作者: evilpan
原文链接: https://evilpan.com/2020/10/11/protected-python/
不过当我看到的时候已经过去了大概720小时?? 在查看该以太币交易记录的时候,发现在充值之后十几小时就被提走了,可能是其他大佬也可能是作者自己。虽然没钱可偷,但幸运的是 pyc 的下载地址依然有效,所以我就下载下来研究了一下。
$ python2 ether_v2.pyc Input UR answer: whatever You are too vegetable please try again!
$ grep vegetable ether_v2.pyc
目前市面上有一些开源的 pyc 还原工具,比如:
既然没有现成工具能用,那么我们就需要通过自己的方法来对代码逻辑进行还原。要分析代码逻辑第一步至少要把字节码还原出来,使用 dis 模块可以实现:
import dis import marshal with open('ether_v2.pyc', 'rb') as f: magic = f.read(4) timestamp = f.read(4) code = marshal.load(f) dis.disassemble(code)
序列化格式,在 Python2.7 中加上 8 字节的 pyc 头信息。一般通过上面的代码即可打印出文件中的字节码信息。当然,这个事情并不一般:
$ python2 try1.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "try1.py", line 9, in <module> dis.disassemble(code) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dis.py", line 64, in disassemble labels = findlabels(code) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dis.py", line 166, in findlabels oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 IndexError: string index out of range
在 dis 模块中直接异常退出了,有点意思。查看 dis 的源码,查看出错的部分,发现在 co.co_code
、 co.co_names
、 co.co_consts
。不管是什么原因,我们先把这些地方 patch 掉:
这回就能看到输出的 Python 字节码了,如下:
$ ./dec.py --pyc ether_v2.pyc 3 0 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 2764 3 LOAD_CONST 65535 (consts[65535]) 6 <218> 50673 9 SET_ADD 18016 12 IMPORT_NAME 8316 (names[8316]) 15 STOP_CODE 16 LOAD_CONST 33 (8) 19 COMPARE_OP 2 ('==') 22 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 99 25 LOAD_FAST 28 ('/ * && ') 28 LOAD_ATTR 45 ('append') 31 LOAD_FAST 9 ('with ^ raise ') 34 LOAD_FAST 44 ('with as - 6 lambda ') 37 COMPARE_OP 8 ('is') 40 CALL_FUNCTION 1 43 POP_TOP 44 JUMP_FORWARD 8559 (to 8606) ...
不过这些字节码的逻辑看起来很奇怪,看不出哪里奇怪不要紧,我们先来看看正常的 Python 字节码。
Python 是一种解释型语言,而 Python 字节码是一种平台无关的中间代码,由 Python 虚拟机动态(PVM)解释执行,这也是 Python 程序可以跨平台的原因。
#!/usr/bin/env python2 def add(a, b): return a - b + 42 def main(): b = add(3, 4) c = add(b, 5) result = 'evilpan: ' + str(c) print result if __name__ == '__main__': main()
$ ./dec.py --pyc test.pyc 3 0 LOAD_CONST 0 (<code object add at 0x7f02ee26f5b0, file "test.py", line 3>) 3 MAKE_FUNCTION 0 6 STORE_NAME 0 ('add') 6 9 LOAD_CONST 1 (<code object main at 0x7f02ee26ff30, file "test.py", line 6>) 12 MAKE_FUNCTION 0 15 STORE_NAME 1 ('main') 12 18 LOAD_NAME 2 ('__name__') 21 LOAD_CONST 2 ('__main__') 24 COMPARE_OP 2 ('==') 27 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 40 13 30 LOAD_NAME 1 ('main') 33 CALL_FUNCTION 0 36 POP_TOP 37 JUMP_FORWARD 0 (to 40) >> 40 LOAD_CONST 3 (None) 43 RETURN_VALUE
能看懂英文的话,理解上面的代码应该也没有太大问题,不过值得注意的是有两个 LOAD_CONST
dis.disassemble(code) # ... print("=== 0 ===") dis.disassemble(code.co_consts[0]) print("=== 1 ===") dis.disassemble(code.co_consts[1])
=== 0 === 4 0 LOAD_FAST 0 ('a') 3 LOAD_FAST 1 ('b') 6 BINARY_SUBTRACT 7 LOAD_CONST 1 (42) 10 BINARY_ADD 11 RETURN_VALUE === 1 === 7 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 ('add') 3 LOAD_CONST 1 (3) 6 LOAD_CONST 2 (4) 9 CALL_FUNCTION 2 12 STORE_FAST 0 ('b') 8 15 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 ('add') 18 LOAD_FAST 0 ('b') 21 LOAD_CONST 3 (5) 24 CALL_FUNCTION 2 27 STORE_FAST 1 ('c') 9 30 LOAD_CONST 4 ('evilpan: ') 33 LOAD_GLOBAL 1 ('str') 36 LOAD_FAST 1 ('c') 39 CALL_FUNCTION 1 42 BINARY_ADD 43 STORE_FAST 2 ('result') 10 46 LOAD_FAST 2 ('result') 49 PRINT_ITEM 50 PRINT_NEWLINE 51 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) 54 RETURN_VALUE
