Per-Site Permissions in Edge
2021-03-30 10:18:12 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:169 收藏

Last year, I wrote about how the new Microsoft Edge browser mostly ignores Security Zones (except in very rare circumstances) to configure security and permissions decisions. Instead, in Chromium per-site permissions are controlled by settings and policies expressed using a simple syntax with limited wildcarding support.

Settings Page’s Site Permissions and Group Policy

Internet Explorer offered around 88 URLAction permissions, but the majority (62) of these settings have no equivalent; for instance, there are a dozen that control various features of ActiveX controls, a technology that does not exist in the new Edge.

Unfortunately, there’s no document mapping the old URLActions to the new equivalents (if any) available within the new Edge. 

When users open chrome://settings/content/siteDetails?site=, they’ll find a long list of configuration switches and lists for various permissions. Users rarely use the Settings Page directly, instead making choices using various widgets and toggles in the Page Info dropdown (which appears when you click the lock) or via various prompts or buttons at the right-edge of the address bar/omnibox.

Enterprises can use Group Policy to provision site lists for individual policies that control the browser’s behavior. To find these policies, simply open the Edge Group Policy documentation and search for ForUrls to find the policies that allow and block behavior based on the loaded site’s URL. I recently wrote a post about Chromium’s URL Filter syntax, which doesn’t always work like one might expect. Most of the relevant settings are listed within the Group Policy for Content Settings.

There are also a number of policies whose names contain Default that control the default behavior for a given setting.

Here’s a list of Site Settings with information about their policies and behavior:

As you can see, some of these settings are very obscure (WebSerial, WebMIDI) while others will almost never be changed away from their defaults (Images).


Impatient optimist. Dad. Author/speaker. Created Fiddler & SlickRun. PM @ MSFT '01-'12, and '18-, presently working on Microsoft Edge. My words are my own.
