2021-03-20 18:58:00 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:95 收藏




0x00. runOnFunction函数

virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F){      // Check if the percentage is correct      if (ObfTimes <= 0) {        errs()<<"BogusControlFlow application number -bcf_loop=x must be x > 0";        return false;      }
// Check if the number of applications is correct if ( !((ObfProbRate > 0) && (ObfProbRate <= 100)) ) { errs()<<"BogusControlFlow application basic blocks percentage -bcf_prob=x must be 0 < x <= 100"; return false; }
static cl::opt<int>ObfProbRate("bcf_prob", cl::desc("Choose the probability [%] each basic blocks will be obfuscated by the -bcf pass"), cl::value_desc("probability rate"), cl::init(defaultObfRate), cl::Optional);
static cl::opt<int>ObfTimes("bcf_loop", cl::desc("Choose how many time the -bcf pass loop on a function"), cl::value_desc("number of times"), cl::init(defaultObfTime), cl::Optional);
 // If fla annotations  if(toObfuscate(flag,&F,"bcf")) {    bogus(F);    doF(*F.getParent());    return true;  }
return false;} // end of runOnFunction()

0x01. bogus函数

void bogus(Function &F) {  // For statistics and debug  ++NumFunction;  int NumBasicBlocks = 0;  bool firstTime = true; // First time we do the loop in this function  bool hasBeenModified = false;  DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: Started on function " << F.getName() << "\n");  DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: Probability rate: "<< ObfProbRate<< "\n");  if(ObfProbRate < 0 || ObfProbRate > 100){    DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: Incorrect value,"        << " probability rate set to default value: "        << defaultObfRate <<" \n");    ObfProbRate = defaultObfRate;  }  DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: How many times: "<< ObfTimes<< "\n");  if(ObfTimes <= 0){    DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("opt", errs() << "bcf: Incorrect value,"        << " must be greater than 1. Set to default: "        << defaultObfTime <<" \n");    ObfTimes = defaultObfTime;  }  NumTimesOnFunctions = ObfTimes;
进入bogus函数后首先检查了一遍obfProbRateobfTimes(话说之前在runOnFunction里不就检查过了吗= =)。
NumTimesOnFunctions = ObfTimes;
STATISTIC(NumTimesOnFunctions, "b. Number of times we run on each function");
do{  // Put all the function's block in a list  std::list<BasicBlock *> basicBlocks;  for (Function::iterator i=F.begin();i!=F.end();++i) {    basicBlocks.push_back(&*i);  }
while(!basicBlocks.empty()){  NumBasicBlocks ++;  // Basic Blocks' selection  if((int)llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(100) <= ObfProbRate){    hasBeenModified = true;    BasicBlock *basicBlock = basicBlocks.front();    addBogusFlow(basicBlock, F);  }  // remove the block from the list  basicBlocks.pop_front();} // end of while(!basicBlocks.empty())

0x02. addBogusFlow函数第一部分

首先通过getFirstNonPHIOrDbgOrLifetime函数和splitBasicBlock函数把BasicBlock分成了两部分,第一部分只包含PHI Node和一些调试信息,其中Twine可以看做字符串,即新产生的BasicBlock的名称:
/* addBogusFlow * * Add bogus flow to a given basic block, according to the header's description */virtual void addBogusFlow(BasicBlock * basicBlock, Function &F){

// Split the block: first part with only the phi nodes and debug info and terminator // created by splitBasicBlock. (-> No instruction) // Second part with every instructions from the original block // We do this way, so we don't have to adjust all the phi nodes, metadatas and so on // for the first block. We have to let the phi nodes in the first part, because they // actually are updated in the second part according to them. BasicBlock::iterator i1 = basicBlock->begin(); if(basicBlock->getFirstNonPHIOrDbgOrLifetime()) i1 = (BasicBlock::iterator)basicBlock->getFirstNonPHIOrDbgOrLifetime(); Twine *var; var = new Twine("originalBB"); BasicBlock *originalBB = basicBlock->splitBasicBlock(i1, *var);
// Creating the altered basic block on which the first basicBlock will jump      Twine * var3 = new Twine("alteredBB");      BasicBlock *alteredBB = createAlteredBasicBlock(originalBB, *var3, &F);

0x03. createAlteredBasicBlock函数

virtual BasicBlock* createAlteredBasicBlock(BasicBlock * basicBlock,    const Twine &  Name = "gen", Function * F = 0){  // Useful to remap the informations concerning instructions.  ValueToValueMapTy VMap;  BasicBlock * alteredBB = llvm::CloneBasicBlock (basicBlock, VMap, Name, F);
orig:  %a = ...  %b = fadd %a, ...
clone: %a.clone = ... %b.clone = fadd %a, ... ; Note that this references the old %a andnot %a.clone!