上述打印的是 Python 字节码的伪代码,存储时还是二进制格式,这个在下一节说。上面的伪代码虽然大致能猜出意思, 但这并不是严谨的方法。实际上 Python 字节码在官方文档有比较详细的介绍,包括每个指令的含义以及参数。
注意: 字节码的实现和具体Python版本有关
对于常年进行二进制逆向的人而言,可以把 Python 字节码看做是一种特殊的指令集。对于一种指令集,我们实际上需要关心的是指令结构和调用约定。Python 虚拟机 PVM 是一种基于栈的虚拟机,参数也主要通过栈来进行传递,不过与传统 x86 的参数传递顺序相反,是从左到右进行传递的。
带参数,即opcode > dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT
在Python3中oparg占1个字节,所以再次提醒: 字节码的解析和具体Python版本有关
数组元素的数量是可变的,2字节最多只能表示65536个元素,要是超过这个值怎么办?答案就是 EXTENDED_ARG
,遇到这个 opcode 则表示下一条指令的参数值 next_oparg
extented_arg = oparg * 65536 next_oparg = next_oparg + extended_arg
要查看某个 Python 函数的字节码,比如:
def func(a): return a + 42
c = "a = 3; b = 4; c = a + b" co = compile(c, "", "exec")
都是下面的 CodeType 类型:
class CodeType: co_argcount: int co_cellvars: Tuple[str, ...] co_code: str co_consts: Tuple[Any, ...] co_filename: str co_firstlineno: int co_flags: int co_freevars: Tuple[str, ...] co_lnotab: str co_name: str co_names: Tuple[str, ...] co_nlocals: int co_stacksize: int co_varnames: Tuple[str, ...]
则是在对应数组(Tuple)中的位置。了解 PVM 翻译字节码过程最好的方法就是参考 dis 模块中的反汇编函数:
def disassemble(co, lasti=-1): """Disassemble a code object.""" code = co.co_code labels = findlabels(code) linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(co)) n = len(code) i = 0 extended_arg = 0 free = None while i < n: c = code[i] op = ord(c) if i in linestarts: if i > 0: print print "%3d" % linestarts[i], else: print ' ', if i == lasti: print '-->', else: print ' ', if i in labels: print '>>', else: print ' ', print repr(i).rjust(4), print opname[op].ljust(20), i = i+1 if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 i = i+2 if op == EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg*65536L print repr(oparg).rjust(5), if op in hasconst: print '(' + repr(co.co_consts[oparg]) + ')', elif op in hasname: print '(' + co.co_names[oparg] + ')', elif op in hasjrel: print '(to ' + repr(i + oparg) + ')', elif op in haslocal: print '(' + co.co_varnames[oparg] + ')', elif op in hascompare: print '(' + cmp_op[oparg] + ')', elif op in hasfree: if free is None: free = co.co_cellvars + co.co_freevars print '(' + free[oparg] + ')', print
通过字节码基本上能还原出原始代码的逻辑,即还原出可阅读的反汇编代码;如果要更进一步,反编译出原始的 Python 代码也是可以的,因为 CodeType 对象中已经有了足够多的信息。
因此,出于保护的目的,就有了针对 python 代码的安全加固的需求,一般而言 python 代码加固有以下几种:
对于我们的目标而言,显然是第二种加固方法,因为输出的 pyc 文件可以在标准的 Python2.7 解释器中运行。查看直接反汇编的字节码,可以明显看出对抗的痕迹:
3 0 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 2764 3 LOAD_CONST 65535 (consts[65535]) 6 <218> 50673 9 SET_ADD 18016
内部使用了许多跳转指令,并在期间插入各种无效指令,这也是标准的反编译模块会崩溃退出的原因之一。既然无法使用静态分析,那么动态调试就是一个直观的方案,因为 Python 作为一个解释执行的语言,所有字节码最终都是需要通过 PVM 虚拟机去解释的。
为了分析 Python 如何解释执行字节码,我下载了默认的解释器 CPython 源码进行分析。首先从 PyEval_EvalCode
PyObject * PyEval_EvalCode(PyObject *co, PyObject *globals, PyObject *locals) { return PyEval_EvalCodeEx(co, globals, locals, (PyObject **)NULL, 0, (PyObject **)NULL, 0, (PyObject **)NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); }
,该函数大约有 3000 行 C 代码,并且其中大量使用了宏来加速运算。前面说过 Python 字节码是基于栈的,这里的 Frame 就是指代某个栈帧,也就是当前执行流的上下文。栈帧中包括字节码、全局变量、本地变量等信息,如下所示:
struct _frame { PyObject_VAR_HEAD struct _frame *f_back; /* previous frame, or NULL */ PyCodeObject *f_code; /* code segment */ PyObject *f_builtins; /* builtin symbol table (PyDictObject) */ PyObject *f_globals; /* global symbol table (PyDictObject) */ PyObject *f_locals; /* local symbol table (any mapping) */ PyObject **f_valuestack; /* points after the last local */ PyObject *f_trace; /* Trace function */ int f_stackdepth; /* Depth of value stack */ char f_trace_lines; /* Emit per-line trace events? */ char f_trace_opcodes; /* Emit per-opcode trace events? */ /* Borrowed reference to a generator, or NULL */ PyObject *f_gen; int f_lasti; /* Last instruction if called */ /* Call PyFrame_GetLineNumber() instead of reading this field directly. As of 2.3 f_lineno is only valid when tracing is active (i.e. when f_trace is set). At other times we use PyCode_Addr2Line to calculate the line from the current bytecode index. */ int f_lineno; /* Current line number */ int f_iblock; /* index in f_blockstack */ PyFrameState f_state; /* What state the frame is in */ PyTryBlock f_blockstack[CO_MAXBLOCKS]; /* for try and loop blocks */ PyObject *f_localsplus[1]; /* locals+stack, dynamically sized */ };
就是字节码对象,和 dis 模块中的对象类似:
/* Bytecode object */ struct PyCodeObject { PyObject_HEAD int co_argcount; /* #arguments, except *args */ int co_posonlyargcount; /* #positional only arguments */ int co_kwonlyargcount; /* #keyword only arguments */ int co_nlocals; /* #local variables */ int co_stacksize; /* #entries needed for evaluation stack */ int co_flags; /* CO_..., see below */ int co_firstlineno; /* first source line number */ PyObject *co_code; /* instruction opcodes */ PyObject *co_consts; /* list (constants used) */ PyObject *co_names; /* list of strings (names used) */ PyObject *co_varnames; /* tuple of strings (local variable names) */ PyObject *co_freevars; /* tuple of strings (free variable names) */ PyObject *co_cellvars; /* tuple of strings (cell variable names) */ /* The rest aren't used in either hash or comparisons, except for co_name, used in both. This is done to preserve the name and line number for tracebacks and debuggers; otherwise, constant de-duplication would collapse identical functions/lambdas defined on different lines. */ Py_ssize_t *co_cell2arg; /* Maps cell vars which are arguments. */ PyObject *co_filename; /* unicode (where it was loaded from) */ PyObject *co_name; /* unicode (name, for reference) */ PyObject *co_lnotab; /* string (encoding addr<->lineno mapping) See Objects/lnotab_notes.txt for details. */ // ... }
#define JUMPTO(x) (next_instr = first_instr + (x) / sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT)) PyObject* _Py_HOT_FUNCTION _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(PyThreadState *tstate, PyFrameObject *f, int throwflag) { //... if (tstate->use_tracing) { if (tstate->c_tracefunc != NULL) { if (call_trace_protected(tstate->c_tracefunc, tstate->c_traceobj, tstate, f, PyTrace_CALL, Py_None)) { /* Trace function raised an error */ goto exit_eval_frame; } } } // ... first_instr = (_Py_CODEUNIT *) PyBytes_AS_STRING(co->co_code); next_instr = first_instr; // ... main_loop: for (;;) { assert(stack_pointer >= f->f_valuestack); /* else underflow */ assert(STACK_LEVEL() <= co->co_stacksize); /* else overflow */ assert(!