源: https://hackernoon.com/few-shot-in-context-preference-learning-using-large-language-models-full-prompts-and-icpl-details?source=rss