Spring Flowers, 2021
2021-04-12 04:00:00 Author: www.tbray.org(查看原文) 阅读量:106 收藏

48 hours ago I got my first Covid-19 vaccine dose, and today I took the camera for a stroll, hunting spring flowers. What a long strange trip it’s been.

Timothy Bray was vaccinated April 9th, 2021

Should I be concerned that the drugstore guy didn’t bother to sign? By the way, CHADOX1-S RECOMBINANT is better known as Astra Zeneca.

Vaccinated how? · They’re currently working their way through really old people and other targeted groups like teachers and some industrial workers with the Pfizer and Moderna. There seem to be a fair number of AZ doses arriving, and they’re not recommended for people under 55. So those of us in the 55-65 bracket can sign up at pharmacy branches; I did a couple of weeks back and got an SMS Friday morning.

I felt really baffed out and sore the day after, and just a bit sore today; nothing a bit of Ibuprofen can’t handle. Apparently in Canada we’re on multi-month delay between shots; so it’s not clear when I can go see my Mom, who got her first Pfizer dose on Mach 19th.

April 2021 · It’s been a cold blustery spring but that doesn’t seem to bother the botanicals, especially the fruit trees, some of whom have already peaked.

Flowering fruit tree in Vancovuer’s Riley Park neighborhood

Spot the clothesline.

Nobody I know closely has been struck down by Covid, but people I love are suffering from one ailment or another as I write because that’s how life is. I live in a country with seasons, which means we are all subject to morale-boosting sensory stimuli at this time of year. Grab hold of them! We can all use all the help we can get.

Tiny flowers, April in Vancouver

From here on in, the pictures are courtesy of the strong-willed 40-year-old Pentax 100/F2.8.

What comes next, as the vaccinated proportion of the population grows monotonically (but asymptotically) and then the wave of second doses washes up behind the first’s?

I guess I’m talking about people in the privileged parts of the world, since it looks like the spread of vaccinations will be measurably, irrefutably, deeply racist and joined at the hip with the world’s egregiously awful class structure.

I just want to go to a rock concert.

These rhodos re ready to burst.

Rhododendron blossoms about to open

I’m kind of jaded about daffodils but this one was so pretty against the backdrop that I couldn’t resist.

Daffodil with something pink behind

I hope everyone reading this has something to look forward to so that getting out of bed Monday morning is more than just a chore. Failing that, if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere anyhow, there are incoming flowers. Tell them I said hello.

Mixed flowers in April in Vancouver

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文章来源: https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/202x/2021/04/11/Sping-2021