_PyErr_Occurred(tstate)); fast_next_opcode: if (PyDTrace_LINE_ENABLED()) maybe_dtrace_line(f, &instr_lb, &instr_ub, &instr_prev); /* line-by-line tracing support */ if (trace...) { err = maybe_call_line_trace(tstate->c_tracefunc, tstate->c_traceobj, tstate, f, &instr_lb, &instr_ub, &instr_prev); } dispatch_opcode: // ... switch (opcode) { case TARGET(NOP): { FAST_DISPATCH(); } case TARGET(LOAD_FAST): {/*...*/} case TARGET(LOAD_CONST): { PREDICTED(LOAD_CONST); PyObject *value = GETITEM(consts, oparg); Py_INCREF(value); PUSH(value); FAST_DISPATCH(); } case TARGET(STORE_FAST): {/*...*/} case TARGET(POP_TOP): {/*...*/} // ... case TARGET(BINARY_MULTIPLY): { PyObject *right = POP(); PyObject *left = TOP(); PyObject *res = PyNumber_Multiply(left, right); Py_DECREF(left); Py_DECREF(right); SET_TOP(res); if (res == NULL) goto error; DISPATCH(); } // ... case TARGET(JUMP_ABSOLUTE): { PREDICTED(JUMP_ABSOLUTE); JUMPTO(oparg); #if FAST_LOOPS /* Enabling this path speeds-up all while and for-loops by bypassing the per-loop checks for signals. By default, this should be turned-off because it prevents detection of a control-break in tight loops like "while 1: pass". Compile with this option turned-on when you need the speed-up and do not need break checking inside tight loops (ones that contain only instructions ending with FAST_DISPATCH). */ FAST_DISPATCH(); #else DISPATCH(); #endif } // ... case TARGET(EXTENDED_ARG): { int oldoparg = oparg; NEXTOPARG(); oparg |= oldoparg << 8; goto dispatch_opcode; } // ... // switch end } /* This should never be reached. Every opcode should end with DISPATCH() or goto error. */ Py_UNREACHABLE(); error: // ... exception_unwind: // ... exiting: // ... } } /* pop frame */ exit_eval_frame: // ... return _Py_CheckFunctionResult(tstate, NULL, retval, __func__); }
大部分的代码是对字节码中的 opcode 进行 switch/case 处理,上面截取了几个提到的字节码,比如 LOAD_CONST、JUMP_ABSOLUTE、BINARY_MULTIPLY、EXTENDED_ARG 等,根据代码的执行流程大概知道了 Python 解释器如何对这些字节码进行理解。
在 switch 语句之前有部分代码值得注意,即关于c_tracefunc
的处理。从代码中看出,Python实际上内置了追踪字节码的功能。我们可以使用 sys.settrace
#!/usr/bin/env python2 import sys import dis def func(a, b): c = a + b return c * 10 co = func.__code__ dis.disassemble(co) def mytrace(frame, why, arg): print "Trace", frame, why, arg return mytrace print "=== Trace Start ===" sys.settrace(mytrace) func(3, 4)
$ ./demo.py 6 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (a) 3 LOAD_FAST 1 (b) 6 BINARY_ADD 7 STORE_FAST 2 (c) 7 10 LOAD_FAST 2 (c) 13 LOAD_CONST 1 (10) 16 BINARY_MULTIPLY 17 RETURN_VALUE === Trace Start === Trace <frame object at 0x10b8cb218> call None Trace <frame object at 0x10b8cb218> line None Trace <frame object at 0x10b8cb218> line None Trace <frame object at 0x10b8cb218> return 70 Trace <frame object at 0x10b98c050> call None Trace <frame object at 0x10b98c050> call None
Python 的标准库中也提供了 trace 模块 来支持字节码跟踪,查看该模块的的源码发现实际上也是用了 sys.settrace
或者 threading.settrace
不过,使用 sys.trace 并不是每条指令都跟踪的,只针对特定事件进行跟踪:
而且该代码中也做了对应的防护,使用 trace 启动脚本直接报错:
SystemError: A debugger has been found running in your system. Please, unload it from memory and restart.