// Remap operands.BasicBlock::iterator ji = basicBlock->begin();for (BasicBlock::iterator i = alteredBB->begin(), e = alteredBB->end() ; i != e; ++i){  // Loop over the operands of the instruction  for(User::op_iterator opi = i->op_begin (), ope = i->op_end(); opi != ope; ++opi){    // get the value for the operand    Value *v = MapValue(*opi, VMap,  RF_None, 0);    if (v != 0){      *opi = v;      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Value's operand has been setted\n");    }  }
第二、它不会对PHI Node进行任何处理,PHI Node的前驱块仍然是原始基本块的前驱块,但是新克隆出来的基本块并没有任何前驱块,所以我们要对PHI Node的前驱块进行remap
// Remap phi nodes' incoming blocks.if (PHINode *pn = dyn_cast<PHINode>(i)) {  for (unsigned j = 0, e = pn->getNumIncomingValues(); j != e; ++j) {    Value *v = MapValue(pn->getIncomingBlock(j), VMap, RF_None, 0);    if (v != 0){      pn->setIncomingBlock(j, cast<BasicBlock>(v));    }  }}
解释一下什么是PHI Node,所有 LLVM 指令都使用 SSA (Static Single Assignment,静态一次性赋值) 方式表示,即所有变量都只能被赋值一次,这样做主要是便于后期的代码优化。如下图,%temp的值被赋值成1后就永远是1了:

PHI Node是一条可以一定程度上绕过SSA机制的指令,它可以根据不同的前驱基本块来赋值(有点像三元运算符)。如下图,如果PHI Node的前驱基本块是entry,则将current_i赋值为2,如果是for_body,则赋值为%i_plus_one:

在这里我产生了一个疑问:既然Clone出来的基本块不存在任何前驱,那PHI Node的前继基本块到底被remap到了哪呢?
暂且不知道PHI Node中的前驱块设为nullptr会有什么影响,先继续往下看吧。
 // Remap attached metadata.  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, MDNode *>, 4> MDs;  i->getAllMetadata(MDs);  // important for compiling with DWARF, using option -g.  i->setDebugLoc(ji->getDebugLoc());  ji++;
} // The instructions' informations are now all correct


// add random instruction in the middle of the bloc. This part can be improve  for (BasicBlock::iterator i = alteredBB->begin(), e = alteredBB->end() ; i != e; ++i){    // in the case we find binary operator, we modify slightly this part by randomly    // insert some instructions    if(i->isBinaryOp()){ // binary instructions      unsigned opcode = i->getOpcode();      BinaryOperator *op, *op1 = NULL;      Twine *var = new Twine("_");      // treat differently float or int      // Binary int      if(opcode == Instruction::Add || opcode == Instruction::Sub ||          opcode == Instruction::Mul || opcode == Instruction::UDiv ||          opcode == Instruction::SDiv || opcode == Instruction::URem ||          opcode == Instruction::SRem || opcode == Instruction::Shl ||          opcode == Instruction::LShr || opcode == Instruction::AShr ||          opcode == Instruction::And || opcode == Instruction::Or ||          opcode == Instruction::Xor){        for(int random = (int)llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(10); random < 10; ++random){          switch(llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(4)){ // to improve            case 0: //do nothing              break;            case 1: op = BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(i->getOperand(0),*var,&*i);                    op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add,op,                        i->getOperand(1),"gen",&*i);                    break;            case 2: op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub,                        i->getOperand(0),                        i->getOperand(1),*var,&*i);                    op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Mul,op1,                        i->getOperand(1),"gen",&*i);                    break;            case 3: op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Shl,                        i->getOperand(0),                        i->getOperand(1),*var,&*i);                    break;          }        }      }      // Binary float      if(opcode == Instruction::FAdd || opcode == Instruction::FSub ||          opcode == Instruction::FMul || opcode == Instruction::FDiv ||          opcode == Instruction::FRem){        for(int random = (int)llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(10); random < 10; ++random){          switch(llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(3)){ // can be improved            case 0: //do nothing              break;            case 1: op = BinaryOperator::CreateFNeg(i->getOperand(0),*var,&*i);                    op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd,op,                        i->getOperand(1),"gen",&*i);                    break;            case 2: op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FSub,                        i->getOperand(0),                        i->getOperand(1),*var,&*i);                    op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FMul,op,                        i->getOperand(1),"gen",&*i);                    break;          }        }      }      if(opcode == Instruction::ICmp){ // Condition (with int)        ICmpInst *currentI = (ICmpInst*)(&i);        switch(llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(3)){ // must be improved          case 0: //do nothing            break;          case 1: currentI->swapOperands();                  break;          case 2: // randomly change the predicate                  switch(llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(10)){                    case 0: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ);                            break; // equal                    case 1: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_NE);                            break; // not equal                    case 2: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT);                            break; // unsigned greater than                    case 3: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE);                            break; // unsigned greater or equal                    case 4: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT);                            break; // unsigned less than                    case 5: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE);                            break; // unsigned less or equal                    case 6: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT);                            break; // signed greater than                    case 7: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_SGE);                            break; // signed greater or equal                    case 8: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT);                            break; // signed less than                    case 9: currentI->setPredicate(ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE);                            break; // signed less or equal                  }                  break;        }
} if(opcode == Instruction::FCmp){ // Conditions (with float) FCmpInst *currentI = (FCmpInst*)(&i); switch(llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(3)){ // must be improved case 0: //do nothing break; case 1: currentI->swapOperands(); break; case 2: // randomly change the predicate switch(llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(10)){ case 0: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_OEQ); break; // ordered and equal case 1: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_ONE); break; // ordered and operands are unequal case 2: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_UGT); break; // unordered or greater than case 3: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_UGE); break; // unordered, or greater than, or equal case 4: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_ULT); break; // unordered or less than case 5: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_ULE); break; // unordered, or less than, or equal case 6: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_OGT); break; // ordered and greater than case 7: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_OGE); break; // ordered and greater than or equal case 8: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_OLT); break; // ordered and less than case 9: currentI->setPredicate(FCmpInst::FCMP_OLE); break; // ordered or less than, or equal } break; } } } } return alteredBB;} // end of createAlteredBasicBlock()

