2021-04-22 18:12:05 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:515 收藏


What is dorking?

Google hacking or Dorking is nothing more than a way of looking for things a little more specialized, by the name “Google Hacking” you can give the impression that it is only used in google, but that is not correct. Dorking is nothing more than an advanced search where we use operators that function as a filter to direct the search directly to where we want, we also use symbols to search for exact words or phrases. This will help us to search almost any search engine that we find on the internet.


Knowing a little about “Dorking” helps us in many aspects of our life, it is not only to search for vulnerable pages, remember that the term “Hacking” is first used when a person masters a thing to such a degree that he can see things from other points of view and thus get to see or achieve things that other people can not, if we leave a bit of computer science we can use an example.
A mechanic who has been working with cars for years and specializes in engines, over time he already understands the problems of an engine much better than any other mechanic, having much more experience in the matter, it can be said that he is a “hacker “in mechanics for getting to know that.
Returning to the topic of Dorking it is very important that all people know a little about this, in this writing we will try to explain in as much detail as possible how to start and if you already know something about this you can reinforce basic topics.

Basic concepts

As explained before, these advanced searches use operators and symbols, such as the following:

Let’s start with some very common operators:

  • site: it only looks for results within the web that goes behind “site:”
  • Ejemplo: this search will only show us results from the Google page
  • intitle o allintitle: Will only search titles
  • Ejemplo: intitle:"Google dorking" This search will show us only articles that have the phrase “google dorkin” in their titleinurl o allinurl: los resultados estarán en la url de las paginas
  • Ejemplo: inurl: /parametro.php?id=This search will show us page results where they contain “/parametro.php?id=” in their url.

Note: This can be confused a bit at the beginning with the “site” operator because if we do not express well what we want to find and we put a website, it will show us the same result as the “site” operator. Remember that a link or url has the following syntax depending on whether or not the administrator of the page configured the links to be more friendly.

Site with unfriendly links:

Site with friendly links:
  • filetype o ext: just search for (doc, xls, txt…)
  • This operator is accompanied by one of those we have just seen. Example: filetype:.pdf

This search will show us the .pdf files that are “loose” or that are filtered on the net from the page

  • related
  • Ejemplo: relates: It will show us pages similar to google, that is, it will show us other search engines
  • cache: shows the result in the Google cache of a web page.
  • Ejemplo: It will show us the web page saved in the google cachedefine: busca definiciones de palablas
  • Ejemplo: define:linux It will show us results where it is defined that it is linux
  • Allintext o intext: we will look for the exact phrase that we put
  • Ejemplo: Allintext:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz It will show us pages where the alphabet is
  • weather:
  • Ejemplo: weather:México
  • stock: it will show us financial information
  • Ejemplo: stock:TSLAThis will show us the financial information of the stock market
  • link: It shows us the pages where the page we are looking for is linked
  • Ejemplo: It will show us all the pages that link any youtube link on your page

Now we are going to see some very important symbols:

  • ” ” (comillas): search for exact phrase
  • Ejemplo: "alert(Y000!)" In this case I am looking for my own nickname or my twitter nick
  • + y - : include or exclude any word
  • ejemplo: animals -dogs This gives us as a result many pages that talk about animals but tries to exclude all the pages that talk about dogs
  • * : wildcard, any word, but only one word.
  • Ejemplo: site:* Which will show us all the google pages including their subdomains.

First of all, we have to be very clear about what we want to achieve, what we are going to look for and what we want to find.

In order to start Google hacking, seeing from a perspective where we want to find “information” that not everyone can find, we have to know files that contain that information, we have to know the systems on which a web page is based, we have to be aware of everything a little.

The first example that we are going to see is how to find the file “robots.txt”, but first to find that file we have to know: What is it? What does it contain? Why do the pages use it? looking for something just by looking for it without knowing what it is.

The “robots.txt” file is to facilitate the indexing of a website. This file is used to instruct the robots on what content they should and should not crawl and how they should do it. In easier words, this file is used to make the web page “safe” from google searches, since in the file come the pages that the administrator does not want to be seen in the google results, come on, that is how to exclude the pages not to be found.

This specific file is written as follows:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /example/
Disallow: /1/example/
Disallow: /2/
Disallow: /example2/
Disallow: /example3/
Disallow: /3/example4
Disallow: /3333
Allow: /i_want_to_be_visited
Allow: /i_want_it_too

It is used in the following way in the link of the page:

With which we have many ways to find it, for example … we know in which part of the link it is, we know that it is used in the url:

we can do a search like the following:

inurl:robots.txt but this will show us very general results and it may be that it finds the file or something related to it

This is when we are going to actually use the operators, we are going to mix them up for best results: usando el operador “site” + “inurl” We do the search much more specific: inurl:robots.txt With this we focus that the search is on the google page, and voila! gives us as a result:

but if we want to make the search much more specific we can use:

site:* inurl:/robots.txt intext:"User-agent:"

In this case we are reducing the results to only pages that have the .com domain together with .mx “” which means that we are looking for Mexican pages since the .mx domain belongs to pages hosted in Mexico, when finding These pages apply the operator inurl: /robots.txt that reduces even more pages found to only those that contain the word “robots.txt” in their url, finally enter intext: “User-agent:” to reduce even more the previous results and verifying that the pages found before have the word “user-agent:” in them, now we can ensure that the pages we find will show us the robots.txt file for each page.

That’s just one example of how to use operators to find cool stuff.