Python 的 trace 功能可以用来实现行覆盖率以及调试器等强大的功能,只是对于我们这次的目标并不适用。
类似的回调还有 c_profilefunc
,不过该函数不对 line 事件进行触发。
Python 有一个鲜为人知的特性是可以在 Debug 编译时启用底层跟踪 LLTRACE (即 Low Level Trace),这也是在查看 ceval.c
next_instr = first_instr + f->f_lasti + 1; stack_pointer = f->f_stacktop; assert(stack_pointer != NULL); f->f_stacktop = NULL; /* remains NULL unless yield suspends frame */ #ifdef LLTRACE lltrace = PyDict_GetItemString(f->f_globals, "__lltrace__") != NULL; #endif #if defined(Py_DEBUG) || defined(LLTRACE) filename = PyString_AsString(co->co_filename); #endif why = WHY_NOT; err = 0; x = Py_None; /* Not a reference, just anything non-NULL */ w = NULL; if (throwflag) { /* support for generator.throw() */ why = WHY_EXCEPTION; goto on_error; } for (;;) { // 循环解释执行 Python 字节码 }
Low Level Trace 一方面需要编译时启用,另一方面也需要在运行时当前栈帧定义了全局变量__lltrace__
# test.py __lltrace__ = 1 def add(a, b): return a + b - 42 a = 3 c = add(a, 4)
使用 Debug 编译的 Python 运行结果如下:
$ /cpython_dbg/bin/python2.7 test.py 0: 124, 0 push 3 3: 124, 1 push 4 6: 23 pop 4 7: 100, 1 push 42 10: 24 pop 42 11: 83 pop -35 ext_pop 4 ext_pop 3 ext_pop <function add at 0x7f95944a0e28> push -35 33: 90, 3 pop -35 36: 100, 4 push None 39: 83 pop None
if (lltrace) { if (HAS_ARG(opcode)) { printf("%d: %d, %d\n", f->f_lasti, opcode, oparg); } else { printf("%d: %d\n", f->f_lasti, opcode); } }
其中 push/pop 相关的输出来源是如下栈追踪相关的函数:
#ifdef LLTRACE static int prtrace(PyObject *v, char *str) { printf("%s ", str); if (PyObject_Print(v, stdout, 0) != 0) PyErr_Clear(); /* Don't know what else to do */ printf("\n"); return 1; } #define PUSH(v) { (void)(BASIC_PUSH(v), \ lltrace && prtrace(TOP(), "push")); \ assert(STACK_LEVEL() <= co->co_stacksize); } #define POP() ((void)(lltrace && prtrace(TOP(), "pop")), \ BASIC_POP()) #define STACKADJ(n) { (void)(BASIC_STACKADJ(n), \ lltrace && prtrace(TOP(), "stackadj")); \ assert(STACK_LEVEL() <= co->co_stacksize); } #define EXT_POP(STACK_POINTER) ((void)(lltrace && \ prtrace((STACK_POINTER)[-1], "ext_pop")), \ *--(STACK_POINTER)) #else #define PUSH(v) BASIC_PUSH(v) #define POP() BASIC_POP() #define STACKADJ(n) BASIC_STACKADJ(n) #define EXT_POP(STACK_POINTER) (*--(STACK_POINTER)) #endif
上面的 lltrace 输出可以记录每条字节码的执行,并且会打印堆栈的变化,因此在追踪和调试字节码上非常有用。
更多 LLTRACE 相关内容见: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Misc/SpecialBuilds.txt
现在有了 LLTRACE 的功能,但是要实现 ether_v2.py
;所以我使用了一个简单粗暴的方法,即直接修改 CPython 源代码。首先在判断 lltrace 启用的地方修改判断从f->f_globals
改为递归搜索 f->f_back->f_globals
,这样只要在我们的调用栈帧定义变量即可;对于字节码的输出,最好是可以有类似 dis 模块的显示效果,至于平坦化的控制流,可以根据指令 index 再重新进行组合。
在 LLTRACE 的基础上,我们可以比较简单地修改出一版具有可读性的 Trace 代码,以下面的源码为例:
# test.py __pztrace__ = 1 def validate(s): if len(s) != 4: return False cc = 0 for i in s: cc ^= ord(i) if cc == 0: return True return False s = raw_input('Your input: ') if validate(s): print 'ok' else: print 'failed'
$ /build/cpython/build/bin/python2.7 test.py Your input: helloworld === pztrace test.py === 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0; push <built-in function len> 3 LOAD_FAST 0; push 'helloworld' 6 CALL_FUNCTION 1 ext_pop 'helloworld' ext_pop <built-in function len> push 10 9 LOAD_CONST 1; push 4 12 COMPARE_OP 3 (!=) ; pop 4 15 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 22; pop True 18 LOAD_GLOBAL 1; push False 21 RETURN_VALUE; pop False ext_pop 'helloworld' ext_pop <function validate at 0x7fe13a5f4ed0> push False 36 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 47; pop False 47 LOAD_CONST 4; push 'failed' 50 LOAD_BUILD_CLASS; pop 'failed' failed 51 YIELD_FROM; 52 LOAD_CONST 5; push None 55 RETURN_VALUE; pop None
