Accidental Bug leads to google honorable-mentions
2021-12-16 01:18:02 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:22 收藏


Hey fellow hackers and bug hunter’s,

Story of my google hall of fame

Bug Name : Error message discloses the source code of the website.

Severity : Low

In google bughunters website, Google provided the targets to hunt.So i chosen the target called “*” .At first glance , onduo does not have much functionalities to test.Then i did directory bruteforce,But it also ended up with vein.

I gathered all the subdomains of using Subfinder.I don’t know why i clicked the subdomain called “” and this is also have same as the main website.But when i go to “” it ends up with the 404 page and i think this is also the same for “”.But when i visit it discloses the error message of template not found with some source code of the website.

I reported this to google at oct 27 ,6AM.I thought google would have close this report as NA/duplicate.But they replied as I’ve filed a bug with the responsible product team based on your report.

This is my first google bug was accepted after reporting 6 reports.

Thank you for reading this writeup.

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