【学术沙龙】NISL 11月9日活动预告 - TO BE ON AIR
2023-11-9 09:6:40 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:0 收藏



This is the Paper Reading Seminar of Network and Information Security Lab (NISL) at Tsinghua University. Tune in for more details!

时间:2023年11月9日 14:00 - 16:00




* 本次分享对外公开直播,线上参会者要求实名备注“姓名-单位”


1.【论文分享】Off-Path TCP Exploits of the Mixed IPID Assignment

  • Presenter: 刘世明

  • Conference: CCS '20

  • Authors: Feng X, Fu C, Li Q, et al.

  • Abstract: The article achieves degradation of IPID allocation algorithms by sending ICMP requests in a fragmented manner. It leverages the incremental nature of IPID as a side channel to infer the victim's IP address, port, as well as the ACK and SEQ values in the TCP traffic, thereby intercepting TCP traffic.

  • Link to paper: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3372297.3417884

2.【论文分享Fuzzing SGX Enclaves via Host Program Mutations

  • Presenter: 李哲铭

  • Conference: EuroS&P '23

  • Authors: Khan A, Zou M, Kim K, et al.

  • Abstract: FUZZSGX proposes an input and program mutation-based fuzzer for Intel SGX enclave implementations. It provides an enclave fuzzing runtime, FUZZSGX RUNTIME, which is a drop-in library for the Intel SGX SDK, enabling code coverage and sanitization within enclaves. To explore the host app-enclave boundary, FUZZSGX conducts static analysis and symbolic execution on existing host apps and enclave implementations to generate promising fuzzing programs.

  • Link to paper: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10190488

# 学术沙龙问卷反馈

编辑|刘一静 黄嘉盛


文章来源: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzUxMTEwOTA3OA==&mid=2247485512&idx=1&sn=9bcaf3e6a574f33b83a8af954ca04bdf&chksm=f979faf1ce0e73e773e8cb1e4121779d29366f3ad3660bb86927dbd22366a3f5adbc1a787eb4&scene=58&subscene=0#rd