0x04. addBogusFlow函数第二部分

删除了basciBlockalteredBB末尾的跳转,添加了新的分支指令。FCmpInst * condition = new FCmpInst(*basicBlockFCmpInst::FCMP_TRUE , LHS, RHS, *var4)是一个永真的条件:
// Now that all the blocks are created,// we modify the terminators to adjust the control flow.
// Preparing a condition..// For now, the condition is an always true comparaison between 2 float// This will be complicated after the pass (in doFinalization())Value * LHS = ConstantFP::get(Type::getFloatTy(F.getContext()), 1.0);Value * RHS = ConstantFP::get(Type::getFloatTy(F.getContext()), 1.0);
// The always true condition. End of the first blockTwine * var4 = new Twine("condition");FCmpInst * condition = new FCmpInst(*basicBlock, FCmpInst::FCMP_TRUE , LHS, RHS, *var4);
// Jump to the original basic block if the condition is true or// to the altered block if false.BranchInst::Create(originalBB, alteredBB, (Value *)condition, basicBlock);
// The altered block loop back on the original one.BranchInst::Create(originalBB, alteredBB);

// The end of the originalBB is modified to give the impression that sometimes  // it continues in the loop, and sometimes it return the desired value  // (of course it's always true, so it always use the original terminator..  //  but this will be obfuscated too;) )
// iterate on instruction just before the terminator of the originalBB BasicBlock::iterator i = originalBB->end();
// Split at this point (we only want the terminator in the second part) Twine * var5 = new Twine("originalBBpart2"); BasicBlock * originalBBpart2 = originalBB->splitBasicBlock(--i , *var5); // the first part go either on the return statement or on the begining // of the altered block.. So we erase the terminator created when splitting. originalBB->getTerminator()->eraseFromParent(); // We add at the end a new always true condition Twine * var6 = new Twine("condition2"); FCmpInst * condition2 = new FCmpInst(*originalBB, CmpInst::FCMP_TRUE , LHS, RHS, *var6); BranchInst::Create(originalBBpart2, alteredBB, (Value *)condition2, originalBB);} // end of addBogusFlow()