On the other hand, we can also focus on looking for pages that are made in a specific CMS, for example WORDPRESS, this has been characterized by being very comfortable to work in and quite easy since it contains many plugins that can be very helpful, but at the same time these plugins can come with many flaws that allow someone else to exploit various vulnerabilities.

To find pages created in WORDPRESS, first we have to know a little about it, its basic structure of files and folders, the most important files … etc, here I will try to explain a little to better understand why it is important to know that:
WORDPRESS uses the following structure in its url:

https://tudominio/wp-admin o https://tudominio/wordpress/wp-admin o https://tudominio/wp/wp-admin

Wordpress important folders and files:

* wp-admin: Folder where the WordPress back-end files are saved, this part of the installation is never modified. * Wp-content: It is the folder where all the content is saved in file format (not database)* wp-includes: It is a folder of files that WordPress needs to work, its API and the main libraries are in this folder that is never modified. * Index.php: it is the main file that is accessed and from where the rest of the parts are loaded of WordPress.* wp-config-sample.php: This file is the template of what will finally be the WP-CONFIG.PHP file after the installation of the CMS * xmlrpc.php: It is a file that offers communication through the XMLRPC.PHP protocol, currently WordPress receives many attacks through of this file, so it is important to emphasize its safety and protection.* wp-login.php:  It is a very important file, since it is the one that is in charge of managing the login of users, both normal users and administrators.

Now, with that in mind, we already get an idea of how to find pages created in wordpress using dorking:

We know how wordpress behaves to create its url, to find pages we can use the following:

inurl:/wordpress/wp-content inurl:/wordpress/wp-admin inurl:/wordpress/wp-includes

Here we are looking directly for a folder in the wordpress directory using inurl, which will show us many pages where we will access (if we have the permission) directly to the wordpress files.

In this part I will use as a complement a thread from my own twitter account where I have published many dorks that I find interesting and we are going to analyze some of them here:

The first one that we are going to use will be:

inurl: wp-config.php intext: DB_PASSWORD -stackoverflow -wpbeginner -forum -forum -topic -blog -about -docs -articles

This dork allows us to find pages created in wordpress and we are looking specifically for the wp-config.php file, then we use intext: DB_PASSWORD to filter the results where that word is found, which is to find database configurations, we find information such as: users, password, database name … etc, very important information that should not be visible to any person, finally we have words with a “-” that means that we are excluding those words from our search.

Another very interesting dork is the following:

intitle: “Index Of” intext: “iCloud Photos” OR intext: “My Photo Stream” OR intext: “Camera Roll”

In this example we use intitle: “index of” which is to find directories within the web page, that means that we are looking for pages that contain a list of directories inside, normally these are not visible, then we are filtering the results between several intext and OR which means that we are looking for any of those 3 phrases.

In this case we are looking for vulnerable iCloud devices, with which we can see all the photos that are being shared. This dork can be modified to find different things.

But not only do we use the dorks to find folders or files, we can also find servers running a service:

intitle: “Welcome to JBoss” inurl: “8080 / jmx-console”

With those dorks we can find servers running the Jboss system.

Dorking is closely related to sql and xss injections, as many hackers make use of dorks to find vulnerable pages. If you want to go a little deeper into sql injections, I recommend that you go through this writing that I also created and focuses on that:

In this writing I try to explain in a very detailed way the bases for an sql injection either manually or automatically using tools.
Returning to the topic, making use of some dorks makes it easier to search to find pages vulnerable to sql and xss injections, some are:






inurl:".php?cat="+intext:"/Buy Now/"
inurl:".php?id=" intext:"View cart"
inurl:".php?id=" intext:"/store/"

inurl:".php?id=" intext:"Buy Now"
inurl:".php?id=" intext:"add to cart"
inurl:".php?id=" intext:"shopping"
inurl:".php?id=" intext:"boutique"
inurl:".php?cid=" intext:"Buy Now"

inurl:".php?id=" intext:"/shop/"
inurl:".php?id=" intext:"toys"
inurl:".php?cid=" intext:"shopping"
inurl:".php?cid=" intext:"add to cart"

inurl:".php?cid=" intext:"View cart"
inurl:".php?cid=" intext:"boutique"
inurl:".php?cid=" intext:"/store/"
inurl:".php?cid=" intext:"/shop/"
inurl:".php?cid=" intext:"Toys"
inurl:".php?cat=" intext:"/store/"

We can also find cameras in which we can enter

intitle:”Live View / – AXIS"

Using Dorks we can also focus on OSINT, which is a set of techniques and tools to collect public information.

to search for names:

“nombre” site:página web“nombre” site:


inurl:username site:páginaallinurl:username site:página

Search information of a web page, obtain pages related to it and all its subdomains:

Búsquedas en una página web:
site:http://example.comPáginas parecidas:
related: Subdominios:
site:* -www


These will help us collect emails from different web pages:“” “email” filetype:csv | filetype:xls | filetype:xlsx site: filetype:xls

extra by @pedr4uz:

"person_name" intext:cpf AND filetype:pdfderivado -> "person_name" intitle:aprovado + intext:cpf AND filetype:X

As we could see in this writing, knowing Dorking well opens up a world of possibilities, a world where it is easier for us to find information that anyone else would not find easily, as we understand well this use of specialized searches we have a lot power, that is why it is good and I would like to make it very clear, much of the information that we can find may be that it is protected and therefore we can get in trouble if we access without permission. Everything learned in this article is purely for educational purposes, whatever use they want to give is the decision of each one.