$ /build/cpython/build/bin/python2.7 test.py Your input: abab === pztrace test.py === 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0; push <built-in function len> 3 LOAD_FAST 0; push 'abab' 6 CALL_FUNCTION 1 ext_pop 'abab' ext_pop <built-in function len> push 4 9 LOAD_CONST 1; push 4 12 COMPARE_OP 3 (!=) ; pop 4 15 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 22; pop False 22 LOAD_CONST 2; push 0 25 STORE_FAST 1; pop 0 28 SETUP_LOOP 30 31 LOAD_FAST 0; push 'abab' 34 GET_ITER 35 FOR_ITER 22; push 'a' 38 STORE_FAST 2; pop 'a' 41 LOAD_FAST 1; push 0 44 LOAD_GLOBAL 2; push <built-in function ord> 47 LOAD_FAST 2; push 'a' 50 CALL_FUNCTION 1 ext_pop 'a' ext_pop <built-in function ord> push 97 53 INPLACE_XOR; pop 97 54 STORE_FAST 1; pop 97 57 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 35 35 FOR_ITER 22; push 'b' 38 STORE_FAST 2; pop 'b' 41 LOAD_FAST 1; push 97 44 LOAD_GLOBAL 2; push <built-in function ord> 47 LOAD_FAST 2; push 'b' 50 CALL_FUNCTION 1 ext_pop 'b' ext_pop <built-in function ord> push 98 53 INPLACE_XOR; pop 98 54 STORE_FAST 1; pop 3 57 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 35 35 FOR_ITER 22; push 'a' 38 STORE_FAST 2; pop 'a' 41 LOAD_FAST 1; push 3 44 LOAD_GLOBAL 2; push <built-in function ord> 47 LOAD_FAST 2; push 'a' 50 CALL_FUNCTION 1 ext_pop 'a' ext_pop <built-in function ord> push 97 53 INPLACE_XOR; pop 97 54 STORE_FAST 1; pop 98 57 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 35 35 FOR_ITER 22; push 'b' 38 STORE_FAST 2; pop 'b' 41 LOAD_FAST 1; push 98 44 LOAD_GLOBAL 2; push <built-in function ord> 47 LOAD_FAST 2; push 'b' 50 CALL_FUNCTION 1 ext_pop 'b' ext_pop <built-in function ord> push 98 53 INPLACE_XOR; pop 98 54 STORE_FAST 1; pop 0 57 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 35 35 FOR_ITER 22; pop <iterator object at 0x7f871d28ca00> 60 POP_BLOCK 61 LOAD_FAST 1; push 0 64 LOAD_CONST 2; push 0 67 COMPARE_OP 2 (==) ; pop 0 70 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 77; pop True 73 LOAD_GLOBAL 3; push True 76 RETURN_VALUE; pop True ext_pop 'abab' ext_pop <function validate at 0x7f871d28ded0> push True 36 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 47; pop True 39 LOAD_CONST 3; push 'ok' 42 LOAD_BUILD_CLASS; pop 'ok' ok 43 YIELD_FROM; 44 JUMP_FORWARD 5 52 LOAD_CONST 5; push None 55 RETURN_VALUE; pop None
等,可以辅助参考Python dis 模块的解释加以理解。
回到我们最初的挑战,使用修改后的 trace 功能去跟踪ether_v2.pyc
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Python version: 2.7.16 Magic code: 03f30d0a Timestamp: Fri Mar 10 21:08:20 2017 Size: None === pztrace pyprotect.angelic47.com === 0 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 2764 2764 LOAD_CONST 1; push -1 2767 LOAD_CONST 0; push None 2770 IMPORT_NAME 0; pop None 2773 STORE_FAST 2; pop <module 'marshal' (built-in)> 2776 LOAD_CONST 1; push -1 2779 LOAD_CONST 0; push None 2782 IMPORT_NAME 1; pop None 2785 STORE_FAST 3; pop <module 'sys' (built-in)> 2788 LOAD_CONST 1; push -1 2791 LOAD_CONST 0; push None 2794 IMPORT_NAME 2; pop None ...
前面一部分和之前直接使用修改过的 dis 模块反编译结果类似,只不过跳过了中间的垃圾代码。其中co->co_filename
,访问一下发现正是提供 Python 加密的网页:
介绍上基本和前面的分析吻合,这里先把这个网站放一边,继续往下看代码。由于运行时用户输入,然后返回You are too vegetable please try again!
