These are the steps!

Compile NuttX ble example:

$ ./tools/ esp32c3-devkit:ble
$ make download ESPTOOL_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0
$ minicom
NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.1.0-RC1
nsh> ifconfig
bnep0 Link encap:UNSPEC at DOWN
inet addr: DRaddr: Mask:
nsh> ?
help usage: help [-v] []
. cat df help ls ps source unset
[ cd echo hexdump mkdir pwd test usleep
? cp exec ifconfig mkrd rm time xd
arp cmp exit ifdown mount rmdir true
basename dirname false ifup mv set uname
break dd free kill nslookup sleep umount
Builtin Apps:
bt sh nsh
nsh> bt
ERROR: Missing interface name
    bt <ifname> <cmd> [option [option [option...]]]                                   
Where [option [option [option…]]] is one of:
    info            [-h]                                                              
    features        [-h] [le]                                                         
    scan            [-h] <start [-d]|get|stop>                                        
    advertise       [-h] <start|stop>                                                 
    security        [-h] <addr> public|private <level>                                
    gatt            [-h] <cmd> [option [option [option...]]]                          
Use the -h option on any command to get more info.
nsh> bt bnep0 info
Device: bnep0
BDAddr: 01:23:45:67:89:ab
Flags: 0000
Free: 20
ACL: 20
SCO: 0
ACL: 24
SCO: 0
ACL: 70
SCO: 70
Policy: 0
Type: 0
nsh> bt bnep0 scan
ERROR: Missing scan command
scan: Scan commands:
    bt <ifname> scan [-h] <start [-d]|get|stop>                                       
Where the options do the following:
    start   - Starts scanning.  The -d option enables duplicate                       
    get     - Shows new accumulated scan results                                      
    stop    - Stops scanning                                                          
nsh> bt bnep0 scan start
nsh> bt bnep0 scan stop
nsh> bt bnep0 scan get
Scan result:
  1. addr: f3:d5:9a:7f:79:54 type: 1
    rssi: -76
    response type: 4
    advertiser data: 2. addr: 68:72:67:2a:9b:bc type: 1
    rssi: -79
    response type: 3
    advertiser data: 1e ff 06 00 01 09 20 02 63 5f d2 79 cb a0 c7 3d
    bb e9 0f 0c e8 e3 56 59 82 82 d4 59 5a d2 97
  2. addr: 48:68:49:2f:b5:09 type: 1
    rssi: -87
    response type: 2
    advertiser data: 02 01 1a 0a ff c4 00 06 34 03 12 14 16 80 02 0a
    d4 03 03 b9 fe 08 1b 00 2d 97 67 12 dd 78
  3. addr: 48:68:49:2f:b5:09 type: 1
    rssi: -85
    response type: 4
    advertiser data: 18 09 5b 4c 47 5d 20 77 65 62 4f 53 20 54 56 20
    55 4d 37 32 37 30 50 53 41 02 0a d4
  4. addr: 7e:91:3c:ef:a4:37 type: 1
    rssi: -87
    response type: 3
    advertiser data: 1e ff 06 00 01 09 20 02 16 3c 09 4a 4e 1b 3f c0
    e3 d3 8b 92 0d 21 32 0a 67 30 9a 0b 7b 6d bb