Frida Video Tutorial Series for Reverse Engineers
2020-6-22 13:35:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:21 收藏

Frida Video Tutorial Series for Reverse Engineers

I decided to create a video tutorial series about basics of Frida and how it can help you automate lot of your reverse engineering effort.

The playlist is availble here 

  1. Frida Tutorial for Reverse Engineers 1 of 10: Installing Frida on Windows
  2. Frida Tutorial for Reverse Engineers 2 of 10: Instrumenting Your First Windows API with frida-trace
  3. Frida Tutorial for Reverse Engineers 3 of 10: Setting up Frida on Android for Instrumentation
  4. Frida Tutorial for Reverse Engineers 4 of 10: Getting Your hands Dirty with Frida's Python Binding
  5. Frida Tutorial for Reverse Engineers 5 of 10: Measuring Code Coverage of a Binary
  6. Frida Tutorial for Reverse Engineers 6 of 10: Instrument Unexported Functions using Debugging Symbol