... 6114 LOAD_FAST 42; push 154 6117 LOAD_CONST 75; push 154 6120 COMPARE_OP 2 (==) ; pop 154 6123 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 6142; pop True 6126 LOAD_FAST 28; push ['You are too vegetable please try again!'] 6129 LOAD_ATTR 44 6132 CALL_FUNCTION 0 ext_pop <built-in method pop of list object at 0x7f1871b1f8d0> push 'You are too vegetable please try again!' 6135 LOAD_BUILD_CLASS; pop 'You are too vegetable please try again!' You are too vegetable please try again!
s[0]: -1 s[1]: None s[2]: ==--AVMPROTECTFUNCTION--== s[3]: bce0af39a797 s[4]: 9d8e9bcfe8d3 s[5]: WARNING×WARNING×WARNING s[6]: WARNING WARNING WARNING YOU s[7]: Ba Ba Battle You Battle You Battle You s[8]: (And watch out!) s[9]: WARNING WARNING WARNING HELL s[10]: Yeah you cannot die not at this time! s[11]: WARNING! s[12]: 你对我有何居心呢? s[13]: 别随意地进来啊 s[14]: 非常危险的气息 s[15]: 绝对回避不能的弹幕 s[16]: 要是小看本娘的话 s[17]: 你铁定会不停尝到BAD END s[18]: 你的心可是一定会 s[19]: WARNING WARNING s[20]: 不得不警示警报的吧 s[21]: Input UR answer: s[22]: 33c0691e3230d16fb434e5 s[23]: 8ce92dc3fe708e5b81a848 s[24]: k s[25]: 171 s[26]: e s[27]: 44 s[28]: y s[29]: You are too vegetable please try again! s[30]: Vegetable!!! Bad end!!! s[31]: hex s[32]: Very Very Vegetable!!! Bad end!!! s[33]: base64 s[34]: Really Really Vegetable!!! Bad end!!! s[35]: s[36]: 37 s[37]: 要是下定决心就来吧 s[38]: 或许会感到兴奋 s[39]: 或是激动也说不定 s[40]: 一边感到无聊 一边吹着口哨 s[41]: 真不错呢 单纯的旋律 s[42]: 本娘还会还会还会继续上喔! s[43]: 看好给本娘更加更加地躲开吧! s[44]: 你有多少能耐呢? s[45]: 对上本娘热情如火的爱? s[46]: 0 s[47]: 3 s[48]: 1 s[49]: 2 s[50]: 4 s[51]: 94 s[52]: 204 s[53]: Burning! s[54]: 本娘好开心! s[55]: 不得了? s[56]: 但是, 果然很开心吧? s[57]: ********************* s[58]: 再一次华丽的闪过吧! s[59]: 看啊还有更多更多喔! s[60]: 都给本娘确切地闪过! s[61]: 255 s[62]: 本娘被打进了结局!? s[63]: 本娘可不能输! s[64]: 虽然很不甘心 s[65]: 但是很开心 WARNING!!! s[66]: 本娘警告你,这是你最后的机会 s[67]: 本娘超级地~危险、狂气 s[68]: 而且你无法逃避我华丽的弹幕 s[69]: 28 s[70]: 32 s[71]: 12 s[72]: 16 s[73]: 8 s[74]: 24 s[75]: 20 s[76]: M s[77]: 13 s[78]: m s[79]: ps1q6r14s2sn8o8o1n5982rq31o33143p52337s9870snq1r0rrr9s04qr58q9n53pq187q467p0949o8803r10909p332413oo3oq914847qo0n29qo81n1s90pq0330os586rr929r34884rqo351s6660q2ss8113923n911555s62sq3p3os78039o7q024pp03r8os0083r856599095ror8pr7op04r6oq485q3s558o4n39qrpn1n43o2 s[80]: 本娘很开心! s[81]: Good! But wrong answer, please try again! s[82]: You are SUPER Vegetable!!! Bad end!!! s[83]: Nice job! To get your ETH, please use your answer as private key! s[84]: If ur interested with this Python-VirtualMachine Protect, please contact admin@angelic47.com for more technical information! s[85]: 不得了?但是,果然很开心吧 s[86]: 没错,现在是狂气时间 s[87]: 欢迎来到疯狂的世界! s[88]: -- END --
7092 LOAD_FAST 22; push (字符串表...) 7095 LOAD_FAST 32; push 29 7098 BINARY_SUBSCR; pop 29 7099 CALL_FUNCTION 1 ext_pop 'You are too vegetable please try again!'
即需要执行到这里的时候字符串表的索引不是29,进而决定前面指令中STORE_FAST 32
$ python2 ether_v2.pyc
Input UR answer: 1111111122222222333333334444444455555555666666667777777788888888
Good! But wrong answer, please try again!
