Extension attributes for Jamf Protect
2020-11-05 04:46:17 Author: derflounder.wordpress.com(查看原文) 阅读量:324 收藏

Home > Jamf Pro, Jamf Protect, Mac administration > Extension attributes for Jamf Protect

Extension attributes for Jamf Protect

I’ve started working with Jamf Protect and, as part of that, I found that I needed to be able to report the following information about Jamf Protect to Jamf Pro:

  1. Is Jamf Protect installed on a particular Mac?
  2. Is the Jamf Protect agent running on a particular Mac?
  3. Which Jamf Protect server is a particular Mac handled by?

To address these needs, I’ve written three Jamf Pro extension attributes which display the requested information as part of a Mac’s inventory record in Jamf Pro. For more details, please see below the jump:

The three Extension Attributes do the following:

jamf_protect_installed.sh: Checks to see if Jamf Protect is installed and the agent is able to run.


Jamf Pro Extension Attribute Setup1

jamf_protect_status.sh: Checks and validates the following:

  • Jamf Protect is installed
  • The Jamf Protect processes are running


Jamf Pro Extension Attribute Setup3

jamf_protect_server.sh: Checks to see if Jamf Protect’s protectctl tool is installed on a particular Mac. If the protectctl tool is installed, check for and display the Jamf Protect tenant name.


Jamf Pro Extension Attribute Setup2

文章来源: https://derflounder.wordpress.com/2020/11/04/extension-attributes-for-jamf-protect/