0x05. doF函数

// If fla annotations  if(toObfuscate(flag,&F,"bcf")) {    bogus(F);    doF(*F.getParent());    return true;  }
return false;} // end of runOnFunction()
从开头的注释我们大概能了解到这个函数的作用,修改所有永真式(比如:if(true)改为if((y < 10 || x * (x + 1) % 2 == 0))),使其变得更加复杂,并且移除所有基本块和指令的名称:
/* doFinalization * * Overwrite FunctionPass method to apply the transformations to the whole module. * This part obfuscate all the always true predicates of the module. * More precisely, the condition which predicate is FCMP_TRUE. * It also remove all the functions' basic blocks' and instructions' names. */bool doF(Module &M){  // In this part we extract all always-true predicate and replace them with opaque predicate:  // For this, we declare two global values: x and y, and replace the FCMP_TRUE predicate with  // (y < 10 || x * (x + 1) % 2 == 0)  // A better way to obfuscate the predicates would be welcome.  // In the meantime we will erase the name of the basic blocks, the instructions  // and the functions.
//  The global valuesTwine * varX = new Twine("x");Twine * varY = new Twine("y");Value * x1 =ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 0, false);Value * y1 =ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 0, false);
GlobalVariable * x = new GlobalVariable(M, Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), false, GlobalValue::CommonLinkage, (Constant * )x1, *varX);GlobalVariable * y = new GlobalVariable(M, Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), false, GlobalValue::CommonLinkage, (Constant * )y1, *varY);
std::vector<Instruction*> toEdit, toDelete;BinaryOperator *op,*op1 = NULL;LoadInst * opX , * opY;ICmpInst * condition, * condition2;// Looking for the conditions and branches to transformfor(Module::iterator mi = M.begin(), me = M.end(); mi != me; ++mi){  for(Function::iterator fi = mi->begin(), fe = mi->end(); fi != fe; ++fi){    //fi->setName("");    TerminatorInst * tbb= fi->getTerminator();    if(tbb->getOpcode() == Instruction::Br){      BranchInst * br = (BranchInst *)(tbb);      if(br->isConditional()){        FCmpInst * cond = (FCmpInst *)br->getCondition();        unsigned opcode = cond->getOpcode();        if(opcode == Instruction::FCmp){          if (cond->getPredicate() == FCmpInst::FCMP_TRUE){            toDelete.push_back(cond); // The condition            toEdit.push_back(tbb);    // The branch using the condition          }        }      }    }    /*    for (BasicBlock::iterator bi = fi->begin(), be = fi->end() ; bi != be; ++bi){      bi->setName(""); // setting the basic blocks' names    }    */  }}

添加新的条件跳转,删除旧的条件跳转,注释里的条件给错了,从代码来看应该是if y < 10 || x*(x-1) % 2 == 0,不过也差不多:

// Replacing all the branches we foundfor(std::vector<Instruction*>::iterator i =toEdit.begin();i!=toEdit.end();++i){  //if y < 10 || x*(x+1) % 2 == 0  opX = new LoadInst ((Value *)x, "", (*i));  opY = new LoadInst ((Value *)y, "", (*i));
op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, (Value *)opX, ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 1, false), "", (*i)); op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Mul, (Value *)opX, op, "", (*i)); op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::URem, op1, ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 2, false), "", (*i)); condition = new ICmpInst((*i), ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, op, ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 0, false)); condition2 = new ICmpInst((*i), ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT, opY, ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext()), 10, false)); op1 = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, (Value *)condition, (Value *)condition2, "", (*i));
BranchInst::Create(((BranchInst*)*i)->getSuccessor(0), ((BranchInst*)*i)->getSuccessor(1),(Value *) op1, ((BranchInst*)*i)->getParent()); (*i)->eraseFromParent(); // erase the branch}

另外在IDA里这个条件有时候会变成if y >= 10 && x*(x-1) % 2 != 0:

// Erase all the associated conditions we foundfor(std::vector<Instruction*>::iterator i =toDelete.begin();i!=toDelete.end();++i){  DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("gen", errs() << "bcf: Erase condition instruction:"      << *((Instruction*)*i)<< "\n");  (*i)->eraseFromParent();}

0x06. 总结

在研究虚假控制流的源码之前属实没想到它的代码会比控制流平坦化多出几百行。原因之一是在复制基本块时要处理PHI Node和一些Debug信息,以及添加垃圾指令(不知道这样做是不是为了防止IDA识别重复的基本块);原因之二是代码中有很多debug语句,也占据了半壁江山;最后一点就是作者的代码风格问题了,感觉有点肿胀。
总的来说还是很有收获啦!不过在研究过程中还是有一些没弄懂的地方,比如PHI Noderemap到底是个什么remap法,简单的映射成nullptr不会有问题吗?然后就是Lifetime IntrinsicsDebug Intrinsics到底是个啥也没弄明白。希望有大佬能指点迷津。

- 结尾 -



  *这里由看雪论坛 34r7hm4n原创,转载请注明来自看雪精华社区。

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