#!/usr/bin/env python2 // pwn.py import base64 import hashlib flag = 'bce0af39a7973d8efcb9e8d933c0691e3230d16fb434e5848a18b5e807ef3cd29ec8' flag = flag.decode('hex') flag = base64.b64encode(flag) + '\n' # vOCvOaeXPY78uejZM8BpHjIw0W+0NOWEihi16AfvPNKeyA==\n pz_list = [] for x in flag: pz_list.append(chr(ord(x) ^ 37)) flag = ''.join(pz_list) # 'SjfSjD@}u|\x12\x1dP@O\x7fh\x1dgUmOlR\x15r\x0e\x15kjr`LML\x14\x13dCSukn@\\d\x18\x18/' flag_1 = '1111111122222222333333334444444455555555666666667777777788888888' if len(flag_1) + ord('e') < 44 + ord('y'): print 'You are too vegetable please try again!' sys.exit(1) flag_1 = flag_1.decode('hex') ll = [] for l1, llll in enumerate(flag_1): if l1 % 4 == 0: ll.append(ord(llll) ^ ord(flag[(l1 >> 4) + 3]) ^ 204) elif l1 % 4 == 1: ll.append(ord(llll) ^ ord(flag[(l1 >> 4) + 1]) ^ 94) elif l1 % 4 == 2: ll.append(ord(llll) ^ ord(flag[(l1 >> 4) + 0]) ^ 171) else: ll.append(ord(llll) ^ ord(flag[(l1 >> 4) + 2]) ^ 37) print ll ll = [ i ^ 255 for i in ll ] print ll def calc(ll, a, b, o=1): s = ll[a:b] if o == -1: s = s[::-1] ret = hashlib.md5(''.join([ chr(i) for i in s ]).encode('hex')).hexdigest() print s, ':', ret return ret l1ll1lll = calc(ll, 28, 32) lllllll1 = calc(ll, 12, 16) ll1lllll = calc(ll, 4, 8) ll1lll1l = calc(ll, 24, 28) lllll1ll = calc(ll, 0, 4) llll1lll = calc(ll, 16, 20, -1) l1llllll = calc(ll, 8, 12) llllll1l = calc(ll, 20, 24) l1l11lll = l1ll1lll + lllllll1 + ll1lllll + ll1lll1l + lllll1ll + llll1lll + l1llllll + llllll1l print l1l11lll res = '' for c in l1l11lll: k = c if c.islower(): if c <= 'm': k = chr(ord(c) + 13) else: pass if c.isupper(): pass res += k print res if res != 'ps1q6r14s2sn8o8o1n5982rq31o33143p52337s9870snq1r0rrr9s04qr58q9n53pq187q467p0949o8803r10909p332413oo3oq914847qo0n29qo81n1s90pq0330os586rr929r34884rqo351s6660q2ss8113923n911555s62sq3p3os78039o7q024pp03r8os0083r856599095ror8pr7op04r6oq485q3s558o4n39qrpn1n43o2': print 'Good! But wrong answer, please try again!' sys.exit(1) # ...
以太坊的私钥长度和比特币一样是256位的随机数,其值需要小于 secp256k1
椭圆曲线的阶 n (值为ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe baaedce6 af48a03b bfd25e8c d0364141
),可以使用 go-ethereum 或者 ethereumjs 等开源实现来生成和验证合法的钱包公私钥。
$ cat private.key *********** $ geth account import private.key INFO [10-11|20:14:07.359] Maximum peer count ETH=50 LES=0 total=50 INFO [10-11|20:14:07.360] Smartcard socket not found, disabling err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory" INFO [10-11|20:14:07.438] Set global gas cap cap=25000000 Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password. Password: Repeat password: Address: {d0fe5288c5320bb898498fa45fa4f7c324e1e074}
d0fe5288c5320bb898498fa45fa4f7c324e1e074 正是题目所给的以太坊钱包地址,然后直接用私钥转账即可。
由于接触 Python 虚拟机不多,因此在阅读理解字节码上颇为花费了一点时间。从加固的代码模式来看,该加固工具应该是自己实现并维护了一个用户态的虚拟机,名为AVMP
,确实是可以比较有效地防止无脑逆向工程,提高逆向难度。只不过由于 Python 的解释性特性使得代码加固很难得到有效混淆,因此一般商业化的 Python 加固都是直接将深度定制的 Python 解释器一起打包作为输出,不兼容标准解释器。值得一提的是,该 Python 虚拟机加固还实现了变量混淆、反调试等功能,完成度可以说相当高了;另外其作者自称47娘 (angelic47),似乎还是个女生,真是巾帼不让须眉啊。
虚拟机加固(VMP)是当今很常见的一种代码保护方案,不管是 X86 机器码(汇编),安卓的 DEX 字节码还是 Python 字节码,其本质上是从处理器中抢活干,自身在用户空间实现代码执行的状态机,有的还自己实现一套中间指令集。正如伟人所说 —— 世上本没有 VMP,对抗得深了,自然就成了 VMP。
本文由 Seebug Paper 发布,如需转载请注明来源。本文地址:https://paper.seebug.org